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=== WP Socializer ===
Contributors: Aakash Chakravarthy
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Tags: social, social bookmarking, bookmarks, bookmarking, bookmarks menu, share, sharing, search, rss, post, posts, plugin, seo, page, pages, google, widget,  excerpt, content, bookmark, button, technorati, email, gmail, facebook, twitter, retweet, myspace, diigo, delicious, digg, buzz, linkedin, google buzz, yahoo, reddit, dzone, sphinn, addthis, template, socializer, sociable, wp, wordpress, sexy bookmarks
License: GPLv2 or later
Donate Link:
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.5.x
Stable tag: 2.4.7

Super Cool Plugin for inserting all kinds of Social Bookmarking & Sharing buttons. Has customizable Floating Share Bar, Widgets, Shortcodes also.

== Description ==

WP Socializer is an advanced plugin for inserting all kinds of Social bookmarking & sharing buttons. It has super cool features to insert the buttons into posts, sidebar. It also has Floating sharebar.

[Check out the **LIVE DEMO** of the plugin](

= Notable features =

* Insert all kinds of social buttons in posts & pages.
* **Floating share bar** (both horizontal & vertical)
* Faster and Optimized loading with **Smart load** feature.
* Has Shortcodes for all buttons.
* Widgets for inserting FB like box & G+ badges in sidebar.
* Template functions are available for advanced placements.

= Buttons available =

Using WP Socializer, you can insert all these buttons into your site. These buttons can be inserted easily in any desired way. There is no fixed way as other plugins do.

**107** Social bookmarking buttons (in both 16px and 32px) - [Demo](, Addthis, Sharethis, Facebook like, Google +1, Pinterest, 3 Kinds of Retweet and all kinds of Digg, LinkedIn, Reddit & StumbleUpon buttons


= Social Share bar =
Sharebar is one of the coolest feature of the plugin. There are two modes. [Demo](

* Vertical mode
* Horizontal mode

= Smart Load =

The button scripts can be loaded in a Smart manner increasing page speed and performance. The below video describes it.


= Shortcodes =

WP Socializer uses the shortcodes feature in a full fledged manner to produce Social buttons whenever needed in posts and pages. Check out the complete [working of the Shortcodes feature in this page](

= Widgets =

Social widgets can also be added easily without any external individual plugins, thus making the plugin all-in-one.

= Social Bookmarking buttons =

There are whole lot of Social bookmarking buttons avaialble in WP Socializer, which can be used in many possible ways. They can be rearranged and used as required by the theme. [This page]( demonstrates the complete working.

= and more ... =

> **Donate:** If you find this plugin useful, [consider making a donation](, it will make me happy for this plugin!!

= New features and fixed bugs =
* Smarter tracing of images in a post for pinterest.
* Bug fixed in the "title" tag for twitter in the urlencoding of hyphen.
* Bug fixed in the mailto link for the "email" button
* Admin interface tweaked and now more helpful and easy
* Fixed several "W3 Validator" errors
* Several WordPress notices are fixed.

[More changes listed in Changelog](changelog)

= Reference links =
For more information on the plugin, you can use the below links.

* [**Homepage**](
* [**Support Forum**](


* [Template function reference](
* [Manual placement](

== Installation ==

1. Upload `wp-socializer` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress
1. Go to the WP Socializer Admin Page.
1. Customize the settings.
1. Use the corresponding button code in the placement template.
1. That's all. Enjoy !


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Frequently Asked Questions can be seen [here](

For custom placement in theme files and posts, check out the following documentations

* [Template function reference](
* [Manual placement](

== Screenshots ==

1. A post showing Social bookmarking and sharing buttons added with WP Socializer plugin.
2. Another example showing the buttons in action.
3. Addthis and Sharethis buttons inserted in a post.
4. A Floating Share Bar created using WP Socializer in action.
5. A dark theme of the floating share bar.
6. The horizontal mode of the floating share bar.
7. Magnify, Jump effects and the "Comments" button.
8. The admin UI showing the buttons inserted into the posts.
9. The social bookmarking buttons selection page.
10. The floating share bar settings page.
11. Facebook like and Google+ widgets added using the WP Socializer plugin.

[More Screenshots](

== Changelog ==

= 2.4.7 =
* Incompatibility of the "latest jQuery version" with other plugins is fixed.
* Several WordPress notices are fixed.
* Encoding of Hyphen to `–` is now corrected for Twitter button. 

