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executable file
1070 lines (928 loc) · 28.2 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
1070 lines (928 loc) · 28.2 KB




  • Docker Daemon

  • Docker Volume - store persist data

  • Docker Client - CLI, gui analogue ( Kitematic )

  • Docker Compose - Python app over Docker Daemon

  • Docker Swarm

  • Docker HUB

  • Docker Cloud

installation ( Debian )

sudo apt install
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker


information about docker itself

docker info
docker system info

settings files


how to skip typing "sudo" each time, without sudo

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # add current user into docker group
# restart service
sudo service docker restart
# restart daemon
systemctl daemon-reload


Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
sudo systemctl enable docker # Auto-start on boot
sudo systemctl start docker # Start right now
# reboot
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock

logout and login again

proxy set up:

  • docker run --env-file environment.file {image name}

( or via -e variables )

  • /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/10_docker_proxy.conf
sudo shutdown -r now
  • /etc/default/docker
export http_proxy="http://host:3128/"
  • ~/.docker/config.json
     "httpProxy": "",
     "noProxy": "*,"
# restart docker with daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker
# or
sudo systemctl restart docker.service
  • /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
Environment="HTTP_PROXY=" "NO_PROXY=localhost,,,.viola.local,.local"
  • if all previous options not working ( due permission ) or you need to execute (apt install, wget, curl, ... ):
    • build arguments
    sudo docker build \
    --build-arg rsync_proxy=http://$TSS_USER:$TSS_PASSWORD@proxy.muc:8080 \
    --build-arg https_proxy=https://$TSS_USER:$TSS_PASSWORD@proxy.muc:8080 \
    --build-arg http_proxy=http://$TSS_USER:$TSS_PASSWORD@proxy.muc:8080 \
    --build-arg no_proxy=localhost,,.localdomain,,.ubs.corp,.cn.sub,.muc, \
    --build-arg ftp_proxy=http://$TSS_USER:$TSS_PASSWORD@proxy.muc:8080 \
    --file Dockerfile-firefox .
    • change Docker file with additional lines ( not necessary, only for earlier docker version )
    ARG rsync_proxy
    ENV rsync_proxy $rsync_proxy
    ARG http_proxy
    ENV http_proxy $http_proxy
    ARG no_proxy
    ENV no_proxy $no_proxy
    ARG ftp_proxy
    ENV ftp_proxy $ftp_proxy
    # at the end of file
    unset http_proxy
    unset ftp_proxy
    unset rsync_proxy
    unset no_proxy

login, logout

docker login -u cherkavi -p `oc whoami -t`
docker logout

check login

cat ~/.docker/config.json | grep "auth\":" | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | base64 -d -

check login without access to config

echo "" | docker login
echo $?


6c01b5a53aac: Waiting 
2c6ac8e5063e: Waiting 
cc967c529ced: Waiting 
unauthorized: authentication required


rm -rf ~/.docker/config.json
# or just remove one record inside "auths" block with your url-repo
docker logout url-repo

restart Docker service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl show docker
# restart docker
sudo systemctl restart docker.service


search image into registry, find image, catalog search

docker search <text of search>

inspect image in repository

skopeo inspect docker://

pull image from repository

docker pull <image name>
docker pull<image name>:<image version>

image can be found: example of command: docker pull mysql

push image to local repo

docker push<image name>:<image version>

copy images between registries

skopeo copy docker:// docker://

show all local images

docker images --all

Run and Start

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped {CONTAINER ID}
# docker update --restart=no {CONTAINER ID}
value description
no Do not automatically restart the container. (the default)
on-failure Restart the container if it exits due to an error, which manifests as a non-zero exit code.
always Always restart the container if it stops. If it is manually stopped, it is restarted only when Docker daemon restarts or the container itself is manually restarted. (See the second bullet listed in restart policy details)
unless-stopped Similar to always, except that when the container is stopped (manually or otherwise), it is not restarted even after Docker daemon restarts.

map volume ( map folder )

