Copy-paste the following code into the <head>
of every page you want to monitor. It should be as high as possible, before any other <script>
with your project's post_client_item
access token, which you can find in the interface. You can find this in your project settings ("Settings" link at the top of the Rollbar website) in the "Project Access Tokens" settings area.
var _rollbarConfig = {
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true,
payload: {
environment: "production"
// Rollbar Snippet
!function(r){function o(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var t=e[n]={exports:{},id:n,loaded:!1};return r[n].call(t.exports,t,t.exports,o),t.loaded=!0,t.exports}var e={};return o.m=r,o.c=e,o.p="",o(0)}([function(r,o,e){"use strict";var n=e(1),t=e(4);_rollbarConfig=_rollbarConfig||{},_rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl=_rollbarConfig.rollbarJsUrl||"",_rollbarConfig.async=void 0===_rollbarConfig.async||_rollbarConfig.async;var a=n.setupShim(window,_rollbarConfig),l=t(_rollbarConfig);window.rollbar=n.Rollbar,a.loadFull(window,document,!_rollbarConfig.async,_rollbarConfig,l)},function(r,o,e){"use strict";function n(r){return function(){try{return r.apply(this,arguments)}catch(r){try{console.error("[Rollbar]: Internal error",r)}catch(r){}}}}function t(r,o){this.options=r,this._rollbarOldOnError=null;var e=s++;this.shimId=function(){return e},window&&window._rollbarShims&&(window._rollbarShims[e]={handler:o,messages:[]})}function a(r,o){var e=o.globalAlias||"Rollbar";if("object"==typeof r[e])return r[e];r._rollbarShims={},r._rollbarWrappedError=null;var t=new p(o);return n(function(){o.captureUncaught&&(t._rollbarOldOnError=r.onerror,i.captureUncaughtExceptions(r,t,!0),i.wrapGlobals(r,t,!0)),o.captureUnhandledRejections&&i.captureUnhandledRejections(r,t,!0);var n=o.autoInstrument;return(void 0===n||n===!0||"object"==typeof n&&"load",t.captureLoad.bind(t)),r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t.captureDomContentLoaded.bind(t))),r[e]=t,t})()}function l(r){return n(function(){var o=this,,0),n={shim:o,method:r,args:e,ts:new Date};window._rollbarShims[this.shimId()].messages.push(n)})}var i=e(2),s=0,d=e(3),c=function(r,o){return new t(r,o)},p=d.bind(null,c);t.prototype.loadFull=function(r,o,e,t,a){var l=function(){var o;if(void 0===r._rollbarDidLoad){o=new Error("rollbar.js did not load");for(var e,n,t,l,i=0;e=r._rollbarShims[i++];)for(e=e.messages||[];n=e.shift();)for(t=n.args||[],i=0;i<t.length;++i)if(l=t[i],"function"==typeof l){l(o);break}}"function"==typeof a&&a(o)},i=!1,s=o.createElement("script"),d=o.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],c=d.parentNode;s.crossOrigin="",s.src=t.rollbarJsUrl,e||(s.async=!0),s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=n(function(){if(!(i||this.readyState&&"loaded"!==this.readyState&&"complete"!==this.readyState)){s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=null;try{c.removeChild(s)}catch(r){}i=!0,l()}}),c.insertBefore(s,d)},t.prototype.wrap=function(r,o,e){try{var n;if(n="function"==typeof o?o:function(){return o||{}},"function"!=typeof r)return r;if(r._isWrap)return r;if(!r._rollbar_wrapped&&(r._rollbar_wrapped=function(){e&&"function"==typeof e&&e.apply(this,arguments);try{return r.apply(this,arguments)}catch(e){var o=e;throw"string"==typeof o&&(o=new String(o)),o._rollbarContext=n()||{},o._rollbarContext._wrappedSource=r.toString(),window._rollbarWrappedError=o,o}},r._rollbar_wrapped._isWrap=!0,r.hasOwnProperty))for(var t in r)r.