OpenContrail ( is a fully featured Software Defined Networking (SDN) solution for private clouds. It supports high performance isolated tenant networks without requiring external hardware support. It provides a Neutron plugin to integrate with OpenStack.
This charm provides the Contrail Controller role that includes configuration API server, control API server, WebUI and required third-party components.
Only OpenStack Ocata or newer is supported. Only for Contrail 5.0 or above. Juju 2.0 is required. No TFTP or any other service should be on port 69.
Contrail Analytics is prerequisite service to deploy. Once ready, deploy and relate as follows:
juju deploy contrail-controller
juju add-relation contrail-analytics contrail-controller
The charm requires docker image with Contrail Controller as a resource. It can be provided as usual for Juju 2.0 in deploy command or through attach-resource:
juju attach contrail-controller contrail-controller="$PATH_TO_IMAGE"
Istead of attaching resource with docker image charm can accept image from remote docker repository. docker-registry should be specified if the registry is only accessible via http protocol (insecure registry). docker-user / docker-password can be specified if registry requires authentification. And image-name / image-tag are the parameters for the image itself.
Multiple units of this charm can be deployed to support HA deployments:
juju add-unit contrail-controller
Relating to haproxy charm (http-services relation) allows multiple units to be load balanced:
juju add-relation contrail-controller:http-services haproxy
juju add-relation contrail-controller:https-services haproxy
The charm can tell to haproxy list of backends via two relations: http-services and https-services. It passes unsecured backend (like contrail-api:8082) via http-services and secured (like webUI:8143) via https-services. Such option allows to relate this charm to different haproxy applications.
For https connections there are two modes - tcp and http. Mode tcp means that haproxy will be configured in pass-through mode and mode http mode means that haproxy will be configured in termination mode. By default tcp mode (webui) is used. If you want to implement ssl-termination for HAproxy for webui you can configure it:
juju config contrail-controller haproxy-https-mode=http
juju config haproxy ssl_cert=SELFSIGNED
For http connections there are two modes - http and https. Both modes configure haproxy in http mode (termination). Mode https additionaly configure haproxy to use SSL for frontend. By default http mode is used. To confugire haproxy in https mode you can run:
juju config contrail-controller haproxy-http-mode=https
Or another certificate is also can be used for haproxy charm. Please check its manual for more information.
This charm supports relation to easyrsa charm to obtain certificates for XMPP and Sandesh connections:
juju add-relation contrail-controller easyrsa
Please note that in this case all charms must be related to easyrsa. Components require CA certificate for communication.
Charm can be related to RabbitMQ:
juju add-relation contrail-controller rabbitmq-server:amqp
In this case internal RabbitMQ server will not be run and Contrail software will be configured to use external one.
This charm supports containerd as container runtime:
juju config contrail-controller container_runtime=containerd
Please note that in this case all charms must be configured to use containerd. This setting cannot be changed after deploy.