MathBox is a library for rendering presentation-quality math diagrams in a browser using WebGL. Built on top of Three.js and ShaderGraph, it provides a clean API to visualize mathematical relationships and animate them declaratively.
MathBox is used through its JS-based DOM.
For background, see the article series on
- Audio Visualizer
- Cylindrical Stream
- Data/Shape Mapping
- LaTeX/HTML/GL Labels
- Quaternion Hypersphere
- Render-to-Texture History
- Vertex Warping
- Volumetric Vectors
Note: this repo uses submodules, clone it with --recursive
or do a git submodule update --init
after cloning.
Install via npm:
npm install mathbox
Open the included /examples
to see more demos.
- Quick Start for a hands on introduction.
- Glossary of terms to help get familiar with MathBox and WebGL.
- MathBox API for typical usage.
- List of Primitives for a full element reference.
- Writing Custom Shaders for info on custom shaders and GPU-side processing.
- Context API for advanced usage.
Join us in the MathBox Google Group or #mathbox on Freenode.
Include the bundle:
<script src="./mathbox-bundle.js"></script>
Construct a MathBox instance using the provided mathBox()
var mathbox = mathBox(options);
if (mathbox.fallback) throw "WebGL not supported";
var three = mathbox.three;
// three.renderer, three.scene,
See threestrap for all available options
. e.g. To spawn inside a specific element, do:
var element = document.querySelector("#my-thing");
var mathbox = MathBox.mathBox({ element: element });
On initialization, it returns a MathBox API object, wrapping the MathBox . You can spawn new nodes:
[-2, 2],
[-1, 1],
[-1, 1],
scale={[2, 1, 1]}
<axis axis={1} />
<axis axis={2} />
var view = mathbox
range: [
[-2, 2],
[-1, 1],
[-1, 1],
scale: [2, 1, 1],
axis: 1,
axis: 2,
You can select objects using .select()
and a CSS-like selector to get a jQuery-like selection:"cartesian > axis");
Use .print()
, .inspect()
and .debug()
to show information about a selection.
/src tree:
- model/ - DOM tree + CSS selector handling
- primitives/ - The DOM node types (the legos)
- render/ - Smart proxies for Three.js (the glue)
- shaders/ - GLSL code
- stage/ - API / controllers
- util/ - It's inevitable
Uses gulp
to build itself.
- threestrap - Three.js bootstrapper
- shadergraph - Functional GLSL linker
MathBox and ShaderGraph (c) Steven Wittens 2013-2022. MIT License.
Libraries and 3rd party shaders (c) their respective authors.