Inspired by the elegant API of requests and moment.js, Arrow provides a smooth, sensible approach to creating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times in Python.
- Drop-in replacement for datetime
- TZ-aware / UTC by default
- Concise syntax for creation from common inputs
- Attribute manipulation, plural names
- Rich parsing / formatting options for dates and timezones
- Timezone conversion
- Time spans, floors and ceilings
- Humanization
Arrow is UTC and timezone aware by default. When optional, time zones are assumed to be UTC when none is supplied.
>>> import arrow
>>> arrow.utcnow()
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:40:24.723023+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:40:26.778693-07:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:40:30.195922-07:00]>
>>> timestamp = time.time()
>>> arrow.get(timestamp)
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:15:14.864305+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(int(timestamp))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:15:14+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(str(timestamp))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:15:14.860000+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(datetime.utcnow())
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:18:40.031238+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get('PDT')))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:18:43.063150-07:00]>
>>> arrow.get(, 'PDT')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:19:33.262255-07:00]>
>>> arrow.get('2013-05-05 12:30:45', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30, 45)
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30, 45, tzinfo=tzlocal())
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45-07:00]>
>>> a = arrow.utcnow()
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:36:57.832340+00:00]>
>>> a.datetime
datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 5, 22, 36, 57, 832340, tzinfo=tzutc())
>>> a.timestamp
>>> a.tzinfo
>>>, 5, 5)
>>> a.time()
datetime.time(22, 36, 57, 832340)
>>> a.dst()
>>> a.utcoffset()
>>> a = arrow.utcnow()
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-05T22:27:52.831671+00:00]>
>>> a.hours += 1
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:27:52.831671+00:00]>
>>> a.hour += 1
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-06T00:27:52.831671+00:00]>
>>> arrow.utcnow().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z')
'2013-05-05 22:31:00 -0000'
>>> arrow.utcnow().to('local')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:33:07.449537-07:00]>
>>> arrow.utcnow().to('PDT')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:33:14.060642-07:00]>
>>> a = arrow.utcnow()
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:08:33.592862+00:00]>
>>> a.span('hour')
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T23:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
>>> a.floor('hour')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:00:00+00:00]>
>>> a.ceil('hour')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:59:59.999999+00:00]>
>>> a = arrow.utcnow()
>>> a
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:11:41.173136+00:00]>
>>> a.clone()
<Arrow [2013-05-05T23:11:41.173136+00:00]>
>>> a = arrow.utcnow()
>>> a.hours -= 1
>>> a.humanize()
'an hour ago'
- Implemented as datetime replacement
- Added date parsing
- Added date formatting
- Added floor, ceil and span methods
- Added datetime methods for drop-in replacement
- Added clone method
- Added get, now and utcnow API methods
- Added humanized time deltas
- Fixed numerous issues with conversions related to daylight savings time
- Fixed some inconsistencies in time zone names
- str uses ISO formatting
- eq implemented for basic comparison between Arrow objects
- Started tracking changes
- Added parsing of ISO-formatted time zone offsets (e.g. '+02:30', '-05:00')
- Fixed some incorrect timestamps with delta / olson time zones
- Fixed formatting of UTC offsets in TimeStamp's str method