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Personal Property Prototype



This repository contains the application source code for the Personal Property Prototype, a possible next generation version of the Defense Personal Property System (DPS). DPS is an online system managed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) and is used by service members and their families to manage household goods moves.

This prototype was built by a Defense Digital Service team in support of USTRANSCOM's mission.

License Information

Works created by U.S. Federal employees as part of their jobs typically are not eligible for copyright in the United States. In places where the contributions of U.S. Federal employees are not eligible for copyright, this work is in the public domain. In places where it is eligible for copyright, such as some foreign jurisdictions, the remainder of this work is licensed under the MIT License, the full text of which is included in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository.

Table of Contents


Please check the Milmove Project Wiki for details on the project itself.

Supported Browsers

As of 3/6/2018, DDS has confirmed that support for IE is limited to IE 11 and Edge or newer versions. Currently, the intention is to encourage using Chrome and Firefox instead, with specific versions TBD. Research is incomplete on mobile browsers, but we are assuming support for iOS and Android. For more information please read ADR0016 Browser Support.

You'll need accounts for and the sandbox. These will require two-factor authentication, so have your second factor (one of: phone, authentication app, security key, CAC) on hand. To create an account at, use your regular email and follow the official instructions. To create an account in the sandbox, follow the same instructions, but in the sandbox server. Do not use your regular email address in the sandbox. Tip: You can use the plus sign + to create a new truss email address. [email protected] will be treated as a new address, but will be routed to [email protected].

Application Setup

Setup: Developer Setup

Note: These instructions are a living document and often fall out-of-date. If you run into anything that needs correcting or updating, please create a PR with those changes to help those coming after you.

See Setup: Nix for an experiment with a possibly simpler way to install all the developer dependencies

There are a number of things you'll need at a minimum to be able to check out, develop and run this project.

  • Install Homebrew
    • Use the following command /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • We normally use the latest version of Go unless there's a known conflict (which will be announced by the team) or if we're in the time period just after a new version has been released.
    • Install it with Homebrew: brew install go
    • Note: If you have previously modified your PATH to point to a specific version of go, make sure to remove that. This would be either in your .bash_profile or .bashrc, and might look something like PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin.
  • Ensure you are using the latest version of bash for this project:
    • Install it with Homebrew: brew install bash
    • Update list of shells that users can choose from: [[ $(cat /etc/shells | grep /usr/local/bin/bash) ]] || echo "/usr/local/bin/bash" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
    • If you are using bash as your shell (and not zsh, fish, etc) and want to use the latest shell as well then change it (optional): chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
    • Ensure that /usr/local/bin comes before /bin on your $PATH by running echo $PATH. Modify your path by editing ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile and changing the PATH. Then source your profile with source ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to ensure that your terminal has it.

Setup: Git

Use your work email when making commits to our repositories. The simplest path to correctness is setting global config:

git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Trusty Trussel"

If you drop the --global flag these settings will only apply to the current repo. If you ever re-clone that repo or clone another repo, you will need to remember to set the local config again. You won't. Use the global config. :-)

For web-based Git operations, GitHub will use your primary email unless you choose "Keep my email address private". If you don't want to set your work address as primary, please turn on the privacy setting.

Note that with 2-factor-authentication enabled, in order to push local code to GitHub through HTTPS, you need to create a personal access token and use that as your password.

Setup: Golang

All of Go's tooling expects Go code to be checked out in a specific location. Please read about Go workspaces for a full explanation. If you just want to get started, then decide where you want all your go code to live and configure the GOPATH environment variable accordingly. For example, if you want your go code to live at ~/code/go, you should add the following like to your .bash_profile:

export GOPATH=~/code/go

Golang expect the GOPATH environment variable to be defined. If you'd like to use the default location, then add the following to your .bash_profile or hardcode the default value. This line will set the GOPATH environment variable to the value of go env GOPATH if it is not already set.

export GOPATH=${GOPATH:-$(go env GOPATH)}

Regardless of where your go code is located, you need to add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH so that executables installed with the go tooling can be found. Add the following to your .bash_profile:

export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH

Finally to have these changes applied to your shell you must source your profile:

source ~/.bash_profile

You can confirm that the values exist with:

env | grep GOPATH
# Verify the GOPATH is correct
env | grep PATH
# Verify the PATH includes your GOPATH bin directory

Setup: Project Checkout

You can checkout this repository by running git clone [email protected]:transcom/mymove.git. Please check out the code in a directory like ~/Projects/mymove and NOT in your $GOPATH. As an example:

mkdir -p ~/Projects
git clone [email protected]:transcom/mymove.git
cd mymove

You will then find the code at ~/Projects/mymove. You can check the code out anywhere EXCEPT inside your $GOPATH. So this is customization that is up to you.

Setup: Project Layout

All of our code is intermingled in the top level directory of mymove. Here is an explanation of what some of these directories contain:

  • .circleci: Directory for CircleCI CI/CD configuration
  • bin: A location for tools compiled from the cmd directory
  • build: The build output directory for the client. This is what the development server serves
  • cmd: The location of main packages for any go binaries we build
  • config: Config files for the database and AWS ECS. Also certificates.
  • cypress: The integration test files for the Cypress tool
  • docs: A location for docs for the project. This is where ADRs are
  • internal: Generated code for duty station loader
  • migrations: Database migrations, see [./migrations/]
  • node_modules: Cached javascript dependencies for the client
  • pkg: The location of all of our go code for the server and various tools
  • public: The client's static resources
  • scripts: A location for tools helpful for developing this project
  • src: The react source code for the client
  • swagger: The swagger definition files for each of our APIs

Setup: Editor Config

EditorConfig allows us to manage editor configuration (like indent sizes,) with a file in the repo. Install the appropriate plugin in your editor to take advantage of that if you wish.

Setup: Makefile

The primary way to interact with the project is via the Makefile. The Makefile contains a number of handy targets (you can think of these as commands) that make interacting with the project easier. Each target manages its own dependencies so that you don't have to. This is how you'll do common tasks like build the project, run the server and client, and manage the database.

The fastest way to get familiar with the Makefile is to use the command make help. You can also type make and it will default to calling make help target on your behalf. The Makefile is important to this project so take the time to understand what it does.

Setup: Quick Initial Setup

The following commands will get mymove running on your machine for the first time. This is an abbreviated list that should get you started. Please read below for explanations of each of the commands.

  1. direnv allow
  2. make prereqs
  3. make ensure_pre_commit
  4. make deps
  5. make build_tools
  6. make db_dev_run
  7. make db_dev_migrate
  8. make server_run
  9. make client_build
  10. make client_run

Setup: Direnv

For managing local environment variables, we're using direnv. You need to configure your shell to use it. For bash, add the command eval "$(direnv hook bash)" to whichever file loads upon opening bash (likely ~/.bash_profile, though instructions say ~/.bashrc). For zsh, add eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" to ~/.zshrc.

Run direnv allow to load up the .envrc file. It should complain that you have missing variables which you will rectify in one of the following ways.

The first and recommended way is to use the chamber tool to read secrets from AWS vault. We suggest installing chamber with brew install chamber. To use the AWS vault you will need to follow the instructions to set up AWS first.

Once you've installed, run cp .envrc.chamber.template .envrc.chamber to enable getting secret values from chamber. Note that this method does not work for users of the fish shell unless you replace direnv allow with direnv export fish | source. Note also if you have a very poor internet connection, this method may be problematic to you.

The alternative is to add a .envrc.local file. Then run DISABLE_AWS_VAULT_WRAPPER=1 AWS_REGION=us-gov-west-1 aws-vault exec transcom-gov-dev -- chamber env app-devlocal >> .envrc.local. If you don't have access to chamber, you can also touch .envrc.local and add any values that the output from direnv asks you to define. Instructions are in the error messages.

Helpful variables for .envrc.local

  • export GOLANGCI_LINT_CONCURRENCY=8 - variable to increase concurrency of golangci-lint; defaults to 6 on dev machines and to 1 in CircleCI.
  • export GOLAND=1 - variable to enable go code debugging in goland

Setup: Prerequisites

Run make prereqs and install everything it tells you to. Most of the prerequisites need you to use brew install <package>.

NOTE: Do not configure PostgreSQL to automatically start at boot time or the DB commands will not work correctly!

Setup: Pre-Commit

Run pre-commit install to install a pre-commit hook into ./git/hooks/pre-commit. This is different than brew install pre-commit and must be done so that the hook will check files you are about to commit to the repository. Next install the pre-commit hook libraries with pre-commit install-hooks.

You can feel free to skip running the pre-commit checks at this time. Before you do run pre-commit run -a, you will need to install Javascript dependencies and generate some golang code from Swagger files. An easier way to handle this is by running make pre_commit_tests or make server_generate client_deps && pre-commit run -a.

Troubleshooting install issues (process hanging on install hooks)

Since pre-commit uses node to hook things up in both your local repo and its cache folder (located at ~/.cache/pre-commit),it requires a global node install. If you are using nodenv to manage multiple installed nodes, you'll need to set a global version to proceed (eg nodenv global 12.21.0). You can find the current supported node version here (in .node-version). Make sure you run nodenv install to install the current supported version.

Setup: Dependencies

Run make deps. This will check your system for any setup issues. Then it will ensure that you have installed pre-commit and go on to install the client (javascript) and server (golang) dependencies for you.

Setup: Build Tools

Run make build_tools to get all the server and tool dependencies built. These will be needed in future steps to not only generate test data but also to interact with the database and more.

Setup: Database

You will need to setup a local database before you can begin working on the local server / client. Docker will need to be running for any of this to work.

  1. make db_dev_run and make db_test_run: Creates a PostgreSQL docker container for dev and test, if they don't already exist.

  2. make db_dev_migrate and make db_test_migrate: Runs all existing database migrations for dev and test databases, which does things like creating table structures, etc. You will run this command again anytime you add new migrations to the app (see below for more)

You can validate that your dev database is running by running psql-dev. This puts you in a PostgreSQL shell. Type \dt to show all tables, and \q to quit. You can validate that your test database is running by running psql-test. This puts you in a PostgreSQL shell. Type \dt to show all tables, and \q to quit.

If you are stuck on this step you may need to see the section on Troubleshooting.

Setup: Server

  1. make server_run: installs dependencies, then builds and runs the server using gin, which is a hot reloading go server. It will listen on 8080 and will rebuild the actual server any time a go file changes. Pair this with make client_run to have hot reloading of the entire application.

In rare cases, you may want to run the server standalone, in which case you can run make server_run_standalone. This will build both the client and the server and this invocation can be relied upon to be serving the client JS on its own rather than relying on webpack doing so as when you run make client_run. You can run this without running make client_run and the whole app should work.

Dependencies are managed by go modules. New dependencies are automatically detected in import statements and added to go.mod when you run go build or go run. You can also manually edit go.mod as needed.

If you need to add a Go-based tool dependency that is otherwise not imported by our code, import it in pkg/tools/tools.go.

After importing any go dependency it's a good practice to run go mod tidy, which prunes unused dependencies and calculates dependency requirements for all possible system architectures.

Setup: MilMoveLocal Client

  1. make client_build (if setting up for first time)
  2. make client_run

The above will start the webpack dev server, serving the front-end on port 3000. If paired with make server_run then the whole app will work, the webpack dev server proxies all API calls through to the server.

If both the server and client are running, you should be able to view the Swagger UI at http://milmovelocal:3000/swagger-ui/internal.html. If it does not, try running make client_build (this only needs to be run the first time).

Dependencies are managed by yarn. To add a new dependency, use yarn add

Setup: OfficeLocal client

  1. Ensure that you have a test account which can log into the office site:
    • run make db_dev_e2e_populate to load test data
  2. Run make office_client_run
    • Log into "Local Sign In" and either select a pre-made user or use the button to create a new user

Setup: AdminLocal client

  1. make admin_client_run

Setup: DPS user

  1. Ensure that you have a test account
  2. Log into MilMove Devlocal Auth and create a new DPS user from the interface.

Setup: Orders Gateway

Nothing to do.

Setup: Prime API

The API that the Prime will use is authenticated via mutual TSL so there are a few things you need to do to interact with it in a local environment.

  1. Make sure that the primelocal alias is setup for localhost - this should have been completed in the Setup:Prerequisites (check your /etc/hosts file for an entry for primelocal).
  2. run make server_run
  3. Access the Prime API using the devlocal-mtls certs. There is a script that shows you how to do this with curl at ./scripts/prime-api. For instance to call the move-task-orders endpoint, call ./scripts/prime-api move-task-orders

Setup: AWS Services (Optional)

If you want to develop against AWS services you will need an AWS user account with engineering privileges. You will also need to follow these steps when using Chamber and AWS vault to set up direnv.

AWS credentials are managed via aws-vault. Once you have received AWS credentials (which are provided by the infrastructure team), you can follow these instructions to finish setting up AWS.

Setup: Nix

NOTE: Nix is an experiment. If you are setting things up with Nix you do not need to follow the instructions above about Setup: Golang and Setup: Quick Initial Setup.

NOTE: Nix as an experiment means you ask for help in the #code-nix slack channel. It's not an officially supported development environment.

  1. First read the overview in the Truss Engineering Playbook.
  2. Follow the macOS installation instructions.
  3. Ensure you have direnv and a modern bash installed. To install globally with nix, run nix-env -i direnv bash
  4. Ensure you have run direnv allow to set up the appropriate nix environment variables.
  5. Make sure you have disabled any nodeenv, asdf or any other version switchers for mymove.
  6. Run ./nix/

If the nix dependencies change, you should see a warning from direnv:

direnv: WARNING: nix packages out of date. Run nix/


TSP Award Queue

This background job is built as a separate binary which can be built using make tsp_run.

Test Data Generator

When creating new features, it is helpful to have sample data for the feature to interact with. The TSP Award Queue is an example of that--it matches shipments to TSPs, and it's hard to tell if it's working without some shipments and TSPs in the database!

  • make bin/generate-test-data will build the fake data generator binary
  • bin/generate-test-data --named-scenario="dev_seed" will populate the development database with a handful of users in various stages of progress along the flow. The emails are named accordingly (see devseed.go). Alternatively, run make db_dev_e2e_populate to reset your db and populate it.
  • bin/generate-test-data will run binary and create a preconfigured set of test data. To determine the data scenario you'd like to use, check out scenarios in the testdatagen package. Each scenario contains a description of what data will be created when the scenario is run. Pass the scenario in as a flag to the generate-test-data function. A sample command: ./bin/generate-test-data --scenario=2.

There is also a package (/pkg/testdatagen) that can be imported to create arbitrary test data. This could be used in tests, so as not to duplicate functionality.

Currently, scenarios have the following numbers:

  • --scenario=1 for Award Queue Scenario 1
  • --scenario=2 for Award Queue Scenario 2
  • --scenario=3 for Duty Station Scenario
  • --scenario=4 for PPM or PPM SIT Estimate Scenario (can also use Rate Engine Scenarios for Estimates)
  • --scenario=5 for Rate Engine Scenario 1
  • --scenario=6 for Rate Engine Scenario 2
  • --scenario=7 for TSP test data

API / Swagger

Internal services (i.e. endpoints only intended for use by the React client) are defined in swagger/internal.yaml and served at /internal/swagger.yaml. These are, as the name suggests, internal endpoints and not intended for use by external clients.

The Orders Gateway's API is defined in the file swagger/orders.yaml and served at /orders/v0/orders.yaml.

The Admin API is defined in the file swagger/admin.yaml and served at /admin/v1/swagger.yaml.

You can view the documentation for the following APIs (powered by Swagger UI) at the following URLS with a local client and server running:


There are a few handy targets in the Makefile to help you run tests:

  • make client_test: Run front-end testing suites.
  • make server_test: Run back-end testing suites. Additional info for running go tests
  • make e2e_test: Run end-to-end testing suite. Additional info for running E2E tests
    • Note: this will not necessarily reflect the same results as in the CI environment, run with caution. One is your .envrc is going to populate your dev environment with a bunch of values that make e2e_test_docker won't have.
  • make e2e_test_docker: Run e2e testing suite in the same docker container as is run in CircleCI.
    • Note: this runs with a full clean/rebuild, so it is not great for fast iteration. Use make e2e_test to pick individual tests from the Cypress UI.
  • make test: Run e2e, client- and server-side testing suites.
  • yarn test:e2e: Useful for debugging. This opens the cypress test runner against your already running dev servers and inspect/run individual e2e tests.
    • Note: You must already have the servers running for this to work!

Troubleshooting tips -- integration / e2e tests

When running locally, you may find that retries or successive runs have unexpected failures. Some of the integration tests are written with the assumption that they will only be run against a clean DB. If you're working with one of these and don't have time to fix them to properly set up and clean up their state, you can use this command to reset your local dev db before opening the test runner. Note that if you choose not to fix the offending test(s), you'll have to repeatedly close the test runner to re-clean the the DB. You won't be able to take advantage of Cypress's hot reloading!

If you suspect memory issues, you can further inspect this with the commands:

  • yarn test:e2e-debug, which runs yarn test:e2e with DEBUG stats
  • yarn test:e2e-debug-clean, which runs yarn test:e2e-clean with DEBUG stats


We are using zap as a logger in this project. We currently rely on its built-in NewDevelopment() and NewProduction() default configs, which are enabled in any of the executable packages that live in cmd.

This means that logging is not set up from within models or other packages unless the files in cmd are also being loaded. If you attempt to call zap.L() or zap.S() without a configured logger, nothing will appear on the screen.

