- Revert previous changes and solve null-aware operation warning in a way that the package is warn-free for Flutter 2 and 3.
- Remove unnecessary null-aware operation
that throws a compiler warning since Flutter 3.0.1
- Update packages for Flutter 3.0.0
- Add custom zoom buttons
- Add FVM config
- Add
callback event
- Fix autocomplete search vertical offset in containers
- Update geolocator
- onMapCreated event pass-through
- Update google_maps_webservice
- Update geolocator
- Upgrade packages and target platforms
- Fix passing-through GoogleMap widget callbacks
- Fix permanent loading indicator when using search bar on iOS
- Fix old address showing up when moving the pin
- Remove automatic scrolling to pick area when trying to pick an invalid location
- Allow providing button texts
- Allow providing an introduction modal
- Add possibility to use custom back navigation event
- Provide additional
on someGoogleMap
- Hot fix regarding
event access
- Updated colors and shapes
- Expose essential
- Fixed runtime and deploy issues on iOS
- Forked
- Added allowed pick area feature
- Improved place details widget
- Updated google_maps_webservice to 0.0.20-nullsafety.2
- Fixed bugs (PR #106, #108)
- Updated to handle nullsafety.
- Updated to solve nullsafety issues
- Fixed bug related to infinite loading.
- Updated google_maps_flutter version to 1.0.2 which is now out of developer preview.
- Updated geolocator version to 6.0.0.
- Added permission package to improve checking permissions. Issue #66
- Added gestureRecognizers to make it possible to navigate the map when it's a child in a scroll view. Issue #52. Pull-request #64.
- Applied pull-request #67 (@Darkeyren)
- Added [autocompleteOnTrailingWhitespace] parameter. Issue(Pull request) #54 (@therladbsgh)
- Updated geolocator version to 5.3.1 which contains updated version of google_api_availability.
- Updated google_maps_flutter package to 0.5.25+3
- Added NSLocation Descriptions in order to avoid iOS error when using useCurrentLocation. (See Geolocator pacakge regarding iOS Settings)
- Added [automaticallyImplyAppBarLeading] parameter to allow removing back button on the app bar if needed. Issue #23
- Added [forceSearchOnZoomChanged] parameter to allow place search even when the zoom has changed. Issue #21
- Hot fix. DO NOT use 0.8.1 anymore.
- Fixed bug that auto complete search prediction layout is not displaying.
- Added location service checking logic when using [useCurrentLocation].
- Added [forceAndroidLocationManager] parameter for GeoLocator package.
- Updated GeoLocator version to 5.3.0.
- Bug Fixed. Changing orientation of the device will not break UI of search prediction anymore. Issue #15
- New feature. You can now set [initialSearchString] and [searchForInitialValue]. Issue(Pull Request) #14 (@moritzdouda)
- Bug Fixed. Changing orientation of the device will not break UI of Floating card anymore. Issue #15
- Bug Fixed. [autoCompleteLanguage] will now display the correct result.
- Bug Fixed. Fixed throwing rendering exception when [useCurrentLocation] is set to false. Issue #11.
- [initialPosition] has been set to Required paramater since Google Map needs at least one initial position of the camera. Issue #10.
- Feature added. You can set resizeToAvoidBottomInset for the scaffold to avoid resizing screen when keyboard is shown.
- Example modified. Removed MediaQuery.of(context) from the example as it will cause rebuild.
- Feature added. Now, initial position of the map can be 'selected' automatically.
- Fixed bug. Map icons are now positioned correctly.
- Fixed iOS obsoleted in swift 4.2 issue for the example.
- Added region option for auto-complete search.
- Updated README.md for added parameters.
- Added options for auto-complete search. Now you can narrow down the result using offset, radius, language, types, components and strictbounds.
- Updated README.md for added parameters.
- Minor bug Fix.
- Added 'usePinPointingSearch' option. Setting it to false will not allow user to get a place info with map dragging. Defaults to true.
- Added 'usePlaceDetailSearch' option. Setting this to true will get detailed result from searching by dragging the map, but will use +1 request on Place Detail API. Defaults to false.
- Fixed bug of not returning Searching state to 'selectedPlaceWidgetBuilder'.
- Fixed bug of unnecessary search (issue #4). No extra searching will be performed from now when camera is moved by auto-complete search.
- Fixed bug that autoComplete search prediction is remaining on screen when poping from map page. (Issue #3)
- Search bar no longer relies on appBarRenderBox height. Position is fixed to 86 on top.
- Added example for changing colour
- AutoComplete search prediction's title colour now relies on Theme.of(context).textTheme.title.color
- The colors of FloatingCard (Prediction tile on the map) can be controlled by Theme Data.
- Fixed back button for iOS (StanfordLin).
- Pin color will be default to [Red] from now. You can still customize your pin using pinBuilder if you don't like default style ;).
- Updated example to apply changed function
- Updated README for more information about result callback
- Added onResult callback. Now we can listen for the callback to get the result instead of using Navigator callback.
- Updated additional information regarding 'PickResult' data
- Fixed typo
- Updated additional information regarding 'geolocator' settings
- flutter format for suggested files
- flutter format for suggested files
- Re-write package description
- Update parameter info
- Map buttons added
- Added function. Picking place by dragging camera
- Bug fix: minor
- Fix typo
- Refactoring
- Initial release