-v {host machine folder}:{internal folder into docker container}
-v /tmp:/home/root/tmp

check volumes

docker volume ls

map multiply ports to current host

-p {host machine port}:{internal docker machine port}
docker run -d -p 8030-8033:8030-8033/tcp  e02d9b40e89d
docker run -d -p 8040:8040/tcp  prom/prometheus 

run container in detached ( background ) mode, without console attachment to running process

  • --detach
  • -d=true
  • -d

run image with specific name

docker run --name my_specific_name {name of image}

run image with specific user ( when you have issue with rights for mounting external folders )

docker run --user root {name of image}

run container with empty entrypoint, without entrypoint

docker run --entrypoint="" --interactive --tty image-name /bin/sh 

start stopped previously container

docker start {CONTAINER ID}

Connect containers

connecting containers via host port, host connection

# external data storage for Redis: --volume /docker/host/dir:/data
sudo docker run --publish 7001:6379 --detach redis
# ip a | grep docker -B 2 | grep inet | grep global
sudo docker run --interactive --tty redis redis-cli -h -p 7001

connecting containers directly via link

sudo docker run --name my-redis-container --detach redis
sudo docker run --interactive --tty --name my-redis-cli --link my-redis-container:redis redis redis-cli -h redis -p 6379

connecting containers via network

docker network create some-network

docker run --network some-network --name my-redis -d redis
docker run --network some-network --interactive --tty redis redis-cli -h my-redis

connecting containers via host, localhost connection, shares the host network stack and has access to the /etc/hosts for network communication

docker run --rm   --name postgres-docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
# --net=host 
# --network host 
docker run -it --rm --network="host" postgres psql -h -U postgres

assign static hostname to container (map hostname)

  • create network
docker network create --subnet=
  • assign address with network
docker run --net --ip --hostname hadoop-local --network-alias hadoop-docker -it {CONTAINER ID} /bin/bash
  • check network
docker inspect {CONTAINER ID} | grep -i NETWORK

network types

--network="bridge" : 
  'host': use the Docker host network stack
  'bridge': create a network stack on the default Docker bridge
  'none': no networking
  'container:<name|id>': reuse another container's network stack
  '<network-name>|<network-id>': connect to a user-defined network

mount folder, map folder, mount directory, map directory

docker run --volume $working_dir:/work -p 6900-6910:5900-5910 --name my_own_container -it ubuntu:18.04 /bin/sh


create volume

docker volume create {volume name}

inspect volume, check volume, read data from volume, inspect data locally

docker volume inspect {volume name}
        "CreatedAt": "2020-03-12T22:07:53+01:00",
        "Driver": "local",
        "Labels": null,
        "Mountpoint": "/var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker/volumes/cd72b76daf3c66de443c05dfde77090d5e5499e0f2a0024f9ae9246177b1b86e/_data",
        "Name": "cd72b76daf3c66de443c05dfde77090d5e5499e0f2a0024f9ae9246177b1b86e",
        "Options": null,
        "Scope": "local"
# inspect Mountpoint
ls -la /var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker/volumes/cd72b76daf3c66de443c05dfde77090d5e5499e0f2a0024f9ae9246177b1b86e/_data

list of all volumes

docker volume ls

using volume

docker run {name of image} -v {volume name}:/folder/inside/container
docker run {name of image} -mount source={volume name},target=/folder/inside/container


show all containers that are running

docker ps

show all containers ( running, stopped, paused )

docker ps -a

show container with filter, show container with format

# filter docker images by name 
# output format - names with commands (
docker ps -a --filter "name=redis-lab" --format "{{.Names}} {{.Command}}"

join to executed container, connect to container, rsh, sh on container

docker attach {CONTAINER ID}
# docker exec --interactive --tty {CONTAINER ID} /bin/sh

with detached sequence

docker attach {CONTAINER ID} --detach-keys="ctrl-Z"

with translation of all signals ( detaching: ctrl-p & ctrl-q )

docker attach {CONTAINER ID} --sig-proxy=true

docker log of container, console output

docker logs --follow --tail all {CONTAINER ID}
docker logs --follow --tail 25 {CONTAINER ID}
docker logs {CONTAINER ID}
docker logs --since 10m {CONTAINER ID}
docker logs --since 2018-01-01T00:00:00 {CONTAINER ID}

