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Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by react-native-vector-icons
has major Api changes, please be careful to upgrade- icon names that begin with a number are preceded by a
prefix- icon named with the dart keyword have the
suffix added
by AntFinance (297 icons)Entypo
by Daniel Bruce (411 icons)EvilIcons
by Alexander Madyankin & Roman Shamin (v1.10.1, 70 icons)Feather
by Cole Bemis & Contributors (v4.7.0, 266 icons)FontAwesome
by Dave Gandy (v4.7.0, 675 icons)FontAwesome 5
by Fonticons, Inc. (v5.7.0, 1500 (free))Foundation
by ZURB, Inc. (v3.0, 283 icons)Ionicons
by Ben Sperry (v4.2.4, 696 icons)MaterialIcons
by Google, Inc. (v3.0.1, 932 icons)MaterialCommunityIcons
by MaterialDesignIcons.com (v4.0.96, 4416 icons)Octicons
by Github, Inc. (v8.0.0, 177 icons)Zocial
by Sam Collins (v1.0, 100 icons)SimpleLineIcons
by Sabbir & Contributors (v2.4.1, 189 icons)Weather Icons
by erikflowers (v2.0.10, 596 icons)
To use this plugin, add flutter_icons
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Prop | Description |
selectedIconData | Icon is displayed when value is true |
unselectedIconData | Icon is displayed when value is false |
activeColor | When value is true, the icon color is displayed |
inactiveColor | When value is false, the icon color is displayed |
value | Whether this IconToggle is selected. |
onChanged | Called when the value of the IconToggle should change. |
duration | The duration of the transition from selected Icon to unselected Icon |
reverseDuration | he duration of the transition from unselected Icon to selected Icon |
transitionBuilder | Transition animation function between the selected Icon and the unselected Icon |
// Import package
import 'package:flutter_icons/flutter_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
// 1.0.0 version used
// After 1.1.0, the FlutterIcons class is provided to access all Icons
// Icon name in the original basis added icon set abbreviation name as suffix
// Hereinafter referred to as the following
//Ant Design Icons -> ant,
//Entypo Icons -> ent,
//Evil Icons -> evi,
//Feather Icons -> fea,
//Font Awesome Icons -> faw,
//Font Awesome 5 Regular -> faw5
//Font Awesome 5 Solid -> faw5s
//Font Awesome 5 Brands -> faw5b
//Foundation Icons -> fou,
//Ionicons Icons -> ion,
//Material Community Icons -> mco,
//Material Icons -> mdi,
//Octicons Icons -> oct,
//Simple Line Icons -> sli,
//Zocial Icons -> zoc,
//Weather Icons -> wea
// Previous versions of 1.0.0 are used
Icon(FontAwesome5.getIconData("address-book",weight: IconWeight.Solid));
Icon(FontAwesome5.getIconData("500px", weight: IconWeight.Brand));
Execute the commandpub global activate split_icon
Add the font you want to leave in the project's pubspec file
//Ant Design Icons -> ant,
//Entypo Icons -> ent,
//Evil Icons -> evi,
//Feather Icons -> fea,
//Font Awesome Icons -> faw,
//Font Awesome 5 Regular -> faw5
//Font Awesome 5 Solid -> faw5s
//Font Awesome 5 Brands -> faw5b
//Foundation Icons -> fou,
//Ionicons Icons -> ion,
//Material Community Icons -> mco,
//Material Icons -> mdi,
//Octicons Icons -> oct,
//Simple Line Icons -> sli,
//Zocial Icons -> zoc,
//Weather Icons -> wea
Execute the command in the project directorysplit_icon