5 | 5 |
6 | 6 | The aim of the project is to create a lightweight 3D engine with a very low level of complexity — in other words, for dummies. The engine can render using <canvas>, <svg> and WebGL.
7 | 7 |
8 |
| -[Contributors](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/contributors) — [Getting Started](http://www.aerotwist.com/lab/getting-started-with-three-js/) — [API Reference](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/API-Reference) |
| 8 | +[Contributors](http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/contributors) — [Getting Started](http://www.aerotwist.com/lab/getting-started-with-three-js/) — [API Reference](http://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/API-Reference) |
9 | 9 |
10 | 10 | More? [#three.js on irc.freenode.net](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=three.js)
11 | 11 |
@@ -135,13 +135,33 @@ This code creates a camera, then creates a scene, adds a cube on it, creates a &
135 | 135 |
136 | 136 | ### Change Log ###
137 | 137 |
138 |
| -2011 07 06 - **r42** (277.852 KB, gzip, gzip: 69.469 KB) |
| 138 | + |
| 139 | +2011 08 14 - **r43** (298.199 KB, gzip: 74.805 KB) |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | +* Improved Blender exporter - 2.58 (and 2.59) support, normals maps, specular, ao maps... ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 142 | +* Added [CORS](http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) to `ImageUtils`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob)) |
| 143 | +* Refactored `TextGeometry` and added `Shape`, `Curve`, `Path`, `ExtrudeGeometry`, `TextPath`. ([zz85](http://github.com/zz85) and [alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 144 | +* Added handling of custom attributes for `ParticleSystems`. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 145 | +* Fixed `CanvasRenderer.setClearColor`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob), [StephenHopkins](http://github.com/StephenHopkins) and [sebleedelisle](http://github.com/sebleedelisle)) |
| 146 | +* Improved uniform handling in `WebGLRenderer`. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 147 | +* Implemented Shadow Mapping in `WebGLRenderer`. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 148 | +* Added `Spotlight` light type. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 149 | +* Fixed constructor-less prototypes. ([pushmatrix](http://github.com/pushmatrix) |
| 150 | +* Added `DataTexture`. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 151 | +* `WebGLRenderer` opaque pass now renders from front to back. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 152 | +* Simplified `Color`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob)) |
| 153 | +* Added `preserveDrawingBuffer` option to `WebGLRenderer`. ([jeromeetienne](http://github.com/jeromeetienne)) |
| 154 | +* Added `UTF8Loader` for loading the new, uber compressed, [UTF8 format](http://code.google.com/p/webgl-loader/). ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq)) |
| 155 | +* `CanvasRenderer` now supports `RepeatWrapping`, `texture.offset` and `texture.repeat`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob)) |
| 156 | +* Removed Stencil Shadows and Lensflare code. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob)) |
| 157 | + |
| 158 | +2011 07 06 - **r42** (277.852 KB, gzip: 69.469 KB) |
139 | 159 |
140 | 160 | * Added `AnaglypWebGLRenderer` and `CrosseyedWebGLRenderer`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob), [alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq) and [marklundin](http://github.com/marklundin))
141 | 161 | * Added `TextGeometry`. ([zz85](http://github.com/zz85) and [alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq))
142 | 162 | * Added `setViewOffset` method to `Camera`. ([greggman](http://github.com/greggman))
143 | 163 | * Renamed geometries to `*Geometry`. ([mrdoob](http://github.com/mrdoob))
144 |
| -* Improved Blender exporter. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq), [sweetfish](http://github.com/sweetfish) and [Jhonnyg](https://github.com/Jhonnyg)) |
| 164 | +* Improved Blender exporter. ([alteredq](http://github.com/alteredq), [sweetfish](http://github.com/sweetfish) and [Jhonnyg](http://github.com/Jhonnyg)) |
145 | 165 | * Added Blender 2.58 exporter. ([georgik](http://github.com/georgik))
146 | 166 | * Fixed `Matrix4.multiply()`. (thanks [lukem1](http://github.com/lukem1))
147 | 167 | * Added support for additional Euler rotation orders in `Matrix4`. ([rectalogic](http://github.com/rectalogic))
0 commit comments