The JTeC agent performs dynamic runtime instrumentation through Java bytecode transformation. It currently supports instrumenting test events (e.g., test started/ended), system events (e.g., file open, socket connect), and coverage (e.g., class-level coverage).
To set up the agent that is attached to a JVM via -javaagent:/path/to/agent.jar
, several runtime options can be
provided as key value pairs -javaagent:/path/to/agent.jar=key1=val1,key2=val2,...
Key | Type | Default value | Description |
jtec.out | String | . |
Output path for jtec output |
jtec.optsfile | String | jtec.txt |
Options file containing JTeC options |
test.trace | Boolean | false |
Enables test event tracing |
test.reuseForks | Boolean | false |
Enables forked test execution (not one test suite per JVM) |
test.instr | Boolean | true |
Enables class file instrumentation for JUnit classes (instead of providing custom listeners) |
sys.trace | Boolean | false |
Enables system event tracing |
sys.file | Boolean | true |
Enables file event tracing |
sys.socket | Boolean | true |
Enables socket event tracing |
sys.thread | Boolean | true |
Enables thread event tracing |
sys.process | Boolean | true |
Enables process event tracing |
sys.includes | String | .* |
Regex for included files |
sys.excludes | String | .*.(class|log|tmp) |
Regex for excluded files |
cov.trace | Boolean | false |
Enables coverage tracing |
cov.level | String | class |
Coverage level: class or method |
cov.instr | Boolean | false (true if cov.level=method ) |
Enables class file instrumentation (only needed for method or non-forked class coverage) |
cov.includes | String | .* |
Regex for included Java classes |
cov.excludes | String | (sun|java|jdk|com.sun|edu.tum.sse.jtec|net.bytebuddy|org.apache.maven).* |
Regex for excluded Java classes |
init.cmd | String | null |
Command to execute upon JVM initialization (pre-test hook) |