wget -O && chmod +x && ./
source $HOME/.bash_profile
gitopiad keys add $WALLET
gitopiad keys add $WALLET --recover
gitopiad tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000utlore \
--from $WALLET \
--commission-max-change-rate "0.01" \
--commission-max-rate "0.2" \
--commission-rate "0.1" \
--min-self-delegation "1" \
--pubkey $(gitopiad tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker $NODENAME \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID
WALLET_ADDRESS=$(gitopiad keys show $WALLET -a)
VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(gitopiad keys show $WALLET --bech val -a)
echo 'export WALLET_ADDRESS='${WALLET_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export VALOPER_ADDRESS='${VALOPER_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
To check sync status
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info
To view logs
journalctl -fu gitopiad -o cat
To stop
systemctl stop gitopiad
To start
systemctl start gitopiad
To restart
systemctl restart gitopiad
Bond more tokens (if you want increase your validator stake you should bond more to your valoper address):
gitopiad tx staking delegate $VALOPER_ADDRESS 10000000utlore --from $WALLET --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --fees 5000utlore
gaiad tx staking redelegate $VALOPER_ADDRESS <dst-validator-operator-addr> 100000000utlore --from=$WALLET --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
Withdraw rewards
gitopiad tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=$WALLET --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
Get wallet address
gitopiad keys show $WALLET --bech val -a
Get wallet balance
gitopiad query bank balances $WALLET_ADDRESS
Change commision
gitopiad tx staking edit-validator --commission-rate "0.02" --moniker=$NODENAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --from=$WALLET
Edit validator
gitopiad tx staking edit-validator \
--moniker=$NODENAME \
--identity=<your_keybase_id> \
--website="<your_website>" \
--details="<your_validator_description>" \
--chain-id=$CHAIN_ID \
Unjail validator
gitopiad tx slashing unjail \
--broadcast-mode=block \
--from=$WALLET \
--chain-id=$CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto \
This commands will completely remove node from server. Use at your own risk!
systemctl stop gitopiad
systemctl disable gitopiad
rm /etc/systemd/system/gitopia* -rf
rm $(which gitopiad) -rf
rm $HOME/.gitopia* -rf
rm $HOME/gitopia -rf
sed -i '/GITOPIA_/d' ~/.bash_profile