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Haxe/hxcpp @:native bindings for PhysX


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Haxe/hxcpp @:native bindings for PhysX.

This is a linc library. (Well, sort of...)

This library works with the Haxe cpp target only.


This library was written with the following in mind:

  • Write bindings in a way that allow natural Haxe expressions.
    • e.g. Using new ExternClass instead of ExternClass.create wherever possible & sensible.
    • As well as operator overloads for mathematical structures such as PxVec3 and PxQuat.
  • Maintain original physx folder layout and documentation wherever possible & sensible.
    • To aid in development and not have to keep the docs open all the time.
  • To do this we have to write the bindings manually.

Other features include:

  • Callbacks implemented as a base class in Haxe to extend, to write the behavior in Haxe.
    • The class names are typically postfixed with Hx.
    • E.g. PxSimulationEventCallback => PxSimulationEventCallbackHx:
      class SimulationCallback extends PxSimulationEventCallbackHx
          public function new() { super(); }
          override function onContact(pairHeader:PxContactPairHeader, pairs:Array<PxContactPair>)
              // do stuff...
  • PxUserData as a helpful facilitation for void* userData between Haxe and C++.
    • Convenience for pointing to haxe object, or reinterpreting void* as int or const char*:
      var anyObj:String = "stringObj";
      actor.userData = anyObj; // stores pointer to anyObj
      var str:String = actor.userData; // get what userData points to, as a String
      anyObj = "changedString";
      trace(x); // prints stringObj
      trace((actor.userData:String)); // prints changedString
      var anyObj:Int = 123;
      actor.userData.rawInt = anyObj; // store 123 in userData. This simply treats the void* as int
      anyObj = 456;
      trace(actor.userData.rawInt); // still prints 123.
      actor.userData.stringLiteral = "Player"; // store "Player" as a const char*
      trace(actor.userData.stringLiteral); // prints Player
      actor.userData.stringLiteral = str; // not recommended. Stores internal data of str, which may get GC'ed and data overwritten
      str = "modifiedString";
      trace(actor.userData.stringLiteral); // still prints stringObj
  • Multithreading (asynchronous simulation etc.) in PxDefaultCpuDispatcher implemented for hxcpp.


See test/Main.hx. Build with build.hxml with cwd in test/.

Install PhysX Visual Debugger. Run the PVD, then run the test and it should automatically connect to the PVD.

Also see the PhysX 4.1 User Guide and PhysX 4.1 API Documentation.

Using for Kha

To use physxhx as a Kha library, simply add the library and dlls, which need to exist beside the output exe.

if(platform == Platform.Windows)
    project.addAssets('Libraries/physxhx/lib/Windows/dll/**', { destination: '', notinlist: true });

Example Code

The following code is adapted from SnippetHelloWorld.cpp:

class Main
    static public function main()
        var test:Test = new Test();
        for(i in 0...100)

class Test
    var gFoundation:PxFoundation;
    var gPhysics:PxPhysics;
    var gPvd:PxPvd;
    var gMaterial:PxMaterial;
    var gScene:PxScene;
    var gDispatcher:PxDefaultCpuDispatcher;
    static var gErrorCallback:PxDefaultErrorCallback = null;
    static var gAllocator:PxDefaultAllocator = null;

    public function new() {}

    function createDynamic(t:PxTransform, geometry:PxGeometry, velocity:PxVec3):PxRigidDynamic
        var dyn = PxSimpleFactory.createDynamic(gPhysics, t, geometry, gMaterial, 10);
        return dyn;

    function createStack(t:PxTransform, size:PxU32, halfExtent:PxReal)
        var shape = gPhysics.createShape(PxBoxGeometry.create(halfExtent, halfExtent, halfExtent), gMaterial);
        for(i in 0...size)
            for(j in 0...size-i)
                var localTm = new PxTransform(new PxVec3(j * 2 - (size - i), i * 2 + 1, 0) * halfExtent, PxQuat.identity());
                var body = gPhysics.createRigidDynamic(t.transform(localTm));
                PxRigidBodyExt.updateMassAndInertia(body, 10);

    public function initPhysics()
        gFoundation = PxFoundation.create(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, gAllocator, gErrorCallback);

        gPvd = PxPvd.create(gFoundation);
        var transport = PxPvdTransport.defaultPvdSocketTransportCreate("", 5425, 10);
        gPvd.connect(transport, eALL);
        gPhysics = PxPhysics.create(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, gFoundation, new PxTolerancesScale(), true, gPvd);
        var sceneDesc = new PxSceneDesc(gPhysics.getTolerancesScale());
        sceneDesc.gravity = new PxVec3(0, -9.81, 0);

        gDispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcher.create(4);
        sceneDesc.cpuDispatcher	= gDispatcher;
        sceneDesc.filterShader = PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader.func;
        gScene = gPhysics.createScene(sceneDesc);
        var pvdClient = gScene.getScenePvdClient();
        if(pvdClient != null)
            pvdClient.setScenePvdFlag(eTRANSMIT_CONSTRAINTS, true);
            pvdClient.setScenePvdFlag(eTRANSMIT_CONTACTS, true);
            pvdClient.setScenePvdFlag(eTRANSMIT_SCENEQUERIES, true);
        gMaterial = gPhysics.createMaterial(0.5, 0.5, 0.6);

        var groundPlane = PxSimpleFactory.createPlane(gPhysics, new PxPlane(0, 1, 0, 0), gMaterial);
        var stackZ = 10.0;
        for(i in 0...5)
            stackZ -= 10.0;
            createStack(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0, 0, stackZ), PxQuat.identity()), 10, 2.0);
        createDynamic(new PxTransform(new PxVec3(0,40,100), PxQuat.identity()), new PxSphereGeometry(10), new PxVec3(0,-50,-100));

    public function stepPhysics()
        gScene.simulate(1.0 / 60.0);

    public function cleanupPhysics()
        if(gPvd != null)
            var transport = gPvd.getTransport();

Precompiled libs and dlls

The libs and dlls included are compiled on a Windows x64 machine, in Visual Studio 2019.

As per build guidelines they are compiled with the checked build configuration which is recommended for day-to-day development and QA. If you need other build configs (e.g. release), please build them yourself. See the linked page for a guide.


Please note that this is my first hxcpp binding project, as well as my first time using PhysX. Therefore there may be things I've mishandled and not taken into account. Furthermore, PhysX is a gigantic project to bind and so there are bound to be many things not done. Still, I hope I've covered the bases. That said, contributions and PRs are highly welcome!


physxhx was written for a still very wip 3d engine I've been working on.

Alternatives for 3d physics:


The Haxe code is licensed under the MIT License. The headers and minor source modifications still have the original license intact.