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README for the DocBook Website distribution

Website is an XML DTD and XSL stylesheet collection for building,
er, web sites.

For installation information, see the INSTALL file. This README
file provides some minimal documentation on authoring, validating,
and transforming Website documents.

Website how-to guides
For more complete how-to information, see the following:

  Website chapter in Bob Stayton's "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide

  Website example

The Website example is also in the example/ subdirectory in the
Website distribution (which may have been renamed to "examples" if
you have installed Website from a package via the
package-management system for your OS).

Authoring and validating with DTDs (website.dtd or website-full.dtd)
To do DTD-driven authoring and validation of DocBook Website
documents, add a DOCTYPE to your documents using either a PUBLIC
or SYSTEM ID with the appropriate URI for either the included
website.dtd (based on Simplified DocBook) or website-full.dtd
(based on full DocBook) DTDs.

For example:

  <!DOCTYPE website PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website V2.6//EN"

IMPORTANT: The example above may not be up-to-date. For the
           current PUBLIC ID and URI see the actual website.dtd
           and website-full.dtd files. 

Authoring with RELAX NG (website.rnc and website-full.rnc)
To do RNC-driven authoring of DocBook Website content with a
"RELAX NG aware" XML editing application such as Emacs/nXML,
oXygen XML Editor, XMLBuddy, or Exchanger XML Editor, point your
editing application at the included website.rnc (based on
Simplified DocBook) or website-full.rnc (based on full DocBook)
schema files.

Alternatively, if you are authoring with an editor, such as
Emacs/nXML mode, that supports schema "locating rules", use the
included locatingrules.xml file. It tells your editor to
automatically associate any documents whose root element is
"webpage" (DocBook Website documents), with (by default) the
website.rnc schema. To have "webpage" documents instead associated
with the website-full.rnc, edit the locatingrules.xml file.

To use the locating-rules.xml file with Emacs/nXML mode, either

  - do M-x customize-variable rng-schema-locating-files and then
    add the absolute path to the locatingrules.xml file there


  - put the following into your .emacs file:

      (setq rng-schema-locating-files

  Of course, replace the ~/docbook-website/locatingrules.xml
  pathname with the appropriate location for your system.

Validating with RELAX NG (website.rnc and website-full.rnc)
To validate Website documents using RELAX NG, do either of the

  1. Use RNV[1]; for example:

     rnv ~/docbook-website/website.rnc foo.xml

  2. Use the xmllint tool from libxml2[1]; for example:

     xmllint --noout --relaxng ~/docbook-website/website.rng foo.xml

     IMPORTANT: If you use xmllint, you need to validate against
                the *.rng versions of the schemas, not the *.rnc


Transforming your Website documents to HTML
Generating a website from your DocBook Website XML sources is a
multi-step process. The details are beyond the scope of this
README. For complete information, see the "Website how-to guides"
section at the beginning of this README.

You can learn a lot by looking through the Makefile-example.txt
file included in the example/ directory. That is the actual
Makefile that was used, during the build of this distribution, to
generate the HTML output in the example/ directory.

You can re-generate the output in the examples directory using the
following steps.

1. Copy the example/ directory to another location (so that you
   don't overwrite the original) and then change to that location.

     cp -pR /foo/docbook-website/example /tmp
     cd /tmp/example

2. Rename the Makefile-example.txt file to "Makefile".

     mv Makefile-example.txt Makefile

3. Examine the Makefile and change the values of the following
   variables as needed.


4. Clean out the existing HTML output.

     make clean

5. Re-generate the HTML output.


   That will build the default "tabular" version of the site.

6. Optionally, you can also:

     * generate the alternative "non-tabular" version of the site
     * post-process all of the HTML content with 'tidy'

   The easiest way to do those things is to feed 'make' some
   variables on the command line: