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SIEM Dashboard

A modern Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) dashboard built with Next.js 14, featuring real-time monitoring, threat detection, and system health tracking capabilities.

Table of Contents


The SIEM Dashboard is a comprehensive security monitoring solution that provides real-time visibility into system events, threats, and network traffic. Built with Next.js 14, it leverages the App Router architecture for efficient routing and server-side rendering capabilities.

Application Structure

├── app/                    # Main application directory (Next.js 14 App Router)
│   ├── api/               # API route handlers
│   ├── components/        # Shared UI components
│   ├── contexts/          # React Context providers
│   ├── hooks/            # Custom React hooks
│   ├── services/         # Service layer for API interactions
│   └── [routes]/         # Application routes/pages
├── public/               # Static assets
└── styles/              # Global styles and CSS modules

Key Features

  • Real-time Event Monitoring: Track and analyze security events as they occur
  • Threat Detection: Advanced threat detection and analysis capabilities
  • System Health Monitoring: Monitor the health and performance of your systems
  • Alert Management: Comprehensive alert handling and notification system
  • Network Traffic Analysis: Real-time network traffic monitoring and analysis
  • Team-based Access Control: Multi-team support with role-based access control
  • Responsive Design: Fully responsive interface built with Tailwind CSS

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites

    • Node.js 18 or later
    • npm or yarn package manager
  2. Installation

    # Clone the repository
    git clone [repository-url]
    # Install dependencies
    npm install
    # Set up environment variables
    cp .env.example .env.local
  3. Development

    # Start development server
    npm run dev
    # Build for production
    npm run build
    # Start production server
    npm run start

Application Flow

graph TD
    A[User Access] --> B{Authentication}
    B -->|Not Authenticated| C[Login Page]
    B -->|Authenticated| D[Dashboard]
    D --> E[Event Log]
    D --> F[Threat Summary]
    D --> G[System Health]
    D --> H[Alerts]
    D --> I[Network Traffic]

    C -->|Valid Credentials| D
    C -->|Invalid| C

Detailed Component Flow

graph TD
    A[Root Layout] -->|Wraps App| B[AuthProvider]
    B -->|Auth Context| C[TeamProvider]
    C -->|Team Context| D[Pages]

    D -->|Route: /| E[Home]
    D -->|Route: /login| F[Login Page]
    D -->|Route: /dashboard| G[Dashboard]

    G -->|Component| H[SidebarNav]
    G -->|Component| I[EventLog]
    G -->|Component| J[ThreatSummary]
    G -->|Component| K[SystemHealth]
    G -->|Component| L[AlertComponent]
    G -->|Component| M[NetworkTraffic]

    I -->|Hook| N[useAuth]
    I -->|Hook| O[useTeam]
    J -->|Hook| N
    K -->|Hook| N
    L -->|Hook| N
    M -->|Hook| N


Core Components

  • EventLog: Displays real-time security events and logs
  • ThreatSummary: Overview of current security threats and risks
  • SystemHealth: System performance and health metrics
  • AlertComponent: Real-time alert management and display
  • NetworkTraffic: Network traffic analysis and visualization

Context Providers

  • AuthProvider: Manages authentication state
  • TeamProvider: Handles team-based access and permissions

Custom Hooks

  • useAuth: Authentication state management
  • useTeam: Team context and operations
  • useRequest: API request handling

Authentication & Authorization

The application uses a comprehensive authentication system:

  • JWT-based authentication
  • Role-based access control
  • Team-based permissions
  • Secure session management


Key Technologies

  • Next.js 14: React framework with App Router
  • TypeScript: Type-safe development
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework
  • Radix UI: Accessible component primitives
  • React Hook Form: Form handling
  • Axios: HTTP client
  • Zod: Schema validation

Best Practices

  • Use TypeScript for type safety
  • Follow the component-based architecture
  • Implement proper error handling
  • Write clean, maintainable code
  • Document new features and changes

Environment Variables



  1. Create a feature branch
  2. Make your changes
  3. Submit a pull request
  4. Ensure CI/CD checks pass (lol none yet)