If you need to see some output during the development process (say, for debugging purposes), it is best to use the standard lib fmt package to print to the screen. You will also need to pass -v to go test so that it prints all output, even from passing tests. The simplest way to do this is to run go test yourself by passing it which files to run, e.g. go test pkg/models/* -v.

Log files

In development mode, logs from the milmove process are written to logs/dev.log.


A few commands exist for starting and stopping the DB docker container:

  • make db_run: Starts the DB docker container if one doesn't already exist
  • make db_destroy: Stops and removes the DB docker container

Dev DB Commands

There are a few handy targets in the Makefile to help you interact with the dev database. During your day-to-day, the only one you will typically need regularly is make db_dev_e2e_populate. The others are for reference, or if something goes wrong.

  • make db_dev_e2e_populate: Populates the dev DB with data to facilitate verification of your work when using the app locally. It seeds the DB with various service members at different stages of the onboarding process, various office users, moves, payment requests, etc. The data is defined in the devseed.go file.
  • make db_dev_run: Initializes a new database if it does not exist and runs it, or starts the previously initialized Docker container if it has been stopped. You typically only need this after a computer restart, or if you manually quit Docker or otherwise stopped the DB.
  • make db_dev_create: Waits to connect to the DB and will create a DB if one doesn't already exist (this is automatically run as part of db_dev_run).
  • make db_dev_fresh: Destroys your database container, runs the DB, and applies the migrations. Useful if you want to start from scratch when the DB is not working properly. This runs db_dev_reset and db_dev_migrate.
  • make db_dev_migrate_standalone: Applies database migrations against your running database container but will not check for server dependencies first.

Test DB Commands

These commands are available for the Test DB. You will rarely need to use these individually since the commands to run tests already set up the test DB properly. One exception is make db_test_run, which you'll need to run after restarting your computer.

  • make db_test_run
  • make db_test_create
  • make db_test_reset
  • make db_test_migrate
  • make db_test_migrate_standalone
  • make db_test_e2e_backup
  • make db_test_e2e_restore
  • make db_test_e2e_cleanup

The test DB commands all talk to the DB over localhost. But in a docker-only environment (like CircleCI) you may not be able to use those commands, which is why *_docker versions exist for all of them:

  • make db_test_run_docker
  • make db_test_create_docker
  • make db_test_reset_docker
  • make db_test_migrate_docker


To add new regular and/or secure migrations, see the database development guide

Running migrations in local development:

Use make db_dev_migrate to run migrations against your local dev environment.

Running migrations on Staging / Production:

Migrations are run automatically by CircleCI as part of the standard deploy process.

  1. CircleCI builds and registers a container.
  2. CircleCI deploys this container to ECS and runs it as a one-off 'task'.
  3. The container downloads and execute migrations against the environment's database.
  4. If migrations fail, CircleCI fails the deploy.
  5. If migrations pass, CircleCI continues with the deploy.

Environment Variables

In development, we use direnv to setup environment variables required by the application.

  • If you want to add a new environment variable to affect only your development machine, export it in .envrc.local. Variables exported in this file take precedence over those in .envrc.

  • If you want to add a new environment variable that is required by new development, it can be added to .envrc using one of the following:

    # Add a default value for all devs that can be overridden in their .envrc.local
    export NEW_ENV_VAR="default value"
    # or
    # Specify that an environment variable must be defined in .envrc.local
    require NEW_ENV_VAR "Look for info on this value in chamber and Google Drive"

Required variables should be placed in google docs and linked in .envrc. The value should also be placed in chamber with DISABLE_AWS_VAULT_WRAPPER=1 AWS_REGION=us-gov-west-1 aws-vault exec transcom-gov-dev -- chamber write app-devlocal <key> <value>. For long blocks of text like certificates you can write them with echo "$LONG_VALUE" | DISABLE_AWS_VAULT_WRAPPER=1 AWS_REGION=us-gov-west-1 aws-vault exec transcom-gov-dev -- chamber write app-devlocal <key> -.

For per-tier environment variables (that are not secret), simply add the variables to the relevant config/env/[experimental|staging|prod].env file with the format NAME=VALUE on each line. Then add the relevant section to config/app.container-definition.json. The deploy process uses Go's template package for rendering the container definition. For example,

  "name": "MY_SPECIAL_TOKEN",
  "value": "{{ .MY_SPECIAL_TOKEN }}"


You can view the project's GoDoc on

Alternatively, run the documentation locally using:

# within the project's root dir
$ godoc -http=:6060

Then visit http://localhost:6060/pkg/


We use markdown-spellcheck as a pre-commit hook to catch spelling errors in Markdown files. To make fixing caught errors easier, there's a handy make target that runs the spellchecker in interactive mode:

  • make spellcheck

This will let you walk through the caught spelling errors one-by-one and choose whether to fix it, add it to the dictionary, or have it be permanently ignored for that file.

