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Gitlab Update Check


Check if a Gitlab server instance is running the latest software version


John W Kerns (

Macros used

Name Description Default Type
{$GITLAB_TOKEN} Gitlab personal access token None Text macro

Template links

Script Links


  • Log into your Gitlab instance
  • Navigate to your user settings page by clicking your name/avatar in the top right and then clicking Preferences
  • In the left pane click on Access Tokens
  • Create a new Personal Access Token
    • Give it a descriptive name like "Update Checker"
    • Under Select scopes check the read_api checkbox
    • Click the Create personal access token button to create the token
    • Copy the token value from the returned page
  • Download the script from this repository and place it in /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/
  • Run chmod +x /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ to make the script executable
  • Test executing the script from the CLI of your Zabbix server by running the bash script inputting the gitlab hostname and your access token like ./ "PeRSoNaLaCcEsStOkEn"
    • Make sure the output is either "up-to-date", "new version out", or "update asap"
  • Once the script works OK, download the zabbix_template_gitlab_update_check.xml Zabbix template from this repository and import it into your Zabbix server
  • In Zabbix, navigate to the host you want to perform checks on
  • Create a new macro on the host called {$GITLAB_TOKEN}, in the value field put the personal access token you generated on the Gitlab server
  • Make sure the URL hostname of the host is in the "Host name" field setting for the host (ie: if your server is accessed via
  • Apply the imported template (called "Template Gitlab Update Check") to the host
  • Find the new item on the host called "Update Status" and execute it to test it
  • Check the latest data to make sure you are getting the proper value from the script

Discovery rules

There are no discovery rules in this template.

Items collected

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Update Status Status of the Gitlab software (ie: "up-to-date") External check["{HOSTNAME}", "{$GITLAB_TOKEN}"]


Name Description Expression Priority
Gitlab Update Available A non-critical software update is available {["{HOSTNAME}", "{$GITLAB_TOKEN}"].str(up-to-date)}<>1 Warning
Gitlab Critical Update Available A critical software update is available {["{HOSTNAME}", "{$GITLAB_TOKEN}"].str(update asap)}=1 High