To compile the Echessd into a single executable file use:
$ make
If all you want is to obtain Erlang byte code (*.beam) then use:
$ make compile
You can obtain autogenerated HTML documentation with:
$ make html
Then you'll find it in the 'doc' directory.
To run all tests available type:
$ make all-tests
To run EUnit tests type:
$ make eunit
To run Dialyzer type:
$ make dialyze
To start the Echessd with empty database:
$ make compile
$ ERL_LIBS=.. erl -echessd config_path '"echessd.conf"'
1> ok = echessd_db:init().
2> ok = application:start(echessd).
To start the Echessd and initialize the database from a dump file:
$ make compile
$ ERL_LIBS=.. erl -echessd config_path '"echessd.conf"'
1> {ok, Dump} = file:consult("echessd.dump").
2> ok = echessd_db:load(Dump).
3> ok = application:start(echessd).
To start the Echessd with already existing database:
$ make compile
$ ERL_LIBS=.. erl -echessd config_path '"echessd.conf"'
1> ok = mnesia:start().
2> ok = application:start(echessd).
All internationalisation data is defined in a priv/echessd.lang file. There is no need to make changes in other places to add support of a new language. As far as the file is compiled in the Echessd executable, you'll need to rebuild and restart the Echessd Server.
The task must be done in three stages:
- Add the new style declaration to a priv/echessd.styles file;
- Add a corresponding CSS file to a priv/www directory;
- Rebuild and restart the Echessd.