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mypy is a typechecker for Python PEP 484 types.

Type System Basics

Q. What is the top type in this language? What is the bottom type? What is the dynamic type? If these types do not exist, explain the alternatives.

  • Top = object
  • Bottom = Never
  • Dynamic = Any

Q. What base types does this implementation use? Why?

bool, FinalInt, and FinalStr

bool is a simple, final base type.

The built-in types int and str are not final, so we introduce final subtypes to use in type equality tests.

Q. What container types does this implementation use (for objects, tuples, etc)? Why?

  • Object types for objects: search for class in the code
  • Tuple types for tuples: tuple[T, ....]

Tuples can have any number of elements and are immutable.

Objects have mutable members, but mypy allows type narrowing.

Type Narrowing

Q. How do simple type tests work in this language?

type(x) returns a type object that describes the type of the value of x. We compare the results to other type objects using is.

Examples: type(x) is FinalStr

Q. Are there other forms of type test? If so, explain.

  • isinstance(x, classinfo) : returns true if the type of x is a subtype of classinfo

Q. How do type casts work in this language?

  • typing.cast(type, x)

Casts assert facts to the typechecker, but these facts are not enforced dynamically. If x is cast to int it could still evaluate to a string.

Related forms:

  • typing.assert_type(x, type) : raise a typechecker error if x does not match type
  • typing.reveal_type(x) : print type information

Q. What is the syntax for a symmetric (2-way) type-narrowing predicate?

Symmetric predicates use the return type TypeIs[T].

Example: def f(x: object) -> TypeIs[str]:

Q. If the language supports other type-narrowing predicates, describe them below.

Asymmetric predicates use the return type TypeGuard[T].

Example: def f(x: object) -> TypeGuard[str]:

Benchmark Details

Q. Are any benchmarks inexpressible? Why?

No, they are all expressible.

Some fail to typecheck, though.

Q. Are any benchmarks expressed particularly well, or particularly poorly? Explain.


Q. How direct (or complex) is the implementation compared to the pseudocode from If-T?

Very direct, though we introduce classes for the object benchmarks.

Advanced Examples

Q. Are any examples inexpressible? Why?

tree_node_failure incorrectly typechecks.

Q. Are any examples expressed particularly well, or particularly poorly? Explain.

  • The flatten example has a slightly different implementation than the pseudocode from If-T, since the empty? predicate in the pseudocode checks both if the argument is an array and if it is empty, and this must be done in two separate steps in Python.
  • The TreeNode example does not use foldl as the pseudocode from If-T does, since functions equivalent to foldl need to be imported from the functools module in Python, and this would add unnecessary complexity to the implementation.
  • The filter and rainfall examples aligns very closely with the pseudocode from If-T. rainfall initialize total to 0.0 instead of 0 to make mypy happy.

Q. How direct (or complex) is the implementation compared to the pseudocode from If-T?

Very direct.