On the proxy host machine, install k3s
without the load balancer and Traefik router:
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik --disable=servicelb --tls-san=<K3S_HOST_FQDN>" sh -
needs a configuration file to connect to the target kubernetes cluster.
This file is usually called a kubeconfig
On the cluster server machine run the following command
You can optionally transfer the resulting kubeconfig-k3s.yaml
to your work machine:
kubectl config view --flatten=true | sed 's/<K3S_HOST_FQDN>/' >kubeconfig-k3s.yaml
Before calling helm
, run export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig-k3s.yaml
On a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server machine, the Containers Module is required to install helm
Simply run:
zypper in helm
MetalLB is the LoadBalancer that will expose the proxy pod services to the outside world. To install it, run:
helm repo add metallb https://metallb.github.io/metallb
helm install --create-namespace -n metallb metallb metallb/metallb
MetalLB still requires a configuration to know the virtual IP address range to be used.
In this example, the virtual IP addresses will be from
, but we could lower that range since only one address will be used in the end.
This addresses obviously need to be a subset of the server network.
Create a metallb-config.yaml
with content like the following with an IP address range that aligns with the deployed network:
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
name: l2-pool
namespace: metallb
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
name: l2
namespace: metallb
- l2-pool
Apply this configuration by running:
kubectl apply -f metallb-config.yaml
Before deploying the proxy containers, we need to add a configuration file forcing the IP address MetalLB will use for the proxy services.
This IP address needs to be the one to which the proxy FQDN entered when creating the proxy configuration.
This example will use
Create a custom-values.yaml
file with the following content:
metallb.universe.tf/allow-shared-ip: key-to-share-ip
If you want to configure the storage of the volumes to be used by the proxy pod, define persistent volumes for the following claims. Please refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more details.
- default/squid-cache-pv-claim
- default/package-cache-pv-claim
- default/tftp-boot-pv-claim
Copy and extract the proxy configuration file and then deploy the proxy helm chart:
tar xf /path/to/config.tar.gz
helm install uyuni-proxy oci://registry.opensuse.org/uyuni/proxy -f config.yaml -f httpd.yaml -f ssh.yaml -f custom-values.yaml
To install the helm chart from SUSE Manager, use the oci://registry.suse.com/suse/manager/4.3/proxy
URL instead.