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(r._rollbar_wrapped[t]=r[t]);return r._rollbar_wrapped}catch(o){return r}};for(var u="log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleUnhandledRejection,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(","),f=0;f<u.length;++f)t.prototype[u[f]]=l(u[f]);r.exports={setupShim:a,Rollbar:p}},function(r,o){"use strict";function e(r,o,e){if(r){var t;"function"==typeof o._rollbarOldOnError?t=o._rollbarOldOnError:r.onerror&&!r.onerror.belongsToShim&&(t=r.onerror,o._rollbarOldOnError=t);var a=function(){var,0);n(r,o,t,e)};a.belongsToShim=e,r.onerror=a}}function n(r,o,e,n){r._rollbarWrappedError&&(n[4]||(n[4]=r._rollbarWrappedError),n[5]||(n[5]=r._rollbarWrappedError._rollbarContext),r._rollbarWrappedError=null),o.handleUncaughtException.apply(o,n),e&&e.apply(r,n)}function t(r,o,e){if(r){"function"==typeof r._rollbarURH&&r._rollbarURH.belongsToShim&&r.removeEventListener("unhandledrejection",r._rollbarURH);var n=function(r){var e=r.reason,n=r.promise,t=r.detail;!e&&t&&(e=t.reason,n=t.promise),o&&o.handleUnhandledRejection&&o.handleUnhandledRejection(e,n)};n.belongsToShim=e,r._rollbarURH=n,r.addEventListener("unhandledrejection",n)}}function a(r,o,e){if(r){var n,t,a="EventTarget,Window,Node,ApplicationCache,AudioTrackList,ChannelMergerNode,CryptoOperation,EventSource,FileReader,HTMLUnknownElement,IDBDatabase,IDBRequest,IDBTransaction,KeyOperation,MediaController,MessagePort,ModalWindow,Notification,SVGElementInstance,Screen,TextTrack,TextTrackCue,TextTrackList,WebSocket,WebSocketWorker,Worker,XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,XMLHttpRequestUpload".split(",");for(n=0;n<a.length;++n)t=a[n],r[t]&&r[t].prototype&&l(o,r[t].prototype,e)}}function l(r,o,e){if(o.hasOwnProperty&&o.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener")){for(var n=o.addEventListener;n._rollbarOldAdd&&n.belongsToShim;)n=n._rollbarOldAdd;var t=function(o,e,t){,o,r.wrap(e),t)};t._rollbarOldAdd=n,t.belongsToShim=e,o.addEventListener=t;for(var a=o.removeEventListener;a._rollbarOldRemove&&a.belongsToShim;)a=a._rollbarOldRemove;var l=function(r,o,e){,r,o&&o._rollbar_wrapped||o,e)};l._rollbarOldRemove=a,l.belongsToShim=e,o.removeEventListener=l}}r.exports={captureUncaughtExceptions:e,captureUnhandledRejections:t,wrapGlobals:a}},function(r,o){"use strict";function e(r,o){this.impl=r(o,this),this.options=o,n(e.prototype)}function n(r){for(var o=function(r){return function(){var,0);if(this.impl[r])return this.impl[r].apply(this.impl,o)}},e="log,debug,info,warn,warning,error,critical,global,configure,handleUncaughtException,handleUnhandledRejection,_createItem,wrap,loadFull,shimId,captureDomContentLoaded,captureLoad".split(","),n=0;n<e.length;n++)r[e[n]]=o(e[n])}e.prototype._swapAndProcessMessages=function(r,o){this.impl=r(this.options);for(var e,n,t;e=o.shift();)n=e.method,t=e.args,this[n]&&"function"==typeof this[n]&&("captureDomContentLoaded"===n||"captureLoad"===n?this[n].apply(this,[t[0],e.ts]):this[n].apply(this,t));return this},r.exports=e},function(r,o){"use strict";r.exports=function(r){return function(o){if(!o&&!window._rollbarInitialized){r=r||{};for(var e,n,t=r.globalAlias||"Rollbar",a=window.rollbar,l=function(r){return new a(r)},i=0;e=window._rollbarShims[i++];)n||(n=e.handler),e.handler._swapAndProcessMessages(l,e.messages);window[t]=n,window._rollbarInitialized=!0}}}}]);
// End Rollbar Snippet
If you're running Rollbar on an environment besides production, change the environment
value to something else (e.g. "staging"). See below for more configuration options.
- Navigate your browser to a page that has the above code installed
- Type the following code into the console and press enter:
window.onerror("TestRollbarError: testing window.onerror", window.location.href)
This simulates an uncaught error. It should appear in the Rollbar dashboard within a few seconds.
In addition to catching top-level errors, you can send caught errors or custom log messages. All of the following methods are fully-asynchronous and safe to call anywhere in your code after the <script>
tag above.
// Caught errors
try {
} catch (e) {
Rollbar.error("Something went wrong", e);
// Arbitrary log messages. 'critical' is most severe; 'debug' is least.
Rollbar.critical("Connection error from remote Payments API");
Rollbar.error("Some unexpected condition");
Rollbar.warning("Connection error from Twitter API");"User opened the purchase dialog");
Rollbar.debug("Purchase dialog finished rendering");
// Can include custom data with any of the above.
