First choose a name for your project. In this example, our project is called "the_oregon_trail"
$ composer create-project -n concrete5/composer:8.x-dev the_oregon_trail
Now you have the latest version of concrete5 and you're ready to install!
Note: This is a skeleton project. So once you create a project, you can install your own VCS and change the README and all that.
Navigate into your new concrete5 project
$ cd the_oregon_trail
and use the interactive install commmand that comes with concrete5's CLI tool
$ ./vendor/bin/concrete5 c5:install -i
Follow directions and your site will begin installing!
Note: You can also run the CLI tool directly with PHP
$ php public/concrete/bin/concrete5.php
Find the package you'd like to install on (in this case concrete5/sample_composer_package
Note: You can also use composer's repository functionality to manage private packages using composer
$ composer require concrete5/sample_composer_package
$ ./vendor/bin/concrete5 c5:package-install sample_composer_package