Note: right now, this repo is only intended for DSC content. In the future, it may be expanded to include a greater set of PowerShell documentation.
- Any public release
- ICan overview (brief)
- Class/Parameter definitions
- System requirements
- Examples/demo.txt
- At RTM
- Scenario overview
- Scenario examples
- Scenario training
- Video content
- Cmdlet help
- API documentation
- Setup and install considerations
- Security guidance
- Expanded system requirements
- Post-RTM
- Architecture docs
- Compete/support/release info
- (?) Getting Started
- Use cases
- Troubleshooting
- (?) Tool/expandability docs
- Deployment guides
- Scaling/HA guidance
- End-to-end whitepapers
- App compat
Current goals:
Build a filesystem with separate docs for whatever we want to be a separate doc
Backfill the current TechNet content and outlines into those docs so that we have a plan of record for what we want to do.
Overview/Intro (1% - outlined)
- Why do I care about DSC? Value add?
- Basics of concepts
- Configurations
- Resources
- Packaged as PS modules
- Discovery of resources - On-box (Get-DscResource) - Gallery (Find/Install-DscResource)
- Platforms/Availability
- Windows/Linux
- Versions
- Review initial blog post for reference
Configuration Topics
- Authoring
- Compilation into MOF
- Advanced authoring
- Param block with PS runtime-y stuff
- Change static variables to runtime dynamic variables (right-hand side of config properties)
- Enacting
- Push
- Pull defers to a set of articles on the pull model/server/protocol/etc
- Status
- Get-DscConfiguration
- Get-DscConfigurationStatus
- Don't call it rollback: Restore-DscConfiguration
- Troubleshooting
- ETW logs
- -Wait -Verbose
- Get-DscConfigurationStatus
- LCM: Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager
- Configuration Data (?% - poor condition)
- Partial configs
- Consuming composite resources
- Authoring
Resource Topics
- Built-in resources
- Authoring custom resources
- MOF-based
- Class-based
- Composite resources
- Debugging DSC resources
- Linux resources
Error reporting/logging
Scenario (end-to-end) examples
- Configurations
- File Copy
- Config Data
- Wordpress
- Complex, multi-node, dev -> prod
- HA SQL deployment
- Configurations
- Azure Automation
- Azure Extension Handler
- DSC resource best practices