An Entity-Component-System storage implement with golang. It's a sparse sets based inspired by EnTT
- Fast iterator.
- Reuse entity id.
- Combine include/exclude Component query supported.
All the technique/features/idea are from EnTT. (use the amazing ecs implement Entt if you code cpp.)
As go does not support generic now. So we should add extra info to identify different component type.(It's called component id in the project)
// pre define your component data
type Name string
type Age int
type Position struct {
X int
Y int
Z int
func main() {
// create a registry
registry := NewRegistry()
// register all components what you will use later
// It's to identify component type
NameID := registry.RegisterComponent("name")
AgeID := registry.RegisterComponent("age")
PositionID := registry.RegisterComponent("position")
// create an entity
entity := registry.Create()
// assign component data
registry.Assign(entity, NameID, Name("tufei"))
registry.Assign(entity, AgeID, Age(12))
// check whether an entity has given components data or not
registry.Has(entity, NameID) // true
registry.Has(entity, NameID, AgeID) // true
registry.Has(entity, PositionID) // false
// iterator entities by givin component
registry.View(NameID, AgeID).Each(func(entity EntityID, datas map[ComponentID]interface{}) {
name := datas[NameID].(Name) // the component type bind componentID must be consistent with you assign before
age := datas[AgeID].(Age)
fmt.Printf("name is %v\n", name)
fmt.Printf("age is %v\n", age)
GO 1.14 and above
- exclude test
- avoid gc as much as possible
- notify when update component data(create/update/remove)
- avoid iterate empty component data
- snapshot
- group
- database backend
- benchmark
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details