- v1.0.24
- v1.0.23
- v1.0.22
- v1.0.21
- v1.0.20
- v1.0.19
- v1.0.18
- v1.0.17
- v1.0.16
- v1.0.15
- v1.0.14
- v1.0.13
- v1.0.12-rc.1
- 1.0.10
- v1.0.9
- v1.0.8
- v1.0.7
- v1.0.6
- v1.0.5
- v1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
- v1.0.4
- v1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
- v1.0.2
- v1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- fix typo in logging
PageObject still returns thucydides WebElementFacadeImpl so that can be cast to serenitybdd namespace This will need to be cleaned up when the thucydides namespace is retired.
Create serenitybdd version of WebElementFacade classes/interfaces Deprecate Thucydides versions, but still handle them correctly
Move tests from thucydides to serenitybdd package
- Automated the generation of the release notes from the git commits
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
- Release notes are now triggered manually before the release
- Updated release notest
- Migrated the default output directory to target/site/serenity
- Migrated the default output directory to target/site/serenity
- Added support for better Cucumber reporting
- Updated release notes =======
Stashed changes
- Restored release notes
- Make sure the release notes are produced dynamically
- Added extra support for handling Cucumber example tables
- Merged latest changes
- Simplified dependencies a little
- Updated release notes
- Merge pull request #14 from mikezx6r/master Serenity BDD version of WebElementFacade classes/interfaces
- Improved release notes to avoid empty tags
- Improved release notes to avoid empty tags
- Updated release notes
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
- Updated the README file to reflect the new commit conventions
- Updated release notes
- You can now use serenity.* instead of thucydides.* system properties. The thucydides.* system properties are still supported, but a warning is printed to the logs.
- Merge pull request #13 from mikezx6r/master rename serenity_bdd to serenitybdd
- rename serenity_bdd to serenitybdd
Merge pull request #12 from mikezx6r/master More package renaming
Move junit finder classes to serenity_bdd package
Rename package in demo to serenity_bdd
SerenityRunner and SerenityParameterizedRunner now contain functionality, and Thucydides equivalents merely extend Also move a number of helper classes into serenity_bdd package
Move JUnit runners to serenity_bdd package
- Improvements to the reports
- Improvements to the reports
- Added better support for comments in feature files, and better formatting in the 'Related Tabs' table
- Hardening unit tests
- Merge pull request #11 from bmwsedee/master Updated reporting, attempt 2
- Updated reporting, attempt 2
Added tool tips on the 'Related Tags' tables
Undid javascript library updates and added the number of tests for tags on the reports
Revert "Updated libraries" This reverts commit 44ec91e92d90ebc3742a6221f82d1a404b1baa57.
Revert "Update reports to use new libraries" This reverts commit f4a75422ecfc46a66fb5ebb617ce808c299a6d4b.
Revert "Refactoring to facilitate easier migrating to new versions of the libraries" This reverts commit 6f12e5389a8499e2f9f9b69478b329f90367d4fb.
Revert "Updated excanvas" This reverts commit 5d55b1eae5d424b7185ed1aab68ab6f36c53cbf6.
Revert "Updated JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit" This reverts commit a3c95dc54f1165c5ea00fcb2719f14a63acba604.
Revert "Removed old versions of libraries" This reverts commit 7b26344dea3c0ee710ee90fe7040141a6941f97f.
Merge pull request #10 from bmwsedee/master Updated the libraries used in the reporting
Removed old versions of libraries
Updated JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit
Updated excanvas
Refactoring to facilitate easier migrating to new versions of the libraries
Update reports to use new libraries
Updated libraries
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
- Improved requirement reporting for JUnit (experimental)
- Merge pull request #9 from marcin-caban/patch-1 This small change makes Serenity compatible with Firefox version 32 or g...
- This small change makes Serenity compatible with Firefox version 32 or greater Guava 18.0 is already specified in Gradle.
- Improved reporting of JUnit tests as requirements
- Switched back to JUnit 4.11 due to API incompatibilities with build tools
- Merge branch 'feature-junit-4.12' into make_pages_annotation_optional
- The @Pages annotated field in JUnit tests is now optional
- Upgraded to JUnit 4.12
- Solidified a test
Added better support for radio buttons in the PageObject class
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
Merge pull request #8 from mikezx6r/grgit Use gradle-git for version and tagging
Use gradle-git for version and tagging === If local repository is dirty -Always builds a SNAPSHOT version. -Will complain that 'Stage {} is not one of [SNAPSHOT] allowed for strategy snapshot.'
=== If local repository is not dirty Set release type using property release.stage. Valid values are: -milestone -rc -final milestone creates a tag with the next version from tag + -milestone.# rc similar, but uses rc. Cannot create a milestone after an rc final creates a version with no endings
If want to use ssh authorization, must ensure ssh-agent contains correct key for repository being worked on. If you experience issues, try ssh-add -D to clear identities and add the one identity for the repo in question.