show processes from container

docker top {CONTAINER ID}

run program inside container and attach to process

docker exec -it {CONTAINER ID} /bin/bash

show difference with original image

docker diff {CONTAINER ID}

show all layers command+size, reverse engineering of container, print dockerfile

docker history --no-trunc {CONTAINER ID}
docker image history --no-trunc {CONTAINER ID}

docker running image information

docker inspect
docker image inspect
docker inspect -f '{{.HostConfig.PortBindings}}' {CONTAINER ID}

debug information

docker --debug

or for file /etc/docker/daemon.json

  "debug": true


docker save changed container, commit changes

# select container that should be saved with command: docker ps
docker commit {CONTAINER_ID} <new image name>

container new name, rename container, container new tag

# change name of container

docker save - image with layers and history

docker save --output <output file name>.tar {CONTAINER ID}

docker export - container WITHOUT history, without layers

docker export --output <output file name>.tar {CONTAINER ID}

Load/Import/Read from file to image

load full image into 'images' - with all layers and history

docker load -i {filename of archive}

import full image into 'images' - like a basement

docker import {filename of archive}

Stop and Pause

wait until container will be stopped

docker wait {CONTAINER ID}

stop executing container

docker stop {CONTAINER ID}

stop restarted container, compose stop, stop autostart, stop restarting

docker update --restart=no {CONTAINER ID}
docker stop {CONTAINER ID}

pause/unpause executing container

docker pause {CONTAINER ID}
docker unpause {CONTAINER ID}

kill executing container

docker kill {CONTAINER ID}
docker kill --signal=9 {CONTAINER ID}

leave executing container

just kill the terminal

Remove and Clean

remove all containers

docker rm `docker ps -a | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`

remove image

docker rmi <IMAGE ID>
docker rmi --force <IMAGE ID>

remove volumes ( unused )

docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

cleanup docker

docker system prune -af --volumes


docker network ls  
docker network ls | grep "bridge"   
docker network rm $(docker network ls | grep "bridge" | awk '/ / { print $1 }')

delete docker, remove docker, uninstall docker

sudo apt remove
sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/docker.service
sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/docker.socket
rm /home/$USER/.docker/.buildNodeID
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker

Additional management

disk usage infomration

docker system df

remove unused data, remove stopped containers

docker system prune
docker pull portainer/portainer
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer

login/pass: admin/12345678

installation issues

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 docker-ce : Depends: libseccomp2 (>= 2.3.0) but 2.2.3-3ubuntu3 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


sudo apt install docker-ce=17.03.0~ce-0~ubuntu-xenial

Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver: /var/lib/docker contains several valid graphdrivers: overlay2, aufs; Please cleanup or explicitly choose storage driver (-s <DRIVER>)
Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.


sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual
sudo modprobe aufs
sudo gedit /lib/systemd/system/docker.service &
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --storage-driver=aufs

possible issue with 'pull'

Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on no such host

build error

W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''
W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

need to add proxy into Dockerfile

ENV http_proxy http://user:[email protected]:8080
ENV https_proxy http://user:[email protected]:8080


build from file

docker build -t {name of my own image}:latest {name of docker file | . }
docker build -t solr-4.10.3:latest . // Dockerfile into current folder
docker build --tag java-app-runner:latest --build-arg http_proxy=http://user:[email protected]:8080  --file /home/projects/current-task/mapr/Dockerfile .

build with parameters, build with proxy settings

build --build-arg app_name=k8s-ambassador
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=proxy.muc:8080 --build-arg https_proxy=proxy.muc:8080 .

build with parameters inside dockerfile

ARG app_name
ENV JAR=$app_name.jar
# bash command
# docker build --tag rviz-image --build-arg ROS_VERSION=latest .

