This monorepo will eventually include all packages
needed and platforms
supported by Tracking Exposed
The browser extension of the youtube algorithm analysis toolkit for researcher, power user, and algorithm analysts.
Initially sponsored by ALEX from University of Amsterdam DATACTIVE reseaerch group. Maintained by the Technical team of Tracking Exposed, more details on
A complete Pupetteer wrapper to orchestrate reproducible data collection with YTTrEx extension, documented with the name of Guardoni
Maintained by the Technical and Research team of Tracking Exposed, more details on
The browser extension for YouChoose.AI and studio dashboard
Sponsored by the European Commission Ledger project in 2021, Develope by the technical team of YouChoose AI a project by Tracking Exposed. It is listed separately as we consider YouChoose should develop its own governance, reach out to us if you want to know more.
A portable data table written in React to display TRex data by pre-configured API.
Affero-GPL 3, as file attached in this repository display.