#Markit On Demand - Data APIs
Play with some real market data, have fun and show off. Send us your creation.
We have a few APIs for you to play around with, and we’re working to add some more. Details on how to use the Lookup API, Stock Quote API and the Timeseries API for a historical pricing dataset can be found here. We have a full set of documentation available, too, so put on a pot of coffee and enjoy.
This repository contains a couple usage examples to get you started, but you should visit dev.markitondemand.com for full details, documentation and terms of use.
###Lookup API Demo
Take a peek under the covers of the Lookup API demo at markitondemand.github.com/DataApis/LookupSample.
###Stock Quote API Demo
Take a peek under the covers of the Stock Quote API demo at markitondemand.github.com/DataApis/StockQuoteSample.
28 June 2012 - We released a small update to the Lookup API which fixes some stock symbols in the response. Please let us know if you find any issues.