build useful commands

command description
FROM Sets the base image, starting image to build the container, must be first line
MAINTAINER Sets the author field of the generated images
RUN Execute commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results
CMD Allowed only once (if many then last one takes effect)
LABEL Adds metadata to an image
EXPOSE Informs container runtime that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime
ENV Sets an environment variable
ADD Copy new files, directories, or remote file URLs from into the filesystem of the container
COPY Copy new files or directories into the filesystem of the container
ENTRYPOINT Allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable
VOLUME Creates a mount point and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers
USER Sets the username or UID to use when running the image
WORKDIR Sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, ADD commands
ARG Defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder using --build-arg
ONBUILD Adds an instruction to be executed later, when the image is used as the base for another build
STOPSIGNAL Sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit

Use RUN instructions to build your image by adding layers Use ENTRYPOINT to CMD when building executable Docker image and you need a command always to be executed. ( ENTRYPOINT can be re-writed from command-line: docker run -d -p 80:80 --entrypoint /bin/sh alipne ) Use CMD if you need to provide extra default arguments that could be overwritten from command line when docker container runs. Use CMD if you need to provide default arguments that could be overwritten from command line when docker container runs.

push your container

  • docker login
  • docker tag /
  • docker push /


  • for a starting points ( FROM ) using -alpine or -scratch images, for example: "FROM python:3.6.1-alpine"
  • Each line in a Dockerfile creates a new layer, and because of the layer cache, the lines that change more frequently, for example, adding source code to an image, should be listed near the bottom of the file.
  • CMD will be executed after COPY
FROM python:3.6.1-alpine
RUN pip install flask
CMD ["python",""]
  • create user and group, create group
RUN groupadd -g 2053 r-d-ubs-technical-user
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash -m -u 2056 -g 2053 customer2description
# activate user
USER customer2description

read labels from container, read container labels, LABEL commands from container

docker inspect  --format '{{ .Config.Labels }}'


  • docker run -it ubuntu /bin/sh
  • docker run --env http_proxy=$http_proxy --env https_proxy=$https_proxy --env no_proxy=$no_proxy -it ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash
  • docker exec -it high_mclean /bin/bash
  • docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true -t -i -p 7180 4239cd2958c6 /usr/bin/docker-quickstart
  • docker run -v /tmp:/home/root/tmp --net --ip --hostname hadoop-local --network-alias hadoop-docker -t -i -p 50075:50075/tcp -p 50090:50090/tcp sequenceiq/hadoop-docker /etc/ -bash
  • docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root --env MYSQL_USER=root --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=root --env MYSQL_DATABASE=technik_db --name golang_mysql --publish 3306:3306 mysql;
  • MariaDB
docker run --name mysql-container --volume /my/local/folder/with/data:/var/lib/mysql --volume /my/local/folder/with/init/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d --publish 3306:3306 --env MYSQL_DATABASE=activitidb --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root --detach mariadb --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  • MariaDB sql dump creation:
docker exec mysql-container sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /some/path/on/your/host/all-databases.sql
  • MariaDB sql dump import
docker run --net=host -v /some/path/on/your/host:/sql -it arey/mysql-client --host= --port=3310 --user=root --password=example --database=files -e "source /sql/all-databases.sql"

Docker compose

chmod +x docker-compose-Linux-x86_64
sudo mv docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo apt-get install  --only-upgrade docker

check installation from python

import docker
import compose

variables in compose file

    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
      - "8081:80"
      - PMA_HOST=mysql
      - mariadb

and file .env in the same folder

docker-compose config

start in detached mode, up and detach

docker-compose up -d

start with re-creating all containers

docker-compose up --force-recreate
# start without re-creation
docker-compose up --no-recreate

start compose with additional variables

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build --force-rm --build-arg MY_LOCAL_VAR

start compose with multiply files

docker-compose -f docker-file1.yaml -f docker-file2.yaml -f docker-file3.yaml up

docker-compose find folder with image

default name of image contains name of the folder like a prefix ( but underscore and minus signs can be removed )


In file './docker-compose.yml' service 'version' doesn't have any configuration options.


