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354 lines (273 loc) · 8.96 KB

File metadata and controls

354 lines (273 loc) · 8.96 KB


This is a VS Code like winbar that uses nvim-navic in order to get LSP context from your language server.


✨ Features

  • 🖱️ Jump to any context by just clicking on it.

  • 🌲 Have a deeply nested file-tree/context? It's gonna get rid of the less useful parts smartly.

  • 📂 Easily tell where your file is located at by looking at your winbar.

  • 📜 Put whatever your heart desires in the custom section.

📬 Dependencies

📦 Installation

NOTE: Make sure barbecue loads after your colorscheme.

  • lazy.nvim

      name = "barbecue",
      version = "*",
      dependencies = {
        "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional dependency
      opts = {
        -- configurations go here
  • packer.nvim

      tag = "*",
      requires = {
        "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional dependency
      after = "nvim-web-devicons", -- keep this if you're using NvChad
      config = function()

🚀 Usage

Barbecue will work right after installation, but there are several things you should be aware of.


Run :Barbecue and you'll be prompted to select a subcommand, choose one and press <enter> to execute.

You can also run :Barbecue [sub] where [sub] is one of the subcommands you've seen in the select menu of raw :Barbecue.


  • Toggles barbecue [source]

    -- hides barbecue globally
    -- shows barbecue globally
    -- toggles barbecue globally
  • Updates barbecue (e.g. in an autocmd) [source]

    -- update the current window's winbar
    -- update the given window's winbar
  • Navigates to entry [source]

    -- navigate to the second entry
    -- navigate to the last entry
    -- just like before but on the given window
    require("barbecue.ui").navigate(index, winnr)

🍴 Recipes

  • Gain better performance when moving the cursor around

    -- triggers CursorHold event faster
    vim.opt.updatetime = 200
      create_autocmd = false, -- prevent barbecue from updating itself automatically
      -- include these if you have set `show_modified` to `true`
    }, {
      group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("barbecue.updater", {}),
      callback = function()
  • Customize theme

    You can pass a theme table to the setup function and override the default theme. This theme table links each highlight to its value (value is the same type as val parameter in :help nvim_set_hl).

      theme = {
        -- this highlight is used to override other highlights
        -- you can take advantage of its `bg` and set a background throughout your winbar
        -- (e.g. basename will look like this: { fg = "#c0caf5", bold = true })
        normal = { fg = "#c0caf5" },
        -- these highlights correspond to symbols table from config
        ellipsis = { fg = "#737aa2" },
        separator = { fg = "#737aa2" },
        modified = { fg = "#737aa2" },
        -- these highlights represent the _text_ of three main parts of barbecue
        dirname = { fg = "#737aa2" },
        basename = { bold = true },
        context = {},
        -- these highlights are used for context/navic icons
        context_file = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_module = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_namespace = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_package = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_class = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_method = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_property = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_field = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_constructor = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_enum = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_interface = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_function = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_variable = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_constant = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_string = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_number = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_boolean = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_array = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_object = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_key = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_null = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_enum_member = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_struct = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_event = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_operator = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
        context_type_parameter = { fg = "#ac8fe4" },
  • Get nvim-navic working with multiple tabs (#35)

      attach_navic = false, -- prevent barbecue from automatically attaching nvim-navic
      -- ...
      on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
        -- ...
        if client.server_capabilities["documentSymbolProvider"] then
          require("nvim-navic").attach(client, bufnr)
        -- ...
      -- ...

🚠 Configuration

Click to see default config
  ---whether to show/use navic in the winbar
  ---@type boolean
  show_navic = true,

  ---whether to attach navic to language servers automatically
  ---@type boolean
  attach_navic = true,

  ---whether to create winbar updater autocmd
  ---@type boolean
  create_autocmd = true,

  ---buftypes to enable winbar in
  ---@type string[]
  include_buftypes = { "" },

  ---filetypes not to enable winbar in
  ---@type string[]
  exclude_filetypes = { "gitcommit", "toggleterm" },

  modifiers = {
    ---filename modifiers applied to dirname
    ---@type string
    dirname = ":~:.",

    ---filename modifiers applied to basename
    ---@type string
    basename = "",

  ---returns a string to be shown at the end of winbar
  ---@type fun(bufnr: number): string
  custom_section = function() return "" end,

  ---`auto` uses your current colorscheme's theme or generates a theme based on it
  ---`string` is the theme name to be used (theme should be located under `barbecue.theme` module)
  ---`barbecue.Theme` is a table that overrides the `auto` theme detection/generation
  ---@type "auto"|string|barbecue.Theme
  theme = "auto",

  ---whether to display path to file
  ---@type boolean
  show_dirname = true,

  ---whether to replace file icon with the modified symbol when buffer is modified
  ---@type boolean
  show_modified = false,

  symbols = {
    ---modification indicator
    ---@type string
    modified = "",

    ---truncation indicator
    ---@type string
    ellipsis = "",

    ---entry separator
    ---@type string
    separator = "",

  ---icons for different context entry kinds
  ---`false` to disable kind icons
  ---@type table<string, string>|false
  kinds = {
    File = "",
    Module = "",
    Namespace = "",
    Package = "",
    Class = "",
    Method = "",
    Property = "",
    Field = "",
    Constructor = "",
    Enum = "",
    Interface = "",
    Function = "",
    Variable = "",
    Constant = "",
    String = "",
    Number = "",
    Boolean = "",
    Array = "",
    Object = "",
    Key = "",
    Null = "",
    EnumMember = "",
    Struct = "",
    Event = "",
    Operator = "",
    TypeParameter = "",

👥 Contribution