Tips for staying sane

  • If you want to use a bare hyperlink, wrap it in angle braces: <>


  • GoLand supports attaching the debugger to a running process, however this requires that the server has been built with specific flags. If you wish to use this feature in development add the following line export GOLAND=1 to your .envrc.local. Once the server starts follow the steps outlined in the article above and you should now be able to set breakpoints using the GoLand debugger.


  • Random problems may arise if you have old Docker containers running. Run docker ps and if you see containers unrelated to our app, consider stopping them.
  • If you happen to have installed pre-commit in a virtual environment not with brew, running make prereqs will not alert you. You may run into issues when running make deps. To install pre-commit: brew install pre-commit.
  • If you're having trouble accessing the API docs or the server is otherwise misbehaving, try stopping the server, running make client_build, and then running make client_run and make server_run.

Postgres Issues

If you have problems connecting to PostgreSQL, or running related scripts, make sure you aren't already running a PostgreSQL daemon. You may see errors like:

Migrator: problem creating schema migrations: couldn't start a new transaction: could not create new transaction: pq: role "postgres" does not exist


Migrator: problem creating schema migrations: couldn't start a new transaction: could not create new transaction: pq: database "dev_db" does not exist

You can check this by typing ps aux | grep postgres or brew services list and looking for existing processes. In the case of homebrew you can run brew services stop postgresql to stop the service and prevent it from running at startup.

Development Machine Timezone Issues

If you are experiencing problems like redux forms that are 'dirty' when they shouldn't be on your local environment, it may be due to a mismatch of your local dev machine's timezone and the assumption of UTC made by the local database. A detailed example of this sort of issue can be found in this story. A workaround for this is to set the TZ environment variable in Mac OS for the context of your running app. This can be done by adding the following to .envrc.local:

export TZ="UTC"

Doing so will set the timezone environment variable to UTC utilizing the same localized context as your other .envrc.local settings.

Linters & Pre-commit Hooks

We use a number of linters for formatting, security and error checking. Please see the pre-commit documentation for a list of linters and troubleshooting tips.

Yarn install markdown-spell (aka mdspell)

We use mdspell for spell checking markdown files during pre-commit hooks. You may run into an issue such as below during the installation command yarn global add markdown-spellcheck suggested by the Makefile.

Example error:

>$ yarn global add markdown-spellcheck

yarn global v1.19.0
[1/4] :mag:  Resolving packages...
[2/4] :truck:  Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/Users/john/.config/yarn/global/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command.

If you do, following these steps may resolve it.

rm ~/.config/yarn/global/yarn.lock
cd ~/.config/yarn/global
yarn cache clean
yarn global add markdown-spellcheck

Manual Redeploys and Other Helpful Information in an Emergency

Like many modern software developers, we rely on a number of external services to be responsible for certain repeatable processes. One such example is CircleCI, which we use for deployment. It's a great tool in many ways, and reduces the surface area of what we ourselves have to manage, ideally transferring associated risk. However, it opens us up to a different risk: namely, what happens if CircleCI goes down and we need to deploy our app? For this circumstance, we have a series of scripts that can be run manually. They live in the script directory, and you can find information about how to run them in this README under the Deployment Scripts heading.

Please add any other fear-inducing scenarios and our mitigation attempts here.

PII Best Practices

Server side: any downloadable content passed to the client should by default have an inline content disposition (like PDFs).

Client side: before accessing any prod environment, fix your browser settings to display PDFs, not use an external app.

More about content dispositions

An inline disposition tells the browser to display a file inline if it can. If you instead set an attachment disposition, the browser will download the file even when it is capable of displaying the data itself. If an engineer downloads PII instead of letting their browser display it, this will cause a security incident. So make sure content like PDFs are passed to the client with inline dispositions. You can read more in the official Mozilla docs.

More about browser settings

Even if an inline disposition is set, most browsers still allow you to override that behavior and automatically download certain file types.

Before working with the prod environment, ensure you have changed your settings to display PDFs in the browser. In most browsers, you can find the relevant setting by searching "PDF" in the settings menu.