= 2.4.6 =
* Retweet floating share bar "username" bug fixed
* Smarter tracing of images in a post for pinterest
* Revised code for getting post details
* Bug fixed in the "title" tag for twitter in the urlencoding of hyphen.
* Bug fixed in the mailto link for the "email" button
* Changed hover title of "add to favorites"
* Cleared various "error notices" in the front end
* Fixed several "&" to "&amp" conversion for the social buttons
* Fixed no "alt" attribute to retweet and pinterest buttons 
* Fixed several "W3 Validator" errors
* Admin interface tweaked and now more helpful and easy
* Admin page tabs are renamed
* Admin page "In posts and pages"  is renamed to "Shortcodes"
* Bug fixed in the publisher key field in the admin page
* Removed url encoding for Sharethis buttons
* Fixed Facebook send form "Clipping"

= 2.4.5 =
* New "Smart Load" feature to load buttons faster using async method.
* Can load button scripts after a specific time (Smart Load).
* Facebook button now uses HTML5 code instead of iframe.
* Facebook Send button now available.
* TinyMCE toolbar button now updated.

= 2.4.4 =
* New CSS3 on-hover effects for social bookmarking buttons (Magnify and Jump).
* New "Comments" button for the floating share bar.
* Updated "Twitter" button icon.
* Floating share bar Javascript is revised and fade effects are added.

= 2.4.3 =
* XSS Vulnerability issue in the "Services selector" page is fixed.
* Added nounce to the Admin page forms.
* Fixed bug in the Twitter social button template.
* Fixed the collision of the quotes in the excerpt with the HTML tags for the email button.

= 2.4.2 =
* Facebook like button centered in the left float sharing bar.
* Facebook like button iframe CSS zero margin fix is done for themes.
* Bug fixed in the `wp_socializer();` function for printing templates.
* Retweet button now traces the title of the post from the home page.
* Small admin interface tweaks.

= 2.4.1 =
* Facebook like button bug is fixed.
* Facebook send button not available.
* Email button bug fixed.
* Added query strings to all WP Socializer CSS and JS files.

= 2.4 =
* Admin UI is completely changed as per users request.
* Floating share buttons are added.
* Added a new social bookmarking buttons: Google+, Pinterest & OkNotizie
* Pinterest button automatically recognizes the first image in the post.
* Send button is included in Facebook.
* Embed codes are updated for Facebook and StumbleUpon.
* Removed Google Buzz completely.
* Removed the "Retweet" (the unofficial button offered by service.
* Two old inbuilt templates are removed and two new templates are added.
* Lots and lots of bugs are fixed.
* Email button problem is fixed.
* Old translations (German & Chinese) are removed.

= 2.3 = 
* Facebook like box, Google + badge widget is included.
* LinkedIn buttons are added.
* Google Buzz is removed.
* Templates are updated.
* Option to change the `rel="nofollow"` attribute.
* Minor admin UI changes and improvements.

= 2.2 =
* Conflict with the tinyMCE editor fixed.
* A "WP Socializer" button is added to the visual editing and code editing toolbar for inserting social buttons into posts easily.

= 2.1 =
* Admin Blank page error fixed in Firefox 3.6.x
* Encoded title fix for Sharethis buttons.
* Social buttons `max-width` bug fixed for IE 8.
* Fixed broken link in the admin bar.
* Updated the AW updates the notification widget.
* Added useful notices and informaion bars to the administration page for beginners.

= 2.0 =
* Core code completely re-written for future supports and advancements.
* Additional social bookmarking buttons are added.
* Addthis buttons are updated and new type of buttons are available.
* Sharethis buttons are introduced.
* Twitter�s Official button is added.
* Facebook like button code is updated.
* Google +1 button, StumbleUpon, Reddit buttons are added.
* Adminitration page completely redesiged.
* Inbuilt menus are added for inserting buttons into template.
* One-click templates are introduced.
* Shortcodes feature is introduced.
* and more..

= 1.0 =
* Initial Version

== Upgrade Notice ==

Version 2.4.x is a recommended upgrade to get all the latest social bookmarking and sharing buttons avaialble in the Internet. Various bugs are fixed and the admin UI is completely changed for easy use.

== Credits ==

* Full interface and coding by [Aakash Chakravarthy](
* Social buttons list taken from the old sociable plugin and updates are added by the author.


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