This document shall give and outlook of what we have planned for the next releases and what we have already implemented.
- Object Type
- Interface Type
- Union Type
- Enum Type
- Input Object Type
- Int
- Float
- String
- Boolean
- ID
- Skip
- Continue
- Deprecated
- Locations
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- Field
- FragmentDefinition
- FragmentSpread
- InlineFragment
- Schema
- Scalar (in development - 9.0.0)
- Object
- FieldDefinition
- ArgumentDefinition
- Interface
- Union
- Enum
- EnumValue
- InputObject
- InputFieldDefinition
- VariableDefinition
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- __typename
- __type
- __schema
- types
- queryType
- mutationType
- subscriptionType
- directives
- kind
- name
- fields
- interfaces
- possibleTypes
- enumValues
- inputFields
- ofType
We are currently working on the following features that are proposed for the next GraphQL specification.
- Limit directive uniqueness to explicitly marked directives
- "Directive order is significant" section
- Add rules for how circular references in Input Objects are handled (in development - 11.0.0)
- Add description to Schema
- DateTime
- Date
- Decimal
- Short (Int16)
- Long (Int64)
- Custom Scalars
- Schema Stitching
- HTTP Directives (in development - 12.0.0)
- Custom Schema Directives
- Custom Query Directives
- Data Loader Integration
- Batched Operations
- Schema-First approach
- Code-First approach
- Schema Builder
- ASP.NET Core
- Get
- Post
- WebSockets