// It will appear as `custom.postId` in the Occurrences tab"Post published", {postId: 123});
// Callback functions
Rollbar.error(e, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error while reporting error to Rollbar: ", e);
} else {
console.log("Error successfully reported to Rollbar. UUID:", data.result.uuid);
To set configuration options at runtime, use Rollbar.configure
// Set the person data to be sent with all errors for this notifier.
payload: {
person: {
id: 456,
username: "foo",
email: "[email protected]"
(Advanced) For fine-grained control of the payload sent to the Rollbar API, you can override any keys by nesting them in the configuration under the payload key:
Rollbar.configure({payload: {fingerprint: "custom fingerprint to override grouping algorithm"}}).error(err);
For convenience, the configure method also accepts a second parameter of data to be automatically nested under the paylaod key, for example:
Rollbar.configure({enabled: true, payload: {somekey: 'somevalue'}}, {fingerprint: 'abc123'})
is equivalent to
Rollbar.configure({enabled: true, payload: {somekey: 'somevalue', fingerprint: 'abc123'}})
Moreover, the values in the second parameter take precedence over any which have a duplicate key nested under the payload key in the first parameter. For example,
enabled: true,
payload: {
a: 'b',
somekey: 'somevalue'
somekey: 'other',
fingerprint: 'abc123'
is equivalent to
enabled: true,
payload: {
a: 'b',
somekey: 'other',
fingerprint: 'abc123'
If you're using Rollbar via Segment, you will get automatic detection of uncaught errors, but Rollbar methods are not available. This is because Segment loads the Rollbar snippet asynchronously, so they may not be defined. To use them, you will need to include the Rollbar snippet directly in your <head>
, rather than loading it through Segment.
To use rollbar.js inside a Chrome extension, there are some very minor changes you need to make. You must ensure that when loading rollbar.js from the CDN, the URL is hardcoded as https://
, rather than //
If your source code is minified and you want to use our Source Maps feature, you need to follow the same steps as outlined in using source maps on many domains.
Rollbar.js supports React applications with no additional configuration required. For apps using React 15.2 and later, production error messages are automatically decoded.
The community library which provides the machinery for Angular 1 support has releases for the different versions of this Rollbar.js library. Those releases lag behind releases to this library, but they are usually in sync.
Setting the captureUncaught
option to true will result in reporting all uncaught exceptions to
Rollbar by default. Additionally, one can catch any Angular 2 specific exceptions reported through the
component by setting a custom ErrorHandler
import * as Rollbar from 'rollbar';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
const rollbarConfig = {
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true,
export class RollbarErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
constructor(private injector: Injector) { }
handleError(err:any) : void {
var rollbar = this.injector.get(Rollbar);
rollbar.error(err.originalError || err);
imports: [ BrowserModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
providers: [
{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: RollbarErrorHandler },
{ provide: Rollbar,
useFactory: () => {
return new Rollbar(rollbarConfig)
export class AppModule { }
ember-cli-rollbar is a community-maintained library that enables Ember.Logger.error()
to be reported to Rollbar.
Rollbar.js supports Backbone.js with no additional configuration required.
rollbar.js is also distributed using UMD, so you can use it with browserify, requirejs, webpack, or anything else that uses AMD or CommonJS modules. See the examples for details.
If you don't want to send data to Rollbar, just set the enabled
flag to false
for each notifier instance.
Rollbar.error("This will be reported to Rollbar");
Rollbar.configure({enabled: false});
Rollbar.error("This will *not* be reported to Rollbar");
If you want to ignore a specific exception message, say for a third-party browser plugin
that is throwing errors, you can add the message to the ignoredMessages
and Rollbar will ignore exceptions matching those messages.
var _rollbarConfig = {
ignoredMessages: ["Can't find Clippy.bmp. The end is nigh."],
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: false,
payload: {
environment: "production"
// init your rollbar like normal, or insert rollbar.js source snippet here
Rollbar.js supports the ability to catch and report unhandled Promise rejections, that is, Promise failures
that do not have a corresponding .then(null, function(e) {})
handler. This support is best used for handling
rejected exceptions
, although rejected primitives will report (without a stack trace).
If you decide to use this option, you may also want to combine it with the checkIgnore
configuration option to filter 'noisy' rejections,
depending on the extent to which your application handles Promise failures, or rejects with a lot of primitives.
If you would like to see what is being sent to Rollbar in your console, use the
var _rollbarConfig = {
verbose: true, // This will now log to console.log, as well as Rollbar
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: false,
payload: {
environment: "production"
// init your rollbar like normal, or insert rollbar.js source snippet here
By default, the snippet loads the full Rollbar source asynchronously. You can disable this which will cause the browser to download and evaluate the full rollbar source before evaluating the rest of the page.
More information can be found here: and
var _rollbarConfig = {
async: false,
If you minify your JavaScript in production, you'll want to configure source maps so you get meaningful stack traces. See the source maps guide for instructions.
Unfortunately, some very popular browser extensions may modify a user's copy of your website in such a way as to break its functionality. This can result in Rollbar reporting exceptions that are not a direct result of your own code. There are multiple approaches to dealing with this issue, the simplest of which is covered in related documentation.
