Official library to manage datasets along with V7 Darwin annotation platform.
Darwin-py can both be used from the command line and as a python library.
Main functions are (but not limited to):
- Client authentication
- Listing local and remote datasets
- Create/remove datasets
- Upload/download data to/from remote datasets
- Direct integration with pytorch dataloaders (See torch/
Support tested for python 3.7.
pip install darwin-py
You can now type darwin
in your terminal and access the command line interface.
Once installed, darwin
is accessible as a command line tool.
A useful way to navigate the CLI usage is through the help command -h/--help
which will
provide additional information for each command available.
To perform remote operations on Darwin you first need to authenticate.
This requires a team-specific API-key.
If you do not already have a Darwin account, you can contact us and we can set one up for you.
To start the authentication process:
$ darwin authenticate
API key:
Make example-team the default team? [y/N] y
Datasets directory [~/.darwin/datasets]:
Authentication succeeded.
You will be then prompted to enter your API-key, whether you want to set the corresponding team as
default and finally the desired location on the local file system for the datasets of that team.
This process will create a configuration file at ~/.darwin/config.yaml
This file will be updated with future authentications for different teams.
Lists a summary of local existing datasets
$ darwin dataset local
mydataset 112025 yesterday 159.2 GB
Lists a summary of remote datasets accessible by the current user.
$ darwin dataset remote
example-team/mydataset 112025 73.0%
To create an empty dataset remotely:
$ darwin dataset create test
Dataset 'test' (example-team/test) has been created.
Access at
The dataset will be created in the team you're authenticated for.
To delete the project on the server:
$ darwin dataset remove test
About to delete example-team/test on darwin.
Do you want to continue? [y/N] y
Uploads data to an existing remote project. It takes the dataset name and a single image (or directory) with images/videos to upload as parameters.
The -e/--exclude
argument allows to indicate file extension/s to be ignored from the data_dir.
e.g.: -e .jpg
For videos, the frame rate extraction rate can be specified by adding --fps <frame_rate>
Supported extensions:
- Video files: [
formats]. - Image files [
$ darwin dataset push test /path/to/folder/with/images
100%|████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:01<00:00, 1.27it/s]
Before a dataset can be downloaded, a release needs to be generated:
$ darwin dataset export test 0.1
Dataset test successfully exported to example-team/test:0.1
This version is immutable, if new images / annotations have been added you will have to create a new release to included them.
To list all available releases
$ darwin dataset releases test
example-team/test:0.1 4 0 2019-12-07 11:37:35+00:00
And to finally download a release.
$ darwin dataset pull test:0.1
Dataset example-team/test:0.1 downloaded at /directory/choosen/at/authentication/time.
The framework is designed to be usable as a standalone python library.
Usage can be inferred from looking at the operations performed in darwin/
A minimal example to download a dataset is provided below and a more extensive one can be found in
from darwin.client import Client
client = Client.local() # use the configuration in ~/.darwin/config.yaml
dataset = client.get_remote_dataset("example-team/test")
dataset.pull() # downloads annotations and images for the latest exported version
See torch/ for how to integrate darwin datasets directly in torch.