kube-cicd-hf-assignment Clone the repo cd ~ git clone https://github.com/ubaidsayyed54/kube-cicd-hf-assignment.git Building the application and pushing to the docker hub docker build -t ubaidsayyed/nodejs-app:1.0.0 . docker push ubaidsayyed/nodejs-app:1.0.0 Creating a GKE cluster with auto-scaling nodepool # cluster with autoscaling-on gcloud container clusters create hf-cicd-demo --num-nodes 30 \ --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes 15 --max-nodes 50 [--zone compute-zone] # connecting to the GKE cluster gcloud container clusters get-credentials hf-cicd-demo --zone us-central1-a --project hf-cicd-project Configuring the cloudbuild with the github