This is built using snorql-framework
and acts as a repository of SQL metrics that can be consumed in your project layer.
It exposes useful SQL metrics that can be integrated & used with your application
Here we will be taking activeQueries
in snorql-extensions
as an example metric to walk through step by step in the process of adding your own metric
- Added
configuration in the pathsnorql-extensions/src/main/resources/sql-monitoring-conf.json
"performance_activeQueries": {
"queries": {
"main": "SELECT sessionId=s.session_id\n ,status=r.STATUS\n ,blockedBy=r.blocking_session_id\n ,waitType=r.wait_type\n, waitResource=r.wait_resource\n, waitTime=CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(ms, r.wait_time, 0), 8)\n, cpuTime=r.cpu_time\n, logicalReads=r.logical_reads\n, r.reads\n ,r.writes\n,elapsedTime=CONVERT(varchar, (r.total_elapsed_time/1000 / 86400))+ 'd ' +\n CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(ms, r.total_elapsed_time, 0), 8)\n ,queryText=CAST((\n '<?query -- ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + Substring(st.TEXT, (r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1, (\n (\n CASE r.statement_end_offset\n WHEN - 1\n THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)\n ELSE r.statement_end_offset\n END - r.statement_start_offset\n) / 2\n) + 1) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + '--?>'\n ) AS XML)\n, storedProc=COALESCE(\n QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(st.dbid)) + N'.' + \n QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(st.objectid, st.dbid)) + N'.' +\n QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(st.objectid, st.dbid)), ''\n)\n --,qp.query_plan AS 'xml_plan' -- uncomment (1) if you want to see plan\n, r.command\n ,loginName=s.login_name\n ,hostName=s.host_name\n ,programName=s.program_name\n ,hostProcessId=s.host_process_id\n ,lastRequestEndTime=s.last_request_end_time\n ,loginTime=s.login_time\n ,openTransactionCount=r.open_transaction_count\n FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s\n INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ON r.session_id = s.session_id\n CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st\n --OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(r.plan_handle) AS qp -- uncomment (2) if you want to see plan\n WHERE r.wait_type NOT LIKE 'SP_SERVER_DIAGNOSTICS%' \n ORDER BY r.blocking_session_id"
"supportsHistorical": true,
"supportsRealTime": true,
"isParameterized": false
- This is the metric name that will be used later to refer to this metric.
- This has multiple queries which will be used to build the <MetricResult>
- Indicates whether the metric data source can come from historical storage.
- Indicates whether the metric data can only be queried from real-time data sources.
- A truthy value indicates the query is parameterized & vice versa.
- Created the Metric Enum
class & added theACTIVE_QUERIES
package com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.IMtericId
enum class PerformanceEnums(private val metricId:String):IMtericId {
override fun getId(): String {
return "performance_" + this.metricId
NOTE: The metric name returned by the getId()
method should be similar to the metric name given in the JSON in step 1.
- Added a
data class
package com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.models
data class ActiveQueryDTO(
val sessionId: Int,
val status: String,
val blockedBy: Int,
val waitType: String?,
val waitResource: String?,
val waitTime: String?,
val cpuTime: Int?,
val logicalReads: Int?,
val reads: Int?,
val writes: Int?,
val elapsedTime: String,
val queryText: String,
val storedProc: String,
val command: String,
val loginName: String,
val hostName: String,
val programName: String,
val hostProcessId: Int,
val lastRequestEndTime: String,
val loginTime: String,
val openTransactionCount: Int
This ActiveQueryDTO
corresponds to the result that would be obtained when the query specified against performance_activeQueries
in the sql-monitoring-conf.json
is executed.
- Added
data class
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.PerformanceEnums
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.models.IMetricResult
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.models.MetricInput
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.models.MetricPeriod
data class ActiveQueryInput(
override val metricId: String = PerformanceEnums.ACTIVE_QUERIES.getId(),
override val metricPeriod: MetricPeriod, override val databaseName: String
) : MetricInput()
class extends MetricInput & overrides the required parameters with respective values
- This equals the metricId specified in Step 2.
- Has type MetricPeriod that allows 2 values (REAL_TIME & HISTORICAL).
