Apollo is based on an strong open-source philosophy so we would love your contributions.
Apollo is built on top of several opensource tecnologies:
- Packer for automating the build of the base images
- Terraform for provisioning the infrastructure
- Apache Mesos for cluster management, scheduling and resource isolation
- Consul for service discovery, DNS
- Docker for application container runtimes
- Weave for networking of docker containers
We want Apollo core to be as slim as possible providing a cloud agnostic Mesos cluster with an autodiscovery system based on consul for multi-service tasks.
This reduces the impact of core changes allowing the user to customise Apollo behaviour via plugins for satisfying the requirements of a given project.
If you find an issue belonging to any of the tools used by Apollo please, refer to the pertinent project.
Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the Apollo repo.
Fork the repo, develop and test your feature.
Submit a pull request.
We want Apollo to be as pluggable as possible making contributions easier via core-agnostic plugins giving them freedom and flexibility regarding isolated testing, development and release management.
A new Apollo plugin is purely an Ansible role stuck to some Apollo conventions and hooked into an Apollo deploy.
- Create the new ansible role:
At the moment we rely on ansible-galaxy for generating scaffolder, we might be providing a custom tool for generating a scaffolder matching better the Apollo conventions soon.
ansible-galaxy init marathon
Write your code e.g yet another framework on top of Mesos and push it into its own git repo.
- Hook up a the new plugin adding your role into contrib-plugins/plugins.yml. For more info see advanced-control-over-role-requirements-files. E.g:
# Apollo plugins.
- src: https://github.com/Capgemini/your-plugin-repo.git
path: contrib-plugins/roles
name: marathon
- Add the plugin into the playbook by editing contrib-plugins/playbook.yml like:
- hosts: mesos_masters
- marathon
You can now put "contrib-plugins" folder under a control version system.
Test your new plugin by running:
ansible-galaxy install -r contrib-plugins/plugins.yml
/bin/bash apollo_launch.sh
- When creating a new plugin we are keen on using the ansible role for deploying Mesos frameworks inside containers so we achieve total flexibility, reusability and portabilty across operating systems.
# tasks for running docker marathon
- name: run marathon container
when: marathon_enabled
name: marathon
image: "{{ marathon_image }}"
state: started
restart_policy: "{{ marathon_restart_policy }}"
- "{{ marathon_port }}:{{ marathon_port }}"
- "{{ marathon_port }}"
net: "{{ marathon_net }}"
command: "{{ marathon_command }}"
- "{{ marathon_artifact_store_dir }}:/store"
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock"
memory_limit: "{{ marathon_container_memory_limit }}"
JAVA_OPTS: "{{ marathon_java_settings }}"
- wait for marathon to listen
- The variables in the role following the pattern:
pluginname_variablename: value
will be automatically overridable via environment variables using the pattern "APOLLO_PLUGINNAME_VARNAME". Every plugin should provide the capacity for been enabled or disabled via these variables e.g:
marathon_enabled: true
marathon_version: '0.9.0-RC3'
- It's usually a good idea attach a process manager to manage it
description "Marathon container"
start on started docker
stop on stopping docker
/usr/bin/docker start -a marathon
end script
respawn limit 10 10
kill timeout 10
- name: ensure marathon is running (and enable it at boot)
when: marathon_enabled
sudo: yes
name: marathon
state: started
enabled: yes
- marathon
- Your plugin must ensure state is consistent when it is disabled, e.g:
- name: ensure marathon is stopped
when: not marathon_enabled
sudo: yes
name: marathon
state: stopped
enabled: yes
- marathon
- Create Consul Healchecks
"service": {
"name": "marathon",
"tags": [ "marathon" ],
"port": {{ marathon_port }},
"check": {
"script": "curl --silent --show-error --fail --dump-header /dev/stderr --retry 2 http://{{ marathon_hostname }}:{{ marathon_port }}/ping",
"interval": "10s"
Apollo gives only official support for core plugins.
If you think your plugin should be part of Apollo core plugins please create a new issue describing your feature, and explaining the motivation.
You can hook up your own plugins into Apollo even if they are not core plugins as explained in section above.