We can capture a sequence of events leading up to an error/log message to enhance your visibility
into the state of your application when something happens. We provide a few configuration options to
allow you to decide if and what to instrument for collecting telemetry events. The configuration
option to pass along with the other configuration values is autoInstrument
. This can have either a
boolean value or be an object. The default value is true
If you set autoInstrument
to false
then we will not collect any events automatically. If you set
to an object, then the set of possible keys is network
, log
, dom
, and connectivity
. The values can be either true
or false
. If a key/value pair
is omitted, then we use the default value for that key. Setting
to true
is equivalent to passing all of these keys with the values of true
_rollbarConfig = {
autoInstrument: true
is equivalent to
_rollbarConfig = {
autoInstrument: {
network: true,
log: true,
dom: true,
navigation: true,
connectivity: true
_rollbarConfig = {
autoInstrument: {
dom: false,
navigation: false
is equivalent to
_rollbarConfig = {
autoInstrument: {
network: true,
log: true,
dom: false,
navigation: false,
connectivity: true
The different types of events that we automatically capture are: network
, log
, dom
, and connectivity
Network events are XHR and fetch requests. We store the status code, the url, and some timing events to determine how long requests take.
Log events are calls to console
and we simply store which console method was called and the
DOM events are roughly clicks and inputs that are user generated. We store what element was interacted with and values for certain types of inputs. We do not store the values of inputs of password type.
Navigation events use the information from pushState
on browsers that allow for this and gathers
to and from information.
Connectivity events try to capture changes in network connectivity status when this is exposed by the browser.
In addition to automatically captured events, it is possible to manually add events to the list of
telemetry events via the captureEvent
var metadata = {somekey: 'somevalue'}; // Any object that gets stored with the event
var level = 'info'; // Possible values: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'
rollbar.captureEvent(metadata, level);
There is an in-memory queue of telemetry events that gets built up over the lifecycle of a user
interacting with your app. This queue is FIFO and has a fixed size. By default, we store the last
100 events and send these as part of the item with each manual call to a rollbar method (log/info/warning/error) or with calls caused by an uncaught exception.
You can configure the size of this queue using the option maxTelemetryEvents
, however note that
the size of the queue is fixed to be in the interval [0, 100], so while you can lower the size of
the queue from 100, currently you can not increase the size of the queue beyond 100.
Each event is stored as an object of the form
level: "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "critical"
type: string
timestamp_ms: number
body: object
source: string
uuid?: string
The size of each of these events is mostly determined by the body
field, however we attempt to
store only the smallest amount of information necessary to aid in understanding. Therefore, if you
have concerns about memory usage, you can turn the collection of some or all events off, or limit
the size of the queue of events that we store.
The data that is collected is included in the payload and also goes through the same scrubbing process described elsewhere.
The implementation requires us to wrap certain function calls as well as to setup some event listeners on the top level object. Because of this, there must necessarily be a performance impact as more code will be running in response to certain user interactions as well as interactions with your code. There is thus a tradeoff between gathering extra information for debugging purposes and execution time and memory footprint. Our suggestion is to benchmark and instrument your code and decide what is an acceptable tradeoff for your application. The configuration options to turn off some or all of the different instrumentation is provided to help you make these fine-grained decisions.
There are 2 types of configuration data -- context and payload. Context provides information about the environment of the error while payload describes information about the error itself.
- Information about the environment of the error being sent to Rollbar
- e.g. server hostname, user's IP, custom fingerprint
- Information about the error -- usually custom
- e.g. The name of the javascript component that triggered the error
Rollbar can be configured at 3 different levels -- global, notifier and scope. All configuration is inherited at each level, so global configuration affects all notifiers while notifier configuration only affects the notifier being configured and any child notifiers created after the call to configure()
- Affects all notifiers
- Set by calling
on any notifier - Merges/updates previous configuration
- Currently, the only supported options are
- Affects only the notifier you call
on - Merges/updates previous configuration for the notifier you call
// Only send a max of 5 items to Rollbar per minute{itemsPerMinute: 5});
// Set the top-level notifier's checkIgnore() function
Rollbar.configure({checkIgnore: function(isUncaught, args, payload) {
// ignore all uncaught errors and all 'debug' items
return isUncaught === true || payload.level === 'debug';
// Set the environment, default log level and the context
Rollbar.configure({logLevel: 'info', payload: {environment: 'staging', context: 'home#index'}});
Rollbar.log('this will be sent with level="info"');
// Only send "error" or higher items to Rollbar
Rollbar.configure({reportLevel: 'error'});'this will not get reported to Rollbar since it\'s at the "info" level');
// Set the person information to be sent with all items to Rollbar
Rollbar.configure({payload: {person: {id: 12345, email: '[email protected]'}}});
// Add the following payload data to all items sent to Rollbar from this
// notifier or any created using window.Rollbar.scope()
Rollbar.configure({payload: {sessionId: "asdf12345"}});
// Scrub any payload keys/query parameters named 'creditCardNumber'
Rollbar.configure({scrubFields: ['creditCardNumber']});
Both global and context configuration have the following reserved key names that Rollbar uses to aggregate, notifiy and display.
