Convenience wrapper around Schlumberger's OpenZGY Python package which enables reading of ZGY files with a syntax familiar to users of segyio.
Requires openzgy package from Schlumberger, which is (for now) bundled here under Apache v2.0 license
- Wheels from PyPI:
pip install pyzgy
- Source from Github:
git clone
import pyzgy
with"in.zgy")) as zgyfile:
il_slice = zgyfile.iline[zgyfile.ilines[LINE_IDX]]
xl_slice = zgyfile.xline[LINE_NUMBER]
zslice = zgyfile.depth_slice[SLICE_IDX]
trace = zgyfile.trace[TRACE_IDX]
trace_header = zgyfile.header[TRACE_IDX]
text_file_header = zgyfile.text[0]
from pyzgy.accessors import SeismicReader
with SeismicReader("in.zgy") as reader:
inline_slice = reader.read_inline_number(LINE_NUMBER)
crossline_slice = reader.read_crossline(LINE_IDX)
z_slice = reader.read_zslice_coord(SLICE_COORD)
sub_vol = reader.read_subvolume(min_il=min_il, max_il=max_il,
min_xl=min_xl, max_xl=max_xl,
min_z=min_z, max_z=max_z)