The primer pipeline should generate primers for viruses. The pipeline currently works by:
- Download genomes from NCBI.
- Orgznie sequences by species/serotype.
- Align genomes using ClustalO (all, as well as by species/serotype).
- Convert the alignment into a consensus sequence.
- Run Primer3 and DEGEPRIME to choose primers.
- Align each primer set against all organism sequences (from step 1) using EMBOSS's primersearch. Determine: a. Primer set specificity to one or multiple species/serotype (species or pan-primer) b. Product size distribution
- For primer sets that pass step 5: a. BLAST each primer against "nr". b. BLAST each primer against kmer pipeline reference database. c. Perform primer-BLAST on NCBI.
- Choose only primers that pass steps 5 and 6 for wet laboratory testing.
- Python 2.7
- BioPython 1.7
- EMBOSS suite (tested with 6.6.0)
- clustalo
- primer3 (tested with v2.4.0)
- NCBI-blastn
All of the above are currently installed as modules on the CDC servers.
Step 1: Download genomes from NCBI.
- Download genomes using Batch Entrez at NCBI.
For example, for hrv-c:
- We first visited NCBI Viral Genomes and downloaded the file under "Accession list of all viral genomes".
- We then accessed the downloaded file named
. We can then "grep" for the virus of interest. - The "grepped" list can be used as the "list of identifiers" for the next step.
- Input list of identifiers (a text file) under "File" and hit "Retrieve".
- After reaching the page with genomes, click on "Send to:" dropdown, and:
- Select "Complete Record".
- Under "Choose Destination", selection "File." for format select "FASTA" and check "Show GI". Then click "Create File."
- Save the file, which will automatically be named
## All the below are for Step 1.1 ##
# Choose genomes named "rhinovirus C"
$ cat taxid10239.nbr | grep 'Rhinovirus C' > rhinovirusConly.txt
# Add back the header
$ head -n2 taxid10239.nbr | cat - rhinovirusConly.txt > rhinovirusConly_h.txt
# Take the second column
$ cut -f2 rhinovirusConly_h.txt > rhinovirusCrep_list.txt
# Add the reference sequence back by manually editing in vim
$ vi rhinovirusCrep_list.txt
Step 2: Align viral genomes using clustalo.
- Check whether genome lengths are approximately the same. You cannot cluster sequences that are very different in length.
- Create fasta files for the groups you would like to cluster.
- Cluster via clustalo.
- Visualize alignment either in JalView or CLC Bio (whatever you have available).
# cluster all hrv species together
$ clustalo -i YOURFASTA.fasta -o YOURFASTA.clustalo.fasta
# rename fasta files headers in order to tell between types
$ python -i YOURFASTA.clustalo.fasta -t taxid10239.nbr -o YOURFASTA.clustalo.annotated.fasta
Step 3: Create consensus sequence and run Primer3.
Step 3.1: Convert into a consensus sequence. Step 3.2: Create a Primer3 template file. Step 3.3: Run Primer3. Primer3 has a multitude of options documented online.
## Split the alignment into each species ##
## Convert to consensus sequence ##
# Create the consensus sequence with ambiguous bases using the EMBOSS tool for each alignment.
$ module load EMBOSS/6.5.7 # do if on cluster/BioLinux
$ consambig -sequence YOURFASTA.clustalo.annotated.fasta -outseq YOURFASTA.consambig
# You also have the option to create a consensus sequence without ambiguous bases (only Ns) if you use:
$ cons -sequence YOURFASTA.clustalo.annotated.fasta -outseq YOURFASTA.cons
## Create a Primer3 template file. ##
# Primer3 works by taking in a template of the parameters you want:
$ python -c YOURGENOMESNAME.cons -o YOURGENOMESNAME.CONS.primer3 -p1
# The input goes under the -c flag for the consensus sequence.
# The p1 flag specifies where the Primer3 config is. Use -p2 to specify a different
# path other than the default.
## Generate primers. ##
$ primer3_core < YOURFASTA.cons.primer3 > YOURFASTA.cons.primer3.out
# Combine primer output for each gene region and format for blast and primersearch.
$ -i YOURFASTA.cons.primer3.out -n 4 -b YOURFASTA.blast -e YOURFASTA.emboss
# The .emboss file is all the stats from primer3
# There are 2 .blast files created:
# 1) YOURFASTA.blast
# 2) single_YOURFASTA.blast.
# The former is the forward primer stitched with the reverse complement, with
# "Ns" in between, which can be specified with "-n"
# The latter is the two primers separate.
Step 4: Trim alignment and run DEGEPRIME.
This is currently optional. DEGEPRIME is better than Primer3 at generating degenerate primers, but currently you need to manually search for primers.
Step 4.1: "Trim" the alignment. Step 4.2: Run DEGEPRIME.
##Trim the alignment ##
$ perl ~/programs/DEGEPRIME/ -i YOURFASTA.clustalo.annotated.fasta -min 0.5
-o YOURFASTA.trimmed_align_file
## Create a Primer3 template file. ##
$ perl ~/programs/DEGEPRIME/ -i YOURFASTA.trimmed_align_file -d 6 -l 20 -o YOURFASTA.output
## Search for primers
#Currently, we sort YOURFASTA.output by # of sequences with a matching primer, and then
#by degeneracy.
Step 5: Check your primers for specificity to your organism. [Optimizing more parameters]
# BLAST against your taxon of interest using "human rhinovirus" as an example.
-db nr -task blastn-short -word_size 7 -max_target_seqs 50000 -reward 1 -penalty -1
-entrez_query "human rhinovirus" -remote
# BLAST against everything EXCEPT taxon of interest.
-db nr -task blastn-short -word_size 7 -max_target_seqs 50000 -reward 1 -penalty -1
-entrez_query "NOT human rhinovirus" -remote
# For custom, parse-able output in Step 8, use outfmt 6
-db nr -task blastn-short -word_size 7 -max_target_seqs 50000 -reward 1 -penalty -1
-entrez_query "human rhinovirus" -remote -outfmt "6 qaccver sallseqid stitle pident
nident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send sstrand evalue bitscore"
Step 8: Parse BLAST output. [Improve by adding summaries]
Step 9: BLAST amplicons sequences against nr. [Yet to be implemented]
Current Approach
- Deciding on representative genomes for whole genome alignment
- Need a way to choose groups
- Why do consensus sequences with Ns generate more primers?
- Is Primer3 not as good with degenerate sequences or avoid them?
- Deciding on BLAST parameters:
- Current parameters based on some of PrimerBLAST's parameters, but have not managed to recreate their results.
- Need to decide on summary output that would be useful for deciding on primer pairs.
- Perhaps output products in separate fasta file for BLAST
- Why do mugsy primers fail in BLAST?
- Installation onto CLC Bio
- Everything is currently implemented on the CDC Servers
- Would like to install on CLC, but not sure if we should go for a module system
Other Approaches
- PrimerBLAST has an initial step of megaBLAST-ing your sequence of interest against all other organisms, and masking aligned sections before calling Primer3.
- It might be possible to BLAST the genome-of-interest consensus sequence against nr and remove any section that has a hit before proceeding with the remainder of the pipeline
- May be a more "appropriate use of BLAST" that works better
- HYDEN and DEGEPRIME probably generate better degenerate primers, but are much less helpful than Primer3
- With the BLAST script written, may be able to generate product sizes even if we use something like DEGEPRIME and Hyden