This is a repository to host programming assignments of the course Logic Synthesis and Verification at National Taiwan University. It is forked from the repository ABC of UC Berkeley.
We will follow a common git feature branch workflow for submission. Programming assignments must be submitted via a pull request to a student's branch. All enrolled students will have their own branches named by their students' ID numbers. If you cannot find your own branch, please contact the TA. If you don't know how to send a pull request, please read through this document.
We will allocate a period of time for submission. Outside the submission period this repository will be locked down: it will not accept any pull request. You must send a pull request during the submission period.
Please note that your fork of this public repository will also be public, which means that if you push your code to the fork, it is visible to everyone. In case you want to prevent other students from copying your solution, an easy way is to push and send a pull request at the last moment before the deadline.
Another complicated way is to create a private repository to develop your solutions, pull your code to the public fork after an assignment is finished, and send a pull request via the public fork. The benefit of this method is that you can push your code during the development and keep it private. The drawback is again you need to send a pull request close to the deadline, as PRs are visible to everyone. The detailed steps are documented here.
Topic: Getting familiar with git and GitHub
Task: Fill in your GitHub Account in this table via a pull request to the master branch.
Deadline: 2020.09.30
Tentative topic: Unateness checking of local nodes
Submission period: TBD
Tentative topic: Unateness checking of global PI/PO
Submission period: TBD
We recommend students to register their student IDs and GitHub accounts in this table.
TA: Nian-Ze Lee ([email protected])
For questions, you are encouraged to open an issue.
As other students might have the same questions, discussing in an issue will benefit everyone.
Note that you can set labels, e.g., PA0
, PA1
, etc, to classify your questions.