- Heroku account
- API token (Go to Account settings - API Key) and reveal API key
(1.0+) installed
To deploy run:
export EMAIL=<place-email-here>
export API_KEY=<place-api-key-here>
terraform init
terraform plan -var "email=${EMAIL}" -var "api_key=${API_KEY}"
terraform apply -var "email=${EMAIL}" -var "api_key=${API_KEY}"
Go to apps list and ensure that application successfully deployed. You can check logs for application with Heroku CLI: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/logging#view-logs
To destroy infrastructure use commands:
export EMAIL=<place-email-here>
export API_KEY=<place-api-key-here>
terraform destroy -var "email=${EMAIL}" -var "api_key=${API_KEY}"