- The database against which the query will be executed.
Note: If this metric had been parameterized, additional parameters required would have been specified in this ActiveQueryInput
- Created
data class
data class ActiveQueryResult(val queryList: List<ActiveQueryDTO>) : IMetricResult()
This ActiveQueryResult
wrapper class encloses the output of the <Metric>
- Created a
package com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.metrics
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.models.ActiveQueryDTO
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.models.ActiveQueryInput
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.models.ActiveQueryResult
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.SQLMonitoringConfigException
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.metric.IMetric
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.metric.SqlMetricManager
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.models.*
class ActiveQueriesMetric :
IMetric<ActiveQueryInput, ActiveQueryResult, IMetricRecommendation> {
override fun getMetricResult(
metricInput: ActiveQueryInput,
metricConfig: MetricConfig
): ActiveQueryResult {
val query =
?: throw SQLMonitoringConfigException("SQL config query [main] not found under config [${metricInput.metricId}]")
val result = SqlMetricManager.queryExecutor.execute<ActiveQueryDTO>(metricInput.databaseName, query)
return ActiveQueryResult(result)
override fun getMetricResponseMetadata(
metricInput: ActiveQueryInput,
metricOutput: MetricOutput<ActiveQueryResult, IMetricRecommendation>
): Map<String, Any>? {
val responseMetadata = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
val query =
responseMetadata["underlyingQueries"] = listOf(query)
return responseMetadata
override fun saveMetricResult(metricInput: MetricInput, result: IMetricResult) {}
The class ActiveQueriesMetric
implements IMetric
with its ActiveQueryInput
& ActiveQueryResult
data classes that we defined above.
fetches the query to be executed, & passes it along with the databaseName to the execute()
which takes care of running the query & returning the result.
is responsible for formulating the final response. The response of the same will be something similar to the json given below:
"SELECT sessionId=s.session_id\n ,status=r.STATUS\n ,blockedBy=r.blocking_session_id\n ,waitType=r.wait_type\n, waitResource=r.wait_resource\n, waitTime=CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(ms, r.wait_time, 0), 8)\n, cpuTime=r.cpu_time\n, logicalReads=r.logical_reads\n, r.reads\n ,r.writes\n,elapsedTime=CONVERT(varchar, (r.total_elapsed_time/1000 / 86400))+ 'd ' +\n CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEADD(ms, r.total_elapsed_time, 0), 8)\n ,queryText=CAST((\n '<?query -- ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + Substring(st.TEXT, (r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1, (\n (\n CASE r.statement_end_offset\n WHEN - 1\n THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)\n ELSE r.statement_end_offset\n END - r.statement_start_offset\n) / 2\n) + 1) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + '--?>'\n ) AS XML)\n, storedProc=COALESCE(\n QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(st.dbid)) + N'.' + \n QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(st.objectid, st.dbid)) + N'.' +\n QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(st.objectid, st.dbid)), ''\n)\n --,qp.query_plan AS 'xml_plan' -- uncomment (1) if you want to see plan\n, r.command\n ,loginName=s.login_name\n ,hostName=s.host_name\n ,programName=s.program_name\n ,hostProcessId=s.host_process_id\n ,lastRequestEndTime=s.last_request_end_time\n ,loginTime=s.login_time\n ,openTransactionCount=r.open_transaction_count\n FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s\n INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r ON r.session_id = s.session_id\n CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st\n --OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(r.plan_handle) AS qp -- uncomment (2) if you want to see plan\n WHERE r.wait_type NOT LIKE 'SP_SERVER_DIAGNOSTICS%' \n ORDER BY r.blocking_session_id"
should have the logic to save the metricResult to a persistent store.(Persistence is not supported yet. Hence, the method definition is empty)
- Registered the metric using
package com.udaan.snorql.extensions
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.PerformanceEnums
import com.udaan.snorql.extensions.performance.metrics.ActiveQueriesMetric
import com.udaan.snorql.framework.metric.SqlMetricManager
object SQLCommonMetrics {
fun initialize() {
// register performance related metric here
SqlMetricManager.addMetric(PerformanceEnums.ACTIVE_QUERIES.getId(), ActiveQueriesMetric())