- itemsPerMinute
- Max number of items to report per minute. The limit counts uncaught errors (reported through `window.onerror`) and any direct calls to `Rollbar.log/debug/info/warning/error/critical()`. This is intended as a sanity check against infinite loops, but if you're using Rollbar heavily for logging, you may want to increase this.
If you would like to remove this limit, set it to
- maxItems
- Max number of items to report per page load. When this limit is reached, an additional item will be reported stating that the limit was reached. Like `itemsPerMinute`, this limit counts uncaught errors (reported through ```window.onerror```) and any direct calls to ```Rollbar.log/debug/info/warning/error/critical()```.
(no limit)
- checkIgnore
- An optional function that will be used to ignore uncaught exceptions based on its return value. The function signature should be: ```function checkIgnore(isUncaught, args, payload) { ... }``` and should return ```true``` if the error should be ignored.
- isUncaught:
if the error being reported is from thewindow.onerror
hook. - args: The arguments to
. In the case of unhandled rejections, the last parameter is originatingPromise
. - payload: The javascript object that is about to be sent to Rollbar. This will contain all of the context and payload information for this notifier and error. This parameter is useful for advanced ignore functionality.
- isUncaught:
- enabled
- If set to ```false```, no data will be sent to Rollbar for this notifier.
Note: callbacks for errors will not be called if this is set to ```false```.
- hostWhiteList
- Check payload frames for white listed domains. This is an array of strings, each of which get compiled to a `Regexp`. If no file in the trace matches one of these domains the payload is ignored.
- logLevel
- The severity level used for calls to ```Rollbar.log()```. One of ```"critical"```, ```"error"```, ```"warning"```, ```"info"```, ```"debug"```.
- reportLevel
- Used to filter out which messages will get reported to Rollbar. If set to ```"error"```, only ```"error"``` or higher serverity level items will be sent to Rollbar.
- scrubFields
- A list containing names of keys/fields/query parameters to scrub. Scrubbed fields will be normalized to all `*` before being reported to Rollbar. This is useful for sensitive information that you do not want to send to Rollbar. e.g. User tokens
["passwd", "password", "secret", "confirm_password", "password_confirmation"]
- transform
- Optional function to modify the payload before sending to Rollbar.
// For example: // Set a custom fingerprint var transformer = function(payload) { payload.fingerprint = 'my custom fingerprint'; }; Rollbar.configure({transform: transformer}); // OR var _rollbarConfig = { // ... transform: transformer };
- uncaughtErrorLevel
- The severity level used when uncaught errors are reported to Rollbar.
- endpoint
- The url to which items get POSTed. This is mostly relevant to our enterprise customers. You will, however, need this if you're proxying the requests through your own server, or you're an enterprise customer.
- autoInstrument
- An object or boolean describing what events to automatically collect. If this value is false
then we collect nothing, if it is true we collect everything, otherwise we do not collect events for
the keys with a false value. The default structure for this object is:
{ network: true, log: true, dom: true, navigation: true, connectivity: true }
These keys should all be within the payload
payload: {
person: ...,
context: ...
- person
- An object identifying the logged-in user, containing an ```id``` (required), and optionally a ```username``` and ```email``` (all strings). Passing this will allow you to see which users were affected by particular errors, as well as all the errors that a particular user experienced.
- context
- Name of the page context -- i.e. route name, url, etc. Can be used in the Rollbar interface to search for items by context prefix.
- client
An object describing properties of the client device reporting the error.
This object should have a key that points to another object,
which describes properties of the javascript code/environment to Rollbar.client.javascript
supports the following properties: - code_version
- Version control number (i.e. git SHA) of the current revision. Used for linking filenames in stacktraces to GitHub.
- source_map_enabled
- When `true`, the Rollbar service will attempt to find and apply source maps to all frames in the stack trace.
- guess_uncaught_frames
- When `true`, the Rollbar service will attempt to apply source maps to frames even if they are missing column numbers. Works best when the minified javascript file is generated using newlines instead of semicolons.
- server
An object describing properties of the server that was used to generate the page the notifier is reporting on.
The following properties are supported:
- branch
- The name of the branch of the code that is running. Used for linking filenames in stacktraces to GitHub.
- host
- The hostname of the machine that rendered the page
e.g. in Python, use
Rollbar.configure({ logLevel: "warning", // Rollbar.log() will be sent with a level = "warning" payload: { server: { branch: "master", host: "" } } });
scrubFields: ["creditCard"], // "creditCard" will be added to the list of default scrubFields
payload: {
client: {
javascript: {
code_version: "ce0227180bd7429fde128f6ef8fad77396d8fbd4", // Git SHA of your deployed code
source_map_enabled: true,
guess_uncaught_frames: true
Check out the API reference below for more information on how to use global/configure/scope()
(See the section on configuration above.)
Note: This method will update any existing global configuration.
