Image Subnet, or text2image, is built by default to host and run Stable Diffusion models. However, it is adaptable, and any model can be run on the network that takes in a prompt, width, and height paramaters.
The Validator is built such that it ranks miners images on aesthetic and how closely they match the given prompt. Also, images which are too similiar in style will be slightly penalized to promote diverisity among image models hosted on miners.
As of writting this (aug 10th), defaults still point to testnet, not mainnet
Both Validators and Miners will need to register to subnet 41 in order to participate in the ImageSubnet. You can do so by recycle registering like so btcli recycle_register --netuid 41
For miners the command you will run is py --miner.model [huggingface/repo OR path_to/model.safetensors]
Optional arguments include
default: cuda, where to run the image model off of
default: prompthero/openjourney-v4, a huggingface repo or local safetensors file
default: 1, the maximum number of images your miner will generate per request
default: Flase, set to True if you wish to allow NSFW content. (Warning, this may produce unwanted content)
default: mainnet opentensor subnet, override to use a custom subnet endpoint
default: default, name of your wallet
default: default, set wallet hotkey name
default: ~/.bittensor/wallets
, the path to which your bittensor wallets reside at
default: 41, the subnet you want to connect to (64 on testnet)
default: 3000, port to launch your axon in, this needs to be open to the public
Optional arguments include
default: mainnet opentensor subnet, override to use a custom subnet endpoint
default: False, as a miner, choose to allow NSFW content from miners. Note: Miners still have the option of refusing to generate nsfw content.
default: False, save images and prompts to save_dir
default: ./images
, path to a folder to save images, folder will be created if it doesnt exist. If a custom path is set --validator.save_images
will be set to True
default: False, set to True if you want the exact width and height, else if a miner responds with the same aspect ratio they wont be penalized.