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Supported Tensorflow Ops

Arithmetic Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Add add
BiasAdd add
Sub sub
RealDiv div
Div div
Mul mul
Maximum maximum
Minimum minimum
Pow pow

Basic Math Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Abs abs
Acos acos
Asin asin
atan atan
Ceil ceil
ClipByValue clipByValue
Cos cos
Cosh cosh
Elu elu
Exp exp
Floor floor
Log log
Neg neg
Relu relu
Relu6 clipByValue
Selu selu
Sigmoid sigmoid
Sin sin
Sinh sinh
Sqrt sqrt
Rsqrt rsqrt
Square square
Tan tan
Tanh tanh

Control Flow Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
LoopCond loopCond
Switch switch
Merge merge
Enter enter
Exit exit
NextIteration nextIteration

Convolution Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
AvgPool avgPool
MaxPool maxPool
Conv1D conv1d
Conv2D conv2d
Conv2DTranspose conv2dTranspose
DepthwiseConv2d depthwiseConv2d
DepthwiseConv2dNative depthwiseConv2d

Tensor Creation Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Fill fill
LinSpace linspace
OneHot oneHot
Ones ones
OnesLike onesLike
RandomUniform randomUniform
Range range
truncatedNormal truncatedNormal
Zeros zeros
ZerosLike zerosLike

Tensorflow Graph Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
PlaceholderWithDefault placeholder
Placeholder placeholder
Const const
Identity identity
Shape shape
Print print
NoOp noop

Logical Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Equal equal
Greater greater
GreaterEqual greaterEqual
Less less
LessEqual lessEqual
LogicalAnd logicalAnd
LogicalNot logicalNot
LogicalOr logicalOr
Select where

Matrices Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
MatMul matMul
Transpose transpose

Normalization Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
FusedBatchNorm batchNormalization
FusedBatchNormV2 batchNormalization
LRN localResponseNormalization
Softmax softmax

Image Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
ResizeBilinear resizeBilinear

Reduction Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Max max
Mean mean
Min min
Sum sum
ArgMax argMax
ArgMin argMin

Slice and Join Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
ConcatV2 concat
Concat concat
GatherV2 gather
Gather gather
Reverse reverse
ReverseV2 reverse
Slice slice
Pack stack
Tile tile

Transformation Ops

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Cast cast
ExpandDims expandDims
Pad pad
PadV2 pad
Reshape reshape
Squeeze squeeze