Brook v20240404: Speed limit, IP count limit, Traffic statistics, Configure file
contains some experimental features
- brook --speedLimit: Limit speed (b), such as 500kb/s: 500000, works with server/wsserver/wssserver/quicserver
- brook --ipLimitMax: Limit the number of client IP addresses, be careful when using this parameter, as the client may have dynamic IP. Works with server/wsserver/wssserver/quicserver
- brook --ipLimitInterval: Interval (s) for ipLimitMax
- brook --ipLimitWait: How long (s) to wait for recovery after exceeding ipLimitMax
- brook relayoverbrook --link
- brook dnsserveroverbrook --link
- brook wssclient --link
- brook link --fragment When server is brook wssserver, split the ClientHello into multiple fragments and then send them one by one with delays (millisecond). The format is min_length:max_length:min_delay:max_delay, cannot be zero, such as 50:100:10:50, Note that: Currently only supported by the brook CLI and tun2brook.
- brook --serverLog: Enable server log, traffic and more. A valid value is file path or 'console'. Mutually exclusive with the --log parameter. Works with server/wsserver/wssserver/quicserver
--serverLog format
You can tally traffic from --serverLog, for example by using a jb
script to sum up the traffic from the /tmp/brook.log
log file.
jb 'var s=0; read_file("/tmp/brook.log").trim().split("\n").map(v=>JSON.parse(v)).forEach(v=> s+= v.bytes ? parseInt(v.bytes) : 0); echo(s)'
- Support CAC configure file
We known this:
brook server -l :9999 -p hello
Then, create a file /root/any_name
server -l :9999 -p hello
We can run it like this:
brook /root/any_name
- New: Brook OpenWRT GUI
- Installing an ipk will automatically install dependencies.
- Connect and disconnect auto-configure OpenWRT, no need to manually configure some settings in OpenWRT as before.
- And some optimizations.
- bugfix
- IPvBar: Display domain, IP and IP location on Chrome
Brook v20240404: 限速,限制客户端 IP 数量,流量统计,配置文件
- brook --speedLimit: 服务端限速
- brook --ipLimitMax: 限制客户端 IP 数量
- brook --ipLimitInterval: 周期
- brook --ipLimitWait: 周期内触及 --ipLimitMax 数量后等待多久恢复
- brook relayoverbrook --link
- brook dnsserveroverbrook --link
- brook wssclient --link
- brook link --fragment 当服务器是brook wssserver时,将ClientHello拆分成多个分片,然后逐个延迟发送(毫秒为单位)。格式为 min_length:max_length:min_delay:max_delay,值不能为零,例如 50:100:10:50。需要注意的是:目前仅由brook CLI和tun2brook支持。
- brook --serverLog: 服务端日志,包含每个连接的流量统计
--serverLog 格式如下
可以从 --serverLog 里统计流量,比如用 jb 脚本统计 /tmp/brook.log
jb 'var s=0; read_file("/tmp/brook.log").trim().split("\n").map(v=>JSON.parse(v)).forEach(v=> s+= v.bytes ? parseInt(v.bytes) : 0); echo(s)'
- 支持 CAC 配置文件
brook server -l :9999 -p hello
现在, 创建一个文件 /root/any_name
server -l :9999 -p hello
brook /root/any_name
- 新增:Brook OpenWRT 图形客户端
- 安装 ipk 时会自动安装依赖
- 连接和断开自动配置 OpenWRT,无需再向以前一样手动去 OpenWRT 里配置一些东西
- 以及一些细节的优化
- bugfix
- IPvBar:显示域名,IP,IP 归属地的浏览器扩展