Returns: undefined
- options:
- A javascript object that contains global configuration.
(See the section on configuration.)
Note: This method will update any existing configuration for the Rollbar
instance used.
Returns: undefined
- options:
- A javascript object that contains the notifier configuration.
This method is used to record uncaught exceptions from window.onerror
. The Rollbar snippet will set window.onerror = Rollbar.uncaughtError
if it was configured to do so via the captureUncaught
config parameter given to the constructor of this Rollbar instance.
Returns: undefined
- message:
: The error message. - url:
: url that the error occurred on. - lineNo:
: The line number, (if known) that the error occurred on. - colNo:
: The column number that the error occurred on.- Note: Only newer browsers provide this variable.
- err:
: The exception that caused thewindow.onerror
event to occur.- Note: Only newer browsers provide this variable.
This method is used to record unhandled Promise rejections via the window event unhandledrejection
. Many promise
libraries, including Bluebird, lie, and native Promise support (Chrome only currently, but it is a standard to be
built upon).
To enable this handling, you should provide captureUnhandledRejections
to the config given to this Rollbar constructor.
Returns: undefined
- message:
: The exception, or rejection being rejected. - promise:
: The originating promise object.
Log a message and potentially send it to Rollbar. The level that the message or error is logged at is determined by the logLevel
config option.
In order for the message to be sent to Rollbar, the log level must be greater than or equal to the reportLevel
config option.
See configuration for more information on configuring log levels.
Returns: undefined
Note: order does not matter
- message:
- The message to send to Rollbar. - err:
- The exception object to send. - custom:
- The custom payload data to send to Rollbar. - callback:
- The function to call once the message has been sent to Rollbar.
// By default, the .log() method uses the
// "debug" log level and "warning" report level
// so this message will not be sent to Rollbar.
Rollbar.log("hello world!");
Rollbar.configure({logLevel: "warning"});
Rollbar.log("Uh oh! The user pressed the wrong button.", {buttonId: "redButton"});
try {
} catch (e) {
Rollbar.log("Caught an exception", e);
Rollbar.configure({logLevel: "error"});
function continueFormSubmission() {
// ...
try {
} catch (e) {
Rollbar.log(e, continueFormSubmission);
These methods are all shorthand for Rollbar.log()
with the appropriate log level set.
If you use jQuery 1.7 and up, you can include a plugin script that will instrument jQuery to wrap any functions passed into jQuery's ready(), on() and off() to catch errors and report them to Rollbar. To install this plugin, copy the following snippet into your pages, making sure it is BELOW the <script>
tag where jQuery is loaded:
// Rollbar jQuery Snippet
!function(r){function t(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var a=e[n]={exports:{},id:n,loaded:!1};return r[n].call(a.exports,a,a.exports,t),a.loaded=!0,a.exports}var e={};return t.m=r,t.c=e,t.p="",t(0)}([function(r,t,e){"use strict";!function(r,t,e){var n=t.Rollbar;if(n){var a="0.0.8";n.configure({payload:{notifier:{plugins:{jquery:{version:a}}}}});var o=function(r){if(n.error(r),t.console){var e="[reported to Rollbar]";n.options&&!n.options.enabled&&(e="[Rollbar not enabled]"),t.console.log(r.message+" "+e)}};r(e).ajaxError(function(r,t,e,a){var o=t.status,u=e.url,i=e.type;if(o){var s={status:o,url:u,type:i,isAjax:!0,,jqXHR_responseText:t.responseText,jqXHR_statusText:t.statusText},d=a?a:"jQuery ajax error for "+i;n.warning(d,s)}});var u=r.fn.ready;r.fn.ready=function(r){return,function(t){try{r(t)}catch(r){o(r)}})};var i=r.event.add;r.event.add=function(t,e,n,a,u){var s,d=function(r){return function(){try{return r.apply(this,arguments)}catch(r){o(r)}}};return n.handler?(s=n.handler,n.handler=d(n.handler)):(s=n,n=d(n)),s.guid?n.guid=s.guid:n.guid=s.guid=r.guid++,,t,e,n,a,u)}}}(jQuery,window,document)}]);
// End Rollbar jQuery Snippet
The plugin will also automatically report any AJAX errors using jQuery's ajaxError()
handler. You can disable this functionality by configuring the Rollbar notifier with the following:
plugins: {
jquery: {
ignoreAjaxErrors: true
Sometimes you want to include Rollbar inside a component that is intended to be used on someone else's site. To do this, you do not want to interfer with an existing Rollbar integration on the containing site. Moreover, you would like unhandled exceptions to be available to both Rollbar instances with the ability to use the configuration options to filter out exceptions you might not be interested in.