The release tags the current commit, and pushes to the remote repository. It does not check if there's a new commit, so only use it if you really need to.
gradle bintrayUpload release -Prelease.stage={milestone|rc|final}
Merge pull request #7 from mikezx6r/master Gradle build cleanup
Fix scm url's All were pointing at project.name, when in fact they all exist in the same serenity-core repository
Correct issue with publishing Main project doesn't have anything to deploy, and doesn't have config. This causes a warning when building the project.
Provide the config that is common across all projects in this config file, but no config for the main project is required.
Remove unused files It would appear that the main project was moved into core sub-directory, and these files didn't get cleaned up.
Merge pull request #6 from mikezx6r/master [namespace] Move Find annotations to serenity_bdd namespace
[namespace] Move Find annotations to serenity_bdd namespace Create deprecated versions in thucydides namespace but with 2 on name to ensure caught all changes, and returning objects of correct classes.
Also kept deprecated versions of tests to ensure old versions still work correctly
Made the Ant plugin a bit more robust.
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
Moved the ant plugin over to the new Serenity namespace
Merge pull request #5 from mikezx6r/master More migration to the Serenity namespace
[migrate] Move exceptions
[migrate] Move SessionMap
[rename] Create Serenity namespaced class and move some associated test classes
[rename] Create Serenity namespaced class, deprecate Thucydides version and delegate functions
[rename] Move SerenityListeners and create deprecated ThucydidesListeners
Display error messages for ignored steps, so that failing assumption messages are correctly displayed
Updated banners
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
Merge pull request #4 from mikezx6r/master Rename main class to reflect new project name, and deprecate old
Move Serenity to new package
Rename main class to reflect new project name, and deprecate old Eventually, all Thucydides references will be removed.
Updated the Ascii Art banner.
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
- Integrated better support for JBehave
- Integrated better support for JBehave
- Changed the 'checkOutcomes' task to force it to run the tests first.
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
- Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs
- Added support for the AssumeThat method for JUnit tests - AssumeThat will result in a test being displayed as 'ignored' in the reports.
- Merge pull request #3 from negruta/master Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs
- Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs
- Removed some code that used the JDK 8 libraries
- Updated to Selenium 2.44.0
- Updated the changelog to reflect the serenity-core repo. For Bintray this is a bit of a hack, since the BinTray serenity-core package gets artifacts from two repos, serenity-core and serenity-maven-plugin, which are separate only because of the fact that core needs to be built and deployed before the maven plugin generation task in the serenity-maven-plugin build can be done. So the changelogs will be up-to-date on Github for both repos, but the one on bintray will only reflect core.
- Adding an automatically generated change log to the build
- Refactored the gradle plugin
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:serenity-bdd/serenity-core
- Merge pull request #2 from ptillemans/pti_hamcrest_1_1 Pti hamcrest 1 1
- Fixed a bug where error messages were incorrectly displayed in the step details
- jbehave was pulling in hamcrest 1.1. Excluded hamcrest from the jbehave dependency.
- If javadoc is not told to expect UTF-8 in the strings it uses can generate ASCII errors on at least the Mac.
- Fixed some formatting and navigation issues in the reports
- Added the Serenity helper class, as a replacement for the legacy 'Thucydides' class
- Fixed a bug in the reporting where duplicate story tags were displayed in the screenshot screens.
- Logs a message indicating the path of the generated reports after report aggregation.
- Added the Serenity utility class, which exposes and delegates to methods of the legacy Thucydides class.
- Check if a resized file for a given screenshot already exists, and if so don't perform the resizing
- Moved most uses of FileUtils to the Java 7 Files class, in order to remove sporadic issues when resizing screenshots
- Fixed a failing test
- Fine-tuning the reports
- Refactored some tests
- Cater for rare cases where the driver returns null when an element is not found
- Repositioned the report timestamp
- Repositioned the report timestamp
- Added bootstrap tabs
- Added tests to the gradle plugin
- Added SerenityRunner and SerenityParameterizedRunner classes as alternative names for ThucydidesRunner and ThucydidesParameterizedRunner, more in line with the new naming schema.
- Moved the serenity-maven-plugin to a separate project
- Getting the maven plugin build working
- Fine-tuning the release tagging
- Initial release version
- Added a selector to find buttons by their label, e.g. find(By.buttonText('Add to cart'));
- Honor both 'thucydides.properties' and 'serenity.properties' files for local project configuration
- Let the bintray keys be defined by the build server
- Minor fix to work around an incompatiblity with IBM JDB 1.7
- Changed group to serenity-bdd to make syncing with Maven Central easier
- Changed group to serenity-bdd to make syncing with Maven Central easier
- Fixed an issue in the BinTray deployment
- Fine-tuning the release pipeline
- Added more info to the README file
- Initial move over to Serenity from Thucydides