A simple class written in kotlin to create command data for led strip lights that present themselves as ELK-BLEDOM or ELK-BLEDOB. The latter do not have a mic so those values are not applicable to them.
If your lights work with the app "Lotus Lantern" then this data will work for your lights.
This repository contains all the data for issuing commands to these light strips that I have managed to find so far and may be updated as and when I find new data.
This is mainly for reference but presented as a simple kotlin class that could be used as part of a project to create ByteArrays that can be used to control the lights.
Each command is 9 bytes in size.
So far these are the commands I have working:
Turn On/Off
Set color
Set brightness
Set pattern
Set pattern speed
Set mic on/off
Set mic eq
Set internal time/day of the week
Set scheduled on/off time
Clear scheduled on/off time
Reorder RGB wires/traces
The service used is: 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
The characteristic used is: 0000fff3-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb