class Chain {
Chain <|.. Cosmos
Chain <|.. Ethereum
participant Cosmos
participant Voyager
participant Ethereum
par Create WASM Client
Voyager->>+Cosmos: create_client
Cosmos-->>-Voyager: client_id
and Create IBC Handler Instance
Voyager->>+Ethereum: create_client
Ethereum-->>-Voyager: client_id
note over Cosmos, Ethereum: connection handshake
Voyager->>+Ethereum: MsgConnectionOpenInit
Ethereum-->>-Voyager: connection_id
Voyager->>+Cosmos: MsgConnectionOpenTry
Cosmos-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
Voyager->>+Ethereum: MsgConnectionOpenAck
Ethereum-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
Voyager->>+Cosmos: MsgConnectionOpenConfirm
Cosmos-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
note over Cosmos, Ethereum: channel handshake
Voyager->>+Ethereum: MsgChannelOpenInit
Ethereum-->>-Voyager: channel_id
Voyager->>+Cosmos: MsgChannelOpenTry
Cosmos-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
Voyager->>+Ethereum: MsgChannelOpenAck
Ethereum-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
Voyager->>+Cosmos: MsgChannelOpenConfirm
Cosmos-->>-Voyager: <<success>>
poll : Listen for new blocks
[*] --> poll
poll --> onNewBlock
note right of onNewBlock : from chain C
onNewBlock --> connExists
connExists : connection exists containing C?
connExists --> poll : no
connExists --> updateClient : yes
updateClient : call OtherChain#58;#58;update_client
updateClient --> chanExists
chanExists : channel exists and block\ncontains send packet?
chanExists --> poll : no
chanExists --> relayPacket : yes
relayPacket : call OtherChain#58;#58;recv_packet
relayPacket --> poll