Make sure you have the following installed:
Also make sure you are logged in to your Firebase account in the Firebase CLI.
npm install -g firetable
yarn global add firetable
firetable init [directory]
Before you run locally, make sure you have a Firebase project set up. Instructions
firetable start
First, make sure that you have created a site in your Firebase project. Open Firebase console
firetable deploy
Read more about firebase rules for firetable HERE
Download the admin key for your project then add it to the directory without renaming it. You can find your service account here:
firetable auth:setRoles <email> <roles>
email: needs to be associated with an existing firebase account on the example
roles: can be one role ADMIN
or a comma separated array ADMIN,OPS,DEV
firetable auth:setRoles [email protected] OPS,INTERNAL