  • check format of the docker-compose file
  • install docker-copmose respective your Docker version

ERROR: error while removing network: dockerairflow_default
docker ps
# dockerairflow_webserver_1 
# dockerairflow_postgres_1 

docker network disconnect --force dockerairflow_default dockerairflow_webserver_1 
docker network disconnect --force dockerairflow_default dockerairflow_postgres_1 
# docker network rm --force dockerairflow_default

sudo aa-status
sudo systemctl disable apparmor.service --now
sudo aa-status
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove apparmor
sudo service docker restart
docker system prune --all --volumes

Docker swarm

gossip protocol swarm overview

init 'manager' node

docker swarm init --advertise-addr eth0

you will see invitation to add 'worker' node like

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-3p93jlhx2hx9wif8xphl6e47c5ukwz12a00na81g7h0uopk6he-6xof1chqhjuor7hkn65ggjw1p

to show token again

docker swarm join-token worker
docker swarm join-token manager

amount of managers:

  • Three manager nodes tolerate one node failure.
  • Five manager nodes tolerate two node failures.
  • Seven manager nodes tolerate three node failure amount of worker nodes - hundreds, thousands!!!

to leave docker cluster

docker swarm leave

to print amount of nodes into cluster

docker node ls
docker node inspect {node name}

create service ( for manager only )

docker service create --detach=true --name nginx1 --publish 80:80  --mount source=/etc/hostname,target=/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html,type=bind,ro nginx:1.12
  • request to each node will be routed to routing mesh
  • each docker container on each node will have own mount point ( you should see name of different hosts from previous example )

inspect services

docker service ls

inspect service

docker service ps {service name}

update service, change service attributes

docker service update --replicas=5 --detach=true {service name}
docker service update --image nginx:1.13 --detach=true nginx1
  • store desire state into internal storage
  • swarm recognized diff between desired and current state
  • tasks will be executed according diff

service log

log will be aggregated into one place and can be shown

docker service log

docker pause

docker pause {container name}
docker unpause {container name}

routing mesh effect

The routing mesh built into Docker Swarm means that any port that is published at the service level will be exposed on every node in the swarm. Requests to a published service port will be automatically routed to a container of the service that is running in the swarm.

docker daemon

## start docker daemon process
sudo dockerd 
# start in debug mode
sudo dockerd -D 
# start in listening mode
sudo dockerd -H 

# using client with connection to remove docker daemon
docker -H ps


docker image contain your local proxy credentials, remove credentials from docker container

container that you built locally contains your proxy credentials

# execution inside container
docker exec -it {container name} /bin/sh
# showing your credentials


  • remove your credentials from file ~/.docker/config.json
 { proxies:{
     default: {httpProxy: "your value"}
  • build container with "--build-arg"
docker build \
--build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy \
--build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy \
--build-arg no_proxy=$no_proxy \

docker login

Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
  • solution1 - skip authentication change file ~/.docker/config.json
	"auths": {
		"": {},
		"": {}
  • solution2 - authentication
sudo mkdir -p "/etc/docker/certs.d/$url_to_registry"
sudo cp certificate.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/$url_to_registry

docker login -u login_user -p `oc whoami -t` $url_to_registry

docker push, docker pull

authentication required

solution before 'docker login' need change file ~/.docker/config.json remove next block

    "credsStore": "secretservice"

docker instance issue

#apt install software-properties-common
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package software-properties-common

solution need to execute 'update' before new package installation

apt update

and also helpful

apt install -y software-properties-common

docker build command issue


RUN mkdir /workspace
COPY dist/scenario_service.pex /workspace/scenario_service.pex
WORKDIR /workspace
docker build -t local-scenario --file Dockerfile-scenario-file .
# COPY/ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder905175157/scenario_service.pex: no such file or directory

but file exists and present in proper place

solution 1 check your .dockerignore file for ignoring your "dist" or even worse "*" files :

# ignore all files

solution 2

RUN mkdir /workspace
COPY scenario_service.pex /workspace/scenario_service.pex
WORKDIR /workspace

docker remove volume issue

Error response from daemon: remove typo3_db_data: volume is in use 
docker system prune -af --volumes
docker volume rm typo3_db_data