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Lightweight UITests framework based on XCTest to help you write and maintain UITests quickly and easily with well organised code structure.

Use Swift Package Manager as a dependancy manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter

or add dependency to your Package.swift

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MySPMLibrary",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.20.0")

Use Carthage as a dependancy manager

  1. Add git "" to your Cartfile.
  2. Run carthage updateto fetch & build. Append --platform iOS if only iOS build is needed.

Main project UITests target configuration

  1. Build settings: in Runpath Search Paths add $(PROJECT_DIR)/Carthage/Build/iOS to tell linker where to find frameworks.
  2. Build phases: drag and drop TWUITests and Swifter frameworks in Link binaries and frameworks phase. Frameworks are in Carthage/Build/iOS.
  3. Info plist file: add App Transport Security Settings dictionary and key-value NSAllowsLocalNetworking = true to allow loading of local resources.

Start adding tests

  1. Create Configuration class to hold parameters and initial API stubs.
  2. Create project specific parameters to be injected into main app.
  3. Create API stubs structure.
  4. Tip: use template to generate UITests code. Add template to Xcode by running script (in Xcode Templates folder).

Other information

Server API local responses should be kept at path: LIBRARY_DIR + "/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/" + DEVICE_ID + "/data/Library/Caches/ApiStubs/" Tip: have a script to copy stubs to required destination in build phase. Python script example can be found here.


Working example project can be found in Example folder.


final class LoginUITests: UITestCase {
    func testSomething() throws {
        try start(with: Configuration())


final class LoginStep: UITestBase, Step {
    private lazy var loginPage = LoginPage(app: app)

    func tapSomeButton() -> Self {
        return self
// MARK: - Validation
extension LoginStep {
    func loginPageIsVisible() {


final class LoginPage: UITestBase, Page {
    var someView: XCUIElement {
        return app.otherElements[LoginAccessibilityIndetifiers.View.some] 
    var someButton: XCUIElement {
        return app.buttons[LoginAccessibilityIndetifiers.Button.some]

Author Information

Ignas Urbonas - [email protected]

Marius Kažemėkaitis - [email protected]


The contents of this repository is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.