The way that Rollbar typically operates is to load a shimmed version of the library via the snippet
listed above in the head of your page. This allows us to capture errors as soon as possible rather
than other libraries which only can start catching exceptions once their full library has loaded
asyncronously. This shimmed version of the library assumes the global _rollbarConfig
variable and
uses this to configure things and handle setup after the full library has downloaded. In order for
multiple independent components to load Rollbar, only one can effectively use this snippet plus
global variable approach. Therefore, we provide the bundles: /dist/rollbar.noconflict.umd.js
. To use these, you most likely want to use something like
Webpack to bundle your code, and then use:
var rollbar = require('rollbar/dist/rollbar.noconflict.umd');
var Rollbar = new rollbar({
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true,
payload: {
environment: "some-embedded-component"
The require will not have side effects on globals (unless it is the first instance of a Rollbar
library being loaded which will then set up an initial timestamp on the window if possible). The
construction of the Rollbar object with the captureUncaught
and/or captureUnhandledRejections
configuration options set to true will cause handlers to be added to the global error handling
mechanisms on the window. Note that this will cause errors to be delivered to your instance of
Rollbar as well as any other instances on the page (so you might get errors for someone else's
See here for some examples of how to use rollbar.js with Bower, Browserify, RequireJS, Webpack, and others.
The recommended way to use the rollbar constructor is to pass an object which
represents the configuration options with at least the one required
key accessToken
with the value equal to your
. If you do not want to pass any configuration options, then for
convenience, you can simply pass just the access token as a string as the only argument to the
var Rollbar = require('rollbar');
var rollbar = new Rollbar({
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true
// log a generic message and send to rollbar
rollbar.log('Hello world!');
Setting the captureUncaught
option to true will register Rollbar as a handler for
any uncaught exceptions in your Node process.
Similarly, setting the captureUnhandledRejections
option to true will register Rollbar as a
handler for any unhandled Promise rejections in your Node process.
with your project's post_server_item
access token, which you can find in the interface.
Install using the node package manager, npm:
$ npm install --save rollbar
var express = require('express');
var Rollbar = require('rollbar');
var rollbar = new Rollbar('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
// ...
// Use the rollbar error handler to send exceptions to your rollbar account
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ host:'localhost', port:8000 });
// Begin Rollbar initialization code
var Rollbar = require('rollbar');
var rollbar = new Rollbar('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN');
server.on('request-error', function(request, error) {
// Note: before Hapi v8.0.0, this should be 'internalError' instead of 'request-error'
var cb = function(rollbarErr) {
if (rollbarErr)
console.error('Error reporting to rollbar, ignoring: '+rollbarErr);
if (error instanceof Error)
return rollbar.error(error, request, cb);
rollbar.error('Error: '+error, request, cb);
// End Rollbar initialization code
method: 'GET',
handler: function (request, reply) {
throw new Error('Example error manually thrown from route.');
server.start(function(err) {
if (err)
throw err;
console.log('Server running at:',;
In your main application, require and construct a rollbar instance using your access_token::
var Rollbar = require("rollbar");
var rollbar = new Rollbar("POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN");
Other options can be passed into the constructor as a collection. E.g.:
// Configure the library to send errors to
new Rollbar({
environment: "staging",
endpoint: ""
Log a message and potentially send it to Rollbar. The level that the message or error is logged at is determined by the logLevel
config option.
In order for the message to be sent to Rollbar, the log level must be greater than or equal to the reportLevel
config option.
See configuration for more information on configuring log levels.
Returns: undefined
Note: order does not matter, however the first Object
that contains at least one key from the list under request
will be considered a request object.
- message:
- The message to send to Rollbar. - err:
- The exception object to send. - custom:
- The custom payload data to send to Rollbar. - callback:
- The function to call once the message has been sent to Rollbar. - request:
- A request object containing at least one of these optional keys:headers
: an object containing the request headersprotocol
: the request protocol (e.g."https"
: the URL starting after the domain name (e.g."/index.html?foo=bar"
: the request method (e.g."GET"
: the request body as a stringroute
: an object containing a 'path' key, which will be used as the "context" for the event (e.g.{"path": "home/index"}
To report an exception that you have caught, use one of the named logging functions (log/debug/info/warning/error/critical) depending on the level of severity of the exception.
var Rollbar = require('rollbar');
var rollbar = new Rollbar('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN');
try {
} catch (e) {
// if you have a request object (or a function that returns one), pass it in
rollbar.error(e, request);
// you can also pass a callback, which will be called upon success/failure
rollbar.error(e, function(err2) {
if (err2) {
// an error occurred
} else {
// success
// pass a request and a callback
rollbar.error(e, request, callback);
// to specify payload options - like extra data, or the level - pass a custom object
rollbar.error(e, request, {level: "info"});
// you can also pass a callback
rollbar.error(e, request, {level: "info"}, callback);
To report a string message, possibly along with additional context, use (log/debug/info/warning/error/critical) depending on the level of severity to attach to the message.
