A curated list of awesome Laravel packages, tools, articles, tutorials and other related resources. Inspired by Frontend Dev Bookmarks.
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- laravel/laravel: The default project structure to start developing with Laravel framework. The project itself does not contain the framework's code.
- laravel/framework: The project that contains Laravel frameworks's code. Use this project for forking, submit pull requests, etc.
- Laravel.io: The official Laravel Framework forum.
- Articles/tutorials on specific subject
- Exploring Laravel’s IoC container by Philip Brown.
- Testing Laravel Controllers by Jeffrey Way.
- Best places to put custom helpers on StackOverflow.
- Laravel + Grunt + Bower + Bootstrap by Elena Kolevska.
- Laravel + HHVM + Nginx by Fideloper.
- Using Repository Pattern: to decouple the hard dependencies of models from the controllers.
- Autoloading
- Series of articles/tutorials
- Code Bright by Dayle Rees.
- Cribb @ culttt.com
- Laravel 4 Tutorials on Medium.com
- Frequently asked questions
- Laravel on shared hosting
- Integration with Paas/Saas
- (coming soon)
- Authentication & Authorization
- Laravel's built-in authentication.
- lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel: OAuth 2.0 server package for Laravel. Uses thephpleague/oauth2-server.
- artdarek/oauth-4-laravel: An OAuth client wrapper for Laravel. Uses Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib.
- zizaco/confide: An authentication solution for Laravel 4. Includes account confirmation, login throttling, etc.
- zizaco/entrust: Role-based Permissions for Laravel 4.
- Developer's tools
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar: Laravel 4 Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar).
- way/generators: Easily generate model, view, controller, migrations, etc. via
php artisan
commands. - aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel: A simple Laravel 4 service provider for including the AWS SDK for PHP.
- Building an API
- dingo/api: A RESTful API package for the Laravel framework. Supports API versioning, data transformers, error handling, rate limiting, etc.
- barryvdh/laravel-cors: Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application.
- Database
- laravelbook/ardent: Self-validating smart models for Laravel 4's Eloquent O/RM.
- cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable: Easy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel 4.
- Testing
way/laravel-test-helpers: A set of helpers for easier testing in Laravel(no longer maintained).
- Other notable packages
- intervention/image: Image handling and manipulation library. Supports Laravel 4 out of the box.
- frozennode/administrator: An administrative interface builder for Laravel.
- anahkiasen/former: A powerful form builder for Laravel and other frameworks.
- thujohn/pdf-l4: A simple Dompdf package for Laravel 4.
- Sublime Text's Laravel Blade Highlighter: Laravel Blade syntax highlighter support for Sublime Text..
- Laravel Cheat Sheet.
- Laravel.io: The official Laravel Framework forum.
- Laracasts Forum: A community of Laravel developers at Laracasts.com. Sign up does not require paid subscription at Laracasts.com.
- Laravel 4 Cookbook by Christopher Pitt and Taylor Otwell.
- Code Bright: by Dayle Rees.
- Laravel Testing Decoded by Jeffrey Way.
- Laracasts: Paid video tutorials site not limited to, but generally based on Laravel.
- Packalyst: A directory of Packages for your Laravel projects.
- Laravel Snippets: Code snippets in Laravel.
- Built with laravel: A collection of sites build with Laravel.
- Larajobs: Will code Laravel for food.
- Pongo CMS: A content management system (CMS) built with Laravel.