Using Z3 as a constraint solver inside SWI Prolog, for a basic CLP(CC) implementation.
Prolog code for Junker's explanation (minimal unsatisfiable subsets) and relaxation (maximal satisfiable subsets). See https://cdn.aaai.org/AAAI/2004/AAAI04-027.pdf. Can be used independently, with any monotonic
Tested on MacOS Sonoma.
Install swi-prolog. This can be done via brew, macports, or download. See https://www.swi-prolog.org/.
executables. -
Install and build Z3, including libz3.dylib . This can also be done via brew, macports, or download. See https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.
Compile the C code for the Prolog-Z3 interface, using the
(Adapt the -I
and -L
paths accordingly.)
swipl-ld -I/Users/uribe/git/z3/src/api/ -L/Users/uribe/git/z3/build/ -o z3_swi_foreign -shared z3_swi_foreign.c -lz3
This creates a z3_swi_foreign.so
binary that is loaded into SWI Prolog when use_module(z3)
is executed.
- Start swipl, import the
module, and you're done!
?- use_module(z3).
Installing Z3 package
Using Z3 version Z3
Initializing global context
You can now issue queries, for example:
?- z3_push(a:int=f(b) and b = 1 and f(a) > 3), z3_model(M), z3_push(f(f(a)) = 5), z3_model(M1).
M = model{constants:[a-2, b-1], functions:[f/1-else-2, f(2)-4]},
M1 = model{constants:[a-2, b-1], functions:[f/1-else-2, f(4)-5, f(2)-4]}.
The z3.pl module offers a high-level, user-friendly API, with:
- Type inference, to minimize the number of declarations needed.
- Prolog goals push assertions onto the Z3 solver, and those assertions are automatically popped when Prolog backtracks.
The type inference uses a backtrackable map too. Types can be different from one query to the next. Assertions also start afresh from one query to the next. The basic operations are:
: Typechecks and pushes a formula, as in
z3_push(f(a:int) = b and b = 3, Status). %% Status = l_true
Status will be one of {l_true, l_false, l_undef}
. One can also use push/1
, which expects status to not be l_false
: Tests whetherFormula
is consistent with what has been pushed so far.
?- z3_push(a > b:int), z3_is_consistent(a = 3 and b = 2). %% succeeds
?- z3_push(a > b:int), z3_is_consistent(a < c and c < b). %% fails
: Tests whetherFormula
is implied with what has been pushed so far.
?- z3_push(a > b:int and b > c), z3_is_implied(a > c). %% succeeds
- z3_model(-Model) : Gets a model, if the assertions pushed so far are found to be satisfiable.
?- z3_push(a: int > b and b = f(a) and a > f(b) and f(c:int) > a), z3_model(M).
M = model{constants:[a-0, b- -1, c-5], functions:[f/1-else- -1, f(5)-1]}.
- z3_eval(+Formula, -Result) : Evaluates
over a model for the assertions pushed so far, if there is one.
Terms with Prolog variables can be asserted as well. Prolog attributes will associate the variables with fresh Z3 constants, and new equalities will be pushed upon unification. For example:
z3_push(X > b), z3_push(b > c), member(X, [a,b,c,d])
will only succeed for X = a
and X = d
The lower-level module has no Prolog globals, and can be used to write an alterative to z3.pl that keeps state between queries, more like the Python integration.
The z3_swi_foreign.c
file has the C code that glues things together, to be compiled with swipl-ld
(See [#installation]).
has basic capabilities for inferring types for constants and functions in Prolog Z3 expressions, saving the work of having to declare everything beforehand (funtions, in particular).
We handle the basic Z3 capabilities: {int,real,bool} types, propositional logic, equality, artithmetic, and uninterpreted function symbols.
Bit vectors, sets, and quantifiers are future work.