var Rollbar = require('rollbar');
var rollbar = new Rollbar('POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN');
// reports a string message at the default severity level ("error")
rollbar.log("Timeout connecting to database");
// reports a string message at the specified level, along with a request and callback
// only the first param is required
rollbar.debug("Response time exceeded threshold of 1s", request, callback);"Response time exceeded threshold of 1s", request, callback);
rollbar.warning("Response time exceeded threshold of 1s", request, callback);
rollbar.error("Response time exceeded threshold of 1s", request, callback);
rollbar.critical("Response time exceeded threshold of 1s", request, callback);
// reports a string message along with additional data conforming to the Rollbar API Schema
// documented here:
"Response time exceeded threshold of 1s",
threshold: 1,
timeElapsed: 2.3
}, callback
If your Node.js application is responding to web requests, you can send data about the current request along with each report to Rollbar. This will allow you to replay requests, track events by browser, IP address, and much more.
All of the logging methods accept a request
If you're using Express, just pass the express request object. If you're using something custom, pass an object with these keys (all optional):
: an object containing the request headersprotocol
: the request protocol (e.g."https"
: the URL starting after the domain name (e.g."/index.html?foo=bar"
: the request method (e.g."GET"
: the request body as a stringroute
: an object containing a 'path' key, which will be used as the "context" for the event (e.g.{"path": "home/index"}
Sensitive param names will be scrubbed from the request body and, if scrubHeaders
is configured, headers. See the scrubFields
and scrubHeaders
configuration options for details.
If your application has authenticated users, you can track which user ("person" in Rollbar parlance) was associated with each event.
If you're using the Passport authentication library, this will happen automatically when you pass the request object (which will have "user" attached). Otherwise, attach one of these keys to the request
object described in the previous section:
: an object like{"id": "123", "username": "foo", "email": "[email protected]"}
. id is required, others are optional.user_id
: the user id as an integer or string, or a function which when called will return the user id
Note: in Rollbar, the id
is used to uniquely identify a person; email
and username
are supplemental and will be overwritten whenever a new value is received for an existing id
. The id
is a string up to 40 characters long.
If you would like to see what is being sent to Rollbar in your console, use the
option. Set verbose: true
in your configuration, and we will output certain information
via the debug package. This package uses the DEBUG
environment variable to configure what to output. We use the namespace Rollbar
for our
log messages, so for example, to see everything you need to do something like this:
DEBUG=Rollbar:* node app.js
The upgrade path from node_rollbar
version 0.6.4 to version 2.0.0 of this library is not
automatic, but it should be straightforward. The main changes are related to naming, however we also
changed the library from being a singleton to being used via individual instances. As we have said
above, the recommended way to use the constructor is to pass an object which represents
the configuration options with the access token contained within. The old style was to always pass the
access token as the first parameter, we permit this style for convenience when no other options are
necessary to ease the migration path, but for new code one should use an object as the only argument.
var rollbar = require("rollbar");
rollbar.reportMessage("Hello world!");
var Rollbar = require("rollbar");
var rollbar = new Rollbar("POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN");
rollbar.log("Hello world!");
- Instead of importing the library as a singleton upon which you act, you are now importing a constructor.
- The constructor is a function of the form
function (options)
where options is an object with the same configuration options as before, and also requires a keyaccessToken
with your access token as the value. reportMessage
, andhandleErrorWithPayloadData
are all deprecated in favor of: log/debug/info/warning/error/critical- Each of these new logging functions can be called with any of the following sets of arguments:
- message/error, callback
- message/error, request
- message/error, request, callback
- message/error, request, custom
- message/error, request, custom, callback
- In other words, the first argument can be a string or an exception, the type of which will be used to subsequently construct the payload. The last argument can be a callback or the callback can be omitted. The second argument must be a request or null (or a callback if only two arguments are present). The third argument is treated as extra custom data which will be sent along with the payload. Note that to include custom data and no request, you must pass null for the second argument.
The other major change is that if you wish to capture uncaught exceptions and unhandled rejections, you now use a configuration option.
rollbar.handleUncaughtExceptionsAndRejections("POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN", options);
var rollbar = new Rollbar({
captureUncaught: true,
captureUnhandledRejections: true
We have also changed the minimumLevel
configuration option to reportLevel
in order to match the
configuration option currently in use by the browserjs library.
Now that we have said the above, because of how one might be using the library currently, converting to not use a singleton may be problematic. Therefore, we provide a convenient interface to what is essentially a singleton managed by the library. First, you would use this code somewhere before any other instances of rollbar are required or used:
const Rollbar = require('rollbar');
const rollbar = Rollbar.init({
captureUncaught: true
Then, in other places, you can use:
const Rollbar = require('rollbar');
Rollbar.log('hello world');
If you run into any issues, please email us at [email protected]
You can also find us in IRC: #rollbar on
For bug reports, please open an issue on GitHub.
To set up a development environment, you'll need Node.js and npm.
git submodule update --init
npm install -D
To run the tests, run make test
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