The Wired's spatial protocol is concerned with running interactive user-created content within a dynamic 3D multiplayer environment.
The Wired uses the glXF file format for describing scenes. glXF is a variant of glTF, focused on the composition of multiple glTF (or other glXF) assets. glTF is a well supported format for 3D models, and its extensible nature makes it a great fit for The Wired.
The Wired uses WebAssembly (WASM) as a cross-platform compilation target and sandboxed execution environment for user scripting. Scripts use the component model to interact with a set of WIT interfaces defined by The Wired. Host environments can then implement these interfaces, allowing scripts to interact with the outside world in a controlled manner.
A world is a hosted multiplayer environment running some glXF scene.
Each world must be hosted by a central server. This server acts as a relay for communication between players within the world.
Worlds are created at a host's DWN, following the world schema. This contains metadata about the world such as a name and description, as well as the glXF scene and any used assets.
Additionally the host DWN acts as a location for world discovery, where you can, for example, query for active worlds to join.
Networking within an world follows a Cap'n Proto schema over WebTransport.