- fix hot-reload bug
- add excluedSelf in broadcast
- rename sample to example
- rename docs to doc
- add stfState field in Context #58
- add batchedNotify feature in page-store
- add some docs
- correct spelling
- add support for immutable-state #111
- fix the same type of state component reuse in listview #107
- remove warnings in logMiddleware for debug-actions #98
- correct spelling
- modify bindAction #73
- add support for AppStore
- add routes
- move middleware/aop to the top dir
- add PrivateReducerMixin
- add reselect
- add docs
- fix bug if notified on building
- reconstruct test
- add mergeMiddleware$
- fix bug if component has no reducer in app-routes
- reconstruct createStore
- app-routes's store to be visible
- reconstruct mixed-store
- reconstruct communication
- rename appBroadcast to broadcast
- rename pageBroadcast to broadcastEffect
- add dispatch-bus
- enhance dispatch-api
- add some docs
- move test to dev_dependencies
- add api to subscribe app-store for page-store
- add api to subscribe app-store for component
- add viewMiddleware
- add adapterMiddleware
- add effectMiddleware
- add protected attribute method, more friendly to OOP
- remove debug_report
- add mixed-store's batch notification feature
- force update if driven by outside observable
- fix inverter bugs & optimization connectStores api
- modify the use of global state in example
- add forceUpdate api on context
- fix bug in adapter’s appear & disappear if items are recycled
- fix bug in connectStores api if page has no reducer
- add congruent conn
- fields mainCtx & viewUpdater in ComponentState become public
- fix bug when a store recived action after teardown
- Reconstruct Context
- Breaking-change
- Reconstruct dependencies
- Remove OOP style
- Remove higherEffect
- Remove deprecated api(Connector, createMixedStore, AutoDispose:follow, AutoDispose:follower)
- Remove unused DisposedException
- Hide widgets.dart's Action to compate with flutter1.7
- Compate with flutter_web
- fix Context.broadcast bug #375
- fix PrivateReducerMixin bug #380
- add LocalState
- add ctx.listen api
- rename LocalState to LocalProps
- correct some comments