Tiny and fast tar utils for any JavaScript runtime!
🌳 Tiny (~1KB minified + gzipped with all utils) and tree-shakable!
✨ Written with modern TypeScript and ESM format
✅ Works in any JavaScript runtime Node.js (18+), Bun, Deno, Browsers, and Edge Workers
🌐 Web Standard Compatible
🗜️ Built-in compression and decompression support
Install package:
# npm
npm install nanotar
# yarn
yarn add nanotar
# pnpm
pnpm install nanotar
# bun
bun install nanotar
// ESM
import {
} from "nanotar";
// CommonJS
const { createTar } = require("nanotar");
Easily create a new tar archive using the createTar
The first argument is an array of files to archive:
field is required and you can use/
to specify files within sub-directories.data
field is optional for directories and can be either a String,ArrayBuffer
field is optional for file attributes.
The second argument is for archive options. You can use attrs
to set default attributes for all files (can still be overridden per file).
Possible attributes are:
: Last modification time. The default isDate.now()
: Owner user id. The default is1000
: Owner group id. The default is1000
: Owner user name. The default is""
: Owner user group. The default is""
: file mode (permissions). Default is664
) for files and775
) for directories
import { createTar } from "nanotar";
const data = createTar(
{ name: "README.md", data: "# Hello World!" },
{ name: "test", attrs: { mode: "777", mtime: 0 } },
{ name: "src/index.js", data: "console.log('wow!')" },
{ attrs: { user: "js", group: "js" } },
// Data is a Uint8Array view you can send or write to a file
You can optionally use createTarGzip
or createTarGzipStream
to create a compressed tar data stream (returned value is a Promise<Uint8Array>
or ReadableStream
piped to CompressionStream
import { createTarGzip, createTarGzipStream } from "nanotar";
createTarGzip([]); // Promise<Uint8Array>
createTarGzipStream([]); // ReadableStream
Easily parse a tar archive using parseTar
import { parseTar } from "nanotar";
// Read tar data from file or other sources into an ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array
const files = parseTar(data);
"type": "file",
"name": "hello.txt",
"size": 12,
"data": Uint8Array [ ... ],
"text": "Hello World!",
"attrs": {
"gid": 1750,
"group": "",
"mode": "0000664",
"mtime": 1702076997,
"uid": 1750,
"user": "root",
Parsed files array has two additional properties: size
file size and text
, a lazy getter that decodes data
view as a string.
You can filter iterms to read using filter
const files = parseTar(data, {
filter: (file) => file.name.starsWith("dir/"),
Additionally, you can use metaOnly
option to skip reading file data and listing purposes:
const fileMetas = parseTar(data, {
metaOnly: true,
If input is compressed, you can use parseTarGzip
utility instead to parse it (it used DecompressionStream
internally and return a Promise<Uint8Array>
import { parseTarGzip } from "nanotar";
parseTarGzip(data); // Promise<Uint8Array>
- Clone this repository
- Install the latest LTS version of Node.js
- Enable Corepack using
corepack enable
- Install dependencies using
pnpm install
- Run interactive tests using
pnpm dev
Made with 💛
Inspired by ankitrohatgi/tarballjs
Published under the MIT License.