vite + vue3 + ts 开箱即用现代开发模板 | vite + vue3 + ts out-of-the-box modern development template
This is a JavaScript library project development template with complete infrastructure and developed using TypeScript to help you quickly build a JavaScript utility library that automatically gener…
A starter project that makes creating a TypeScript library extremely easy.
Monorepo with pnpm and turborepo, deploying into Vercel.
⚡️基于 Vue3 + Vite + Pinia + Unocss + Naive UI 的轻量级后台管理模板。
一个 Vue3 + TS + Vite + Element-Plus 开箱即用的企业级开发模板。
🏕 Opinionated Vite + SolidJS Starter Template
☀️ A crafted admin template「vue admin / vue template / vue3 admin / vue3 template / vue3 后台 / vue3 模板」
🍰「Vue移动端项目模版」Vue 3 + Vite 5 + Vue Router + Vitest + Pinia + Vant + Tailwindcss + Sass + ESLint + Stylelint + CSpell
🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites
A Multi Page Application base on webpack4 + babel + sass + jquery + layui
Clone to try a simple Electron app
A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps