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SMS Broadcast

Use this app to broadcast SMS messages to large numbers of people.


Environment variables

This project requires some environment variables to be set. To keep your tokens and secrets secure, make sure to not commit the .env file in git. When setting up the project with twilio serverless:init ... the Twilio CLI will create a .gitignore file that excludes .env from the version history.

In your .env file, set the following values:

Variable Description Required
BROADCAST_NOTIFY_SERVICE_SID A Notify Service Sid which is connected to a Messaging Service. See below for setup instructions Yes
BROADCAST_ADMIN_NUMBERS A comma separated list of phone numbers (in e.164 format) that are allowed to broadcast messages to subscribers Yes

Function Parameters

/broadcast expects to receive an incoming webhook from an inbound SMS message. It is protected and requires a valid Twilio signature, it uses the From and Body parameters.


Create a new project with the template

  1. Install the Twilio CLI
  2. Install the serverless toolkit
twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
  1. Initiate a new project
twilio serverless:init example --template=sms-broadcast && cd example

Before using this Function, you will need to create (or use an existing) Notify service and Messaging service. The Notify service will use the Messaging service to send out SMS messages. The Messaging service will be configured to send incoming messages to your Subscribe/Broadcast function.

Create a Notify Service

In the console, create a Notify service. Our function code uses Notify to store our subscriber list and to send out notifications. After your service is created, locate the Dropdown in your Notify service config labeled "Messaging Service SID". You should be able to choose the Messaging Service we created in the last step.

You will need the generated SID for this service to configure your environment in the next step.

Create a Messaging Service

Once your Notify service is created, go to its config page in the console and locate the Dropdown labeled "Messaging Service SID". Click the link next to that Dropdown labeled "Create a Messaging Service here". For the new Messaging Service's use case, choose "Not listed here". When prompted, add the phone number you want to use with this service to the Messaging Service's Sender Pool.

Deploy the Function template

Add the Notify Service SID (which should start with IS) to the .env file as BROADCAST_NOTIFY_SERVICE_SID. Add the phone numbers of admins that are permitted to send broadcast messages to the .env file as BROADCAST_ADMIN_NUMBERS.

Deploy your functions and assets with the following command. Note: you must run this command from inside your project folder. More details in the docs.

To deploy the function with the Twilio CLI run the following:

twilio serverless:deploy

In a few moments your Function should be deployed! Grab its URL from the results, as we will now need to configure it for incoming SMS messages to our Messaging service.

Handle incoming messages with your Function

Go back to the messaging service you created earlier. In the sidebar, look for the Integration menu item. Under the Incoming Messages section of the Integration configuration page, you'll see a radio button for "Send a webhook". Click this radio button, and in the "Request URL" textbox that appears, paste the URL to the Function we just deployed. Click "Save".

Now if all went well, you'll be able to start using your phone number for managing broadcasts and subscriptions!


Once the Function is deployed and your Twilio phone number is set up, folks can text anything to it to receive a brief informational message about what commands are available.

  • subscribe - subscribes the current number for updates from the service
  • stop/start - uses Twilio's built-in stop handling to opt a user out from, or back in to, receiving messages (check out this article for further details on Twilio's built-in features for handling opt-out/in keywords)
  • broadcast <message content> - Administrators can use the broadcast command to send a message out to all subscribed users. Not included in help text.

To edit the copy for any of the messages, open the function code and look for the text strings at the top of the file.