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Attention, please.

This code is a work in progress, and we publish it for full transparency. You can review the source code, but:

  • you shouldn't just run this code without reading it, as it may have bugs or stubbed out crypto
  • it might not do exactly what it says it is doing

If you really want to install Keybase, please return to the top level for official release instructions.



Run within the shared/ directory to setup our dependencies:

yarn modules


The following yarn run commands, to build, run or package the app:

Command Description
start Build a development bundle and start app
hot-server Start the hot-reloading server (with start-hot)
start-hot Connect to a hot-reloading server (with hot-server)
build-dev Build development bundle
build-prod Build prod bundle
package Package app

You can set environment variables for debugging:

Env Description
KEYBASE_RUN_MODE Run mode: prod, staging, devel
KEYBASE_DEVEL_USE_XDG Force Keybase to use XDG paths, can fix service socket location issues on Linux

You can also edit ~/Library/Logs/ on macOS, $HOME/.cache/keybase/ on Linux, or %localappdata%\Keybase\ on Windows (see platform.desktop.js) to add debug flags. In particular, you probably want

  "showDevTools": true

instead of toggling the dev tools after launch because of a bug where not all source files are available if the dev tools aren't opened at launch.

Debugging with React Developer Tools and Immutable.js Object Formatter extensions

  1. Install the React Developer Tools
  2. Set the following environment variables

If you're using bash on macOS:

export KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_ROOTS="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi"

If you're using bash on Linux:

export KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_ROOTS=",$HOME/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/hgldghadipiblonfkkicmgcbbijnpeog"

(See this code for details.)

  1. Run yarn run start-hot.

If you're running Chromium instead of Google Chrome, or if you've installed the extension in your non-default browser, you'll have to change the path passed to KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_ROOTS.

If for some reason you don't want to use start-hot, you'll have to set KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_EXTENSIONS instead of KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_ROOTS, and you'll have to use the version subdirectory:

set -x KEYBASE_DEV_TOOL_EXTENSIONS "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi/2.5.2_0"

Note that this means you'll have to change the last path component if Chrome updates the extension, which can happen at any time. (See this code and the Electron docs for details.)

Then you can run, e.g. yarn start.

Other docs

see Docs


Updating the list of countries with SMS support

In order to update the list of countries supported by Amazon SNS, run the script. It will first fetch the JSON from Amazon's public S3 bucket and transform it for use in our internal country filtering code.

ESLint in VSCode

VSCode's ESLint extension needs to know where to look for .eslintrc. Add this to REPO/.vscode/settings.json.

{ "eslint.workingDirectories": ["shared"] }


You'll need to have watchman installed if you're running out of